I predict 30 days in the bucket, plus a large fine, plus 300 hours of community serviceWith the racial tensions in the States let’s be real he isn’t doing any time
I also believe it’s his first offence
I predict 30 days in the bucket, plus a large fine, plus 300 hours of community serviceWith the racial tensions in the States let’s be real he isn’t doing any time
I also believe it’s his first offence
He showed no sign of remorse, or that he did anything wrong. I year minus time served. Healthy fine. Community serviceWith the racial tensions in the States let’s be real he isn’t doing any time
I also believe it’s his first offence
He's doing some time...it's probably no more than 2 years but he will be doing time...I don't think he will be a troublemaker inside the joint so that shortens his term...he'll also be sucking dick left n right so this might actually work to his advantage...With the racial tensions in the States let’s be real he isn’t doing any time
I also believe it’s his first offence
About my call too.I predict 30 days in the bucket, plus a large fine, plus 300 hours of community service
That soapbox got really crowded. What could be better fodder than not one but two purported white men attacking a black gay man with a rope thrown in for greater effect? The police traced that rope to the store where two men who didn't look white at all were caught on video. Smollett should have given up the gig right there and then. So, he is now appealing? On what basis?It’s like they are all programmed the same...did they show the same level of support and outrage for the victims of the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin?
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Kirk, it was never determined that Blasey Ford's allegations were false or true. How can there be "consequences"?I don't think people realize the consequences of Smollett's actions. In particular the liberal media and Hollywood sycophants that so quickly came to his defense. They just want to sweep what he did under the rug and move on. It was clear that he did what he did to divide the country and to further the narrative that Trump emboldens bigots and homophobes. It's truly sickening and an insult to those who have been targeted by hate crimes, the most recent being the poor folks in Wisconsin.
If I were the judge I'd make an example out of Smollett. We need to halt this trend of falsely accusing with little to no consequences to the accuser. Blasey Ford comes to mind.
Are you related to him?The only person harmed by his actions is himself.
It cost a lot to investigate and prosecute him, but that shouldn’t decide the penalty.
Give him 30 days and a $1000 fine for mischief.