It's often the same for women as well, young girls often get crushes on older men. When I was in HS, I had a thing for one of my male teachers. This teacher also had a nephew going to the same HS. So one day I decided that I'm going to write a note detailing all of the fun things I wanted to do to this teacher, and then I dropped it into his nephew's desk while he wasn't looking. I have no idea why I thought this was a good idea, but it's one of those stupid things that young HS girls think are really smart at the time. I'm sure his nephew was getting excited reading all this stuff, before he realized the note was talking about his uncle.
So naturally, he told his uncle. This set off some kind of investigation or something, and
eventually they discovered it was me who wrote the note. No idea how they discovered this. I was called into the principle's office, and my mom was called in too! My face was red. We sat there quietly listening to what the principle had to say, my face hanging down low, and listening to what she was telling me and my mother about the note, and how inappropriate that was. After we left the office, I was expecting my mother was going to chew me out when we got in the car or got home. She had already been scolding me about my reputation of being boy-crazy before this incident, many times. But after getting out of the principle's office, she just asked me to show me who the teacher was, and I showed her a photo of this teacher in the yearbook. And all my mom said was "yeah, he's pretty cute", and that was that!
Also next day, the teacher who was the subject of the note, privately pulled me aside and said to me, "listen sorry about what happened, if I had known that it was you who wrote the note, I wouldn't have mentioned it"! So it looks like the feeling was mutual!