If they can achieve that here or in the USA I would be very supportive of that.
I don’t believe the present USA administration is taking us down this route.
I am not convinced that it will get to that state with the present leadership, but would love to be wrong and see this part of the world actually improve to those standards and quality of life.
My biased intuition tells me the Biden administration is not interested in this desired outcome, are in it just for themselves and their small group of wealthy circles. Every day I see it worse and can’t look past the mess they left in Afghanistan. Look at inflation, cost of goods and gas and the economy now. Look at how many homeless people out there, losing jobs, depressed, domestic abuse on the rise. Etc. It’s spiralling out of control way too quickly and he is not uniting people like he promised. Seems like he just cares about what his handlers tell him how to act, and has been put in that situation for strategic purposes. Sometimes I feel bad seeing an old and frail person being taken advantage like that to be the face, take all the blame while his administration calls all the shots.