Ashley Madison

Crypto Crash

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Ohh look bitcoin is crashing let’s panic everyone and scream and shout.


My take on why this is happening is because etherium is very soon to transition to POS. This means all the miners and mining farms who invested in hardware and infrastructure need to now recover their investments. They are seeing graphic cards already flood the market, just recently they released a 100% LHR unlock. I think this is a cascading effect caused by ETH POS, miners selling their ETH and BTC (some mine ETH but get paid in BTC), which was made worse by the overall market, inflation, economy and the issues with LUNA.

At the end of the day invest what you believe in and leave others to do the same even it this means buying and flipping paper clips. It’s quite silly point fingers at others and laugh at they are doing like that dude from Simpson. Just focus on your own and hopefully you are profitable with your decisions and investments.

My strategy is clear and I will only sell after 2030s.Last year I recovered my investment and only have 30% of the profits in. I took 70-% out and am also still mining and plan to hold.

At the end of the day 1 BTC still = 1 BTC.

This is what you guys remind me of when I see some of your wonderfully crafted comments picking at others for their investment choices.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2017
Ohh look bitcoin is crashing let’s panic everyone and scream and shout.

View attachment 144166

My take on why this is happening is because etherium is very soon to transition to POS. This means all the miners and mining farms who invested in hardware and infrastructure need to now recover their investments. They are seeing graphic cards already flood the market, just recently they released a 100% LHR unlock. I think this is a cascading effect caused by ETH POS, miners selling their ETH and BTC (some mine ETH but get paid in BTC), which was made worse by the overall market, inflation, economy and the issues with LUNA.

At the end of the day invest what you believe in and leave others to do the same even it this means buying and flipping paper clips. It’s quite silly point fingers at others and laugh at they are doing like that dude from Simpson. Just focus on your own and hopefully you are profitable with your decisions and investments.

My strategy is clear and I will only sell after 2030s.Last year I recovered my investment and only have 30% of the profits in. I took 70-% out and am also still mining and plan to hold.

At the end of the day 1 BTC still = 1 BTC.

This is what you guys remind me of when I see some of your wonderfully crafted comments picking at others for their investment choices.
When you want to paint a more rosy narrative than reality you use log plots, when a more dire narrative suits you then you post normal non-log graphs. I have seen you do this a few times.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
When you want to paint a more rosy narrative than reality you use log plots, when a more dire narrative suits you then you post normal non-log graphs. I have seen you do this a few times.
What’s the problem with me investing in something I believe in. I am prepared to hold it even if it goes to 0 because I believe in it. I think this is highly unlikely but why do you care so much about my investment decisions. I am just speaking my opinion. I am fine with whatever


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2017
What’s the problem with me investing in something I believe in. I am prepared to hold it even if it goes to 0 because I believe in it. I think this is highly unlikely but why do you care so much about my investment decisions. I am just speaking my opinion. I am fine with whatever
What you do with your money is not my business, but you posting manipulative charts fools others into investing in it.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
I think it's a wake up call for crypto people that down the road it's better to build products that people actually what to buy and use.
My strategy. Along with buy and hold.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
What you do with your money is not my business, but you posting manipulative charts fools others into investing in it.
Why do you assume people are stupid and can’t think for themselves.

Why is it okay just to read the side you believe is true and assume all others contrary are wrong. This is called echo chambering.

There is nothing manipulative about this chart. It is highly illogical, impractical and unrealistic to expect bitcoin to go up without correction. What do you expect 1,000,000% increase every year?


I would never buy luna and I could care less how much it is pegged. If I sell I sell in Canadian dollars.

This is quite ridiculous to expect people only to see your side. BTC was like a dollar during its creation around 2009. Now it’s $30,000. It’s quite foolish to believe that each year it will be positive.

☝Ohh look some years is negative. If you keep saying crypto sucks and will go to 0 maybe you will succeed to manipulate people in the year that it corrects. Then you can say ohh I told you so. Crypto sucks is going to 0 and feel proud about your self until the next time to goes on a bull run.

I don’t even support ETH and do not believe it be a legit crypto project and something I can support especially now that it’s switching to POS and centralizing it’s control.
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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Thinking this through and being honest and straightforward for selfish reasons I wanted and want BTC to crash to around $18/19k and Dogecoin to 0.04~0.05 especially when the price was high. I am also a newbie crypto investor and only got into it last year, before that I believed all the FUD and scary stories about it. Can probably pull up threads where I was against it.

Why I want this? so I can get more at a discount and catch the boat again and do it right this time and not panic.Also corrections are healthy part of long term growth and I believe this will prove to people that it’s a reliable source of investment.

For the record don’t listen to anything I say on here. I am also down on my crypto investment by like $6k.

Just being real and hope others can as well and stop echo chambering the acceptable response and provide some original value and unique insights 🙏.

I really believe BTC will go to $1 million plus in the near future like 10-15 years. I really believe Dogecoin will be worth more then $1 and I won’t need to convert it to cash because I will just be able to use it to buy stuff because via starlink technology it should be accessible eventually anywhere in the world, made secure, resilient and ubiquitous. Why? So I can invest in something I believe in as the future and use it to buy things with like a boat, a car or house and exchange it for services with others paying appropriate taxes.


This is all I hold. Last year I sold the other 4 and didn’t make much. I made lots on Dogecoin though and if I was smart could have made even more but now only hold like 21,000+ which was like 30% of my profits.

I am prepared to comeback in 10 years and update this thread and admit if I was wrong or not?
Are you prepared to do the same or will just continue to run your mouth with drivel. Based on profiles of the outspoken prolific posters it’s quite clear you have been on here already for a very long time like 10+ years and some as much as 20. What’s 10 more year, right?

Let’s do it. If you are this confident let’s play the long game or will you just keep running your mouth and echoing your circle jerk???
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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2020
Thinking this through and being honest and straightforward for selfish reasons I wanted and want BTC to crash to around $18/19k and Dogecoin to 0.04~0.05 especially when the price was high. I am also a newbie crypto investor and only got into it last year, before that I believed all the FUD and scary stories about it. Can probably pull up threads where I was against it.

Why I want this? so I can get more at a discount and catch the boat again and do it right this time and not panic.Also corrections are healthy part of long term growth and I believe this will prove to people that it’s a reliable source of investment.

For the record don’t listen to anything I say on here. I am also down on my crypto investment by like $6k.

Just being real and hope others can as well and stop echo chambering the acceptable response and provide some original value and unique insights 🙏.

I really believe BTC will go to $1 million plus in the near future like 10-15 years. I really believe Dogecoin will be worth more then $1 and I won’t need to convert it to cash because I will just be able to use it to buy stuff because via starlink technology it should be accessible eventually anywhere in the world, made secure, resilient and ubiquitous. Why? So I can invest in something I believe in as the future and use it to buy things with like a boat, a car or house and exchange it for services with others paying appropriate taxes.

View attachment 144426

This is all I hold. Last year I sold the other 4 and didn’t make much. I made lots on Dogecoin though and if I was smart could have made even more but now only hold like 23,000 which was like 30% of my profits.

I am prepared to comeback in 10 years and update this thread and admit if I was wrong or not?
Are you prepared to do the same or will just continue to run your mouth with drivel. Based on profiles of the outspoken prolific posters it’s quite clear you have been on here already for a very long time like 10+ years and some as much as 20. What’s 10 more year, right?

Let’s do it. If you are this confident let’s play the long game or will you just keep running your mouth and echoing your circle jerk???

Just let them be ..if they don't wanna buy it...then don't buy it

I'm not worried at all ...the correlation between the crypto and stock markets is clear and is as high as ever (article below ) ...if you think the stock market will recover, then crypto will recover

The CEO of the cryptocurrency exchange FTX says expecting crypto to go to zero is like expecting the same of stocks. Do you really think that will happen?
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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
I'm hanging on to my tulips. LOL!

"Tulip mania ( Dutch: tulpenmanie) was a period in the Dutch Golden Age during which contract prices for some bulbs of the recently introduced and fashionable tulip reached extraordinarily high levels and then dramatically collapsed in February 1637. It is generally considered the first recorded speculative bubble."

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
I'm hanging on to my tulips. LOL!

"Tulip mania ( Dutch: tulpenmanie) was a period in the Dutch Golden Age during which contract prices for some bulbs of the recently introduced and fashionable tulip reached extraordinarily high levels and then dramatically collapsed in February 1637. It is generally considered the first recorded speculative bubble."
What you means these tulips…
This is exactly my point. You have have nothing intelligent, valuable or insightful to contribute just regurgitating each other drivel.

BTW how many times are we going to hear tulips and BTC on here over the past 2 years. I can at least count 5 times it’s been mentioned like a good programmed robot.
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The CEO of the cryptocurrency exchange FTX says expecting crypto to go to zero is like expecting the same of stocks. Do you really think that will happen?
This is crazy from a promoter. cypto has no fundamental value gains are based on "the greater fool theory". Very different from stocks in companies that make profits, and sales, based on p/e valuations, dividends etc. - With all due respect - not just fools buying on silly hype that makes no sense to this analytical nerd with a CPA background and 40 years as an investment advisor.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Just let them be ..if they don't wanna buy it...then don't buy it

I'm not worried at all ...the correlation between the crypto and stock markets is clear and is as high as ever (article below ) ...if you think the stock market will recover, then crypto will recover

The CEO of the cryptocurrency exchange FTX says expecting crypto to go to zero is like expecting the same of stocks. Do you really think that will happen?
I totally agree.

I don’t care what they do with their money.

It’s just hilarious how much they echo each other without actually thinking about what they are are saying and echoing their masters Warren Buffets and Charlie Mungers of this world who are threatened by it.

These people have no idea what they are taking about, and choose to bury their heads in the sand and ignore that it’s the best performing investment since 2009.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
This is crazy from a promoter. cypto has no fundamental value gains are based on "the greater fool theory". Very different from stocks in companies that make profits, and sales, based on p/e valuations, dividends etc. - With all due respect - not just fools buying on silly hype that makes no sense to this analytical nerd with a CPA background and 40 years as an investment advisor.
You have absolutely no idea what you are saying.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
This is crazy from a promoter. cypto has no fundamental value gains are based on "the greater fool theory". Very different from stocks in companies that make profits, and sales, based on p/e valuations, dividends etc. - With all due respect - not just fools buying on silly hype that makes no sense to this analytical nerd with a CPA background and 40 years as an investment advisor.
Yeah, but my tulips are a tangible asset. I can see and touch them. They are very beautiful. LOL!
R (4).jpg


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2020
This is crazy from a promoter. cypto has no fundamental value gains are based on "the greater fool theory". Very different from stocks in companies that make profits, and sales, based on p/e valuations, dividends etc. - With all due respect - not just fools buying on silly hype that makes no sense to this analytical nerd with a CPA background and 40 years as an investment advisor.
My point was the correlation with traditional markets ..the ceo did say that but there was analysis done

Here's the article they quote



Well-known member
Aug 10, 2020
This is crazy from a promoter. cypto has no fundamental value gains are based on "the greater fool theory". Very different from stocks in companies that make profits, and sales, based on p/e valuations, dividends etc. - With all due respect - not just fools buying on silly hype that makes no sense to this analytical nerd with a CPA background and 40 years as an investment advisor.
Not very different ...gains with stocks are also highly based on psychology and emotion and thus stocks do not always trade their "fundamental value," which is also subjective depending on what valuation method you're using ...

think beyond meat, game stop, amc, Roblox, rivian, lucid, and even Netflix

Fundamentals were out the window for stocks for a long time the end of the day, who the fuck cares as long as you're making $$$...that's why I don't mind buying crypto , although yes you do need to more careful on which coins you buy and have a more disciplined take-profit strategy

wirh stocks, I don't believe in stock picking index funds, hold, then lower your allocation as you approach and during your retirement
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
This is crazy from a promoter. cypto has no fundamental value gains are based on "the greater fool theory". Very different from stocks in companies that make profits, and sales, based on p/e valuations, dividends etc. - With all due respect - not just fools buying on silly hype that makes no sense to this analytical nerd with a CPA background and 40 years as an investment advisor.
Dave the valuations are based on whether the company will achieve the unrealistic "that quarter" expectations the sharks demand and use to manipulate the price.

But yes Crypto is volatile. Everyone knows that.
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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Not very different ...gains with stocks are also highly based on psychology and emotion and thus stocks do not always trade their "fundamental value," which is also subjective depending on what valuation method you're using ...

think beyond meat, game stop, amc, Roblox, rivian, lucid, and even Netflix

Fundamentals were out the window for stocks for a long time the end of the day, who the fuck cares as long as you're making $$$...that's why I don't mind buying crypto , although yes you do need to more careful on which coins you buy and have a more disciplined take-profit strategy

wirh stocks, I don't believe in stock picking index funds, hold, then lower your allocation as you approach and during your retirement
It’s actually better then stocks because you can use it to buy goods and services. You can get paid in crypto, you can hold it, you can send it, use it to tip people and gain purchasing power while the local currency loses purchasing power over time. I agree it’s related to technology stocks and if crypto goes up it pulls up technology stocks and if it goes down the technology sector will feel it. For the question what is it worth is what someone is willing to pay for it. The first transaction was someone send a BTC miner two pizzas in exchange of 10,000 BTC. 1 BTC is always 1 BTC It has aspects of stocks, gold, currency but way better.

while these people pile on crypto they refuse to acknowledge how bad the economy is doing, inflation, etc… and IMO it’s doing very well given all the circumstances we are facing.

I agree many crypto projects are a scam while BTC has resisted all the attacks and FUD thrown against it since it’s inception. There are some that are legit other then BTC and these type of events will demonstrate their resilience and their value.

The other thing with these people is that it’s just a circle argument, and they jump from one point to another and keep reusing the same arguments from each other where eventually it brings you back to the original arguments many times over because they selectively seem to have short memory. The only way to break out of the loop is just wait and show them that most of the things they said about it or how they thought about it are misconceptions.
Ashley Madison
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