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NOT GUILTY on all charges, Kyle Rittenhouse

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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2012
This is only going to encourage more shooting now that every right wing heavily armed nut will attend every rally and claim they were threatened by the scary black people and their supporters
you realize it was all white people involved here right? black people can and do open carry too


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
Questions for our in-house lawyer(s). I'm not a real lawyer, just play one on TV.

1)Does "Double Jeopardy" prevent an appeal by the state.
2) Can the feds still file some kind of civil rights charges?
3) Can the families sue for damages in civil court?
the families of Nicole brown sued OJ and won.Feds do not file civil suits that’s why they are civil


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
Does this mean that future potential rioters, arsonists, looters, etc. will have to think twice before going on a rampage?


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
Questions for our in-house lawyer(s). I'm not a real lawyer, just play one on TV.

1)Does "Double Jeopardy" prevent an appeal by the state.
2) Can the feds still file some kind of civil rights charges?
3) Can the families sue for damages in civil court?
1. they can appeal but it's hard to appeal a jury verdict, they owe no explanation to anyone
2. can't imagine
3. most certainly (like OJ)


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2006
Legally the right decision was made according to the laws of Wisconsin. So I can’t be upset with the judge or jury. I know the judge did a few mildly bizarre things throughout but most made some sense. People got way to upset about the “victim” characterization .. it makes sense the court is set up to protect the defendant. I have no real issues with him.

This decision was not political nor did race come into play. Just a stupid environment that allows stupid things.

Should people protest this decision. The particular decision no. But they should use this case as a reason to change some gun laws. Because this decision will only encourage more hostility, more gun carrying, and more negative consequences on both sides.

Now let’s get to why Kyle rightdlfully got off.

No matter how absurd it is to allow somebody to walk around in a hostile situation with a gun, it is legal in Wisconsin. So in itself it can’t be deemed as provoking others.

The defence did a good job of showing how Kyle was naive / a bit dumb ( or at least presenting him that way) as to how he ended up there. Effectively showed that he was just stupid and not intentionally provocational.

The defence also did a good job of showing Kyle was slow, unathletic, and a massive pussy who was afraid of getting roughed up. They shows the only way he could reasonably defend himself was with a gun.

Some may think I am being harsh on Kyle. I am — he is no hero here and with a few other tweaks in circumstances could have ended up in jail for a long time. He is not guilty — that is the best thing I can say about him.

There are no hero’s or martyrs here. Just some naive, stupid or bad people on both sides ( some with not all of those characteristics) playing stupid games and getting the according results.

But now that the right has engaged themselves in self defence it will be interesting to see how they spin the Arbery case. And how they continue to spin the Ashley Babbitt shooting.
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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2012
Maybe the laws of the 1700s need to be updated now that the police and military can defend the country
are you a U.S citizen? if not then why don't you worry less about other countries

the us supreme court has recently ruled it IS a right and upcoming cases will likely expand that right


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
are you a U.S citizen? if not then why don't you worry less about other countries

the us supreme court has recently ruled it IS a right and upcoming cases will likely expand that right
Is anyone on here a us citizen


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
Korean storekeepers protecting their stores and livelihood. They called 911 but a computer voice said to call back when the riot is over.


Well-known member
May 13, 2013
Here’s a genius idea, why doesn’t the us ban taking guns into all public areas and strictly enforce guns only being used for hunting and at shooting ranges ? Let the police do their job

Does anyone take the word ban seriously? it is so silly, people have such faith in the word ban.

If bans were so great, why not just ban crime then?
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Active member
Jan 22, 2011
Questions for our in-house lawyer(s). I'm not a real lawyer, just play one on TV.

1)Does "Double Jeopardy" prevent an appeal by the state.
2) Can the feds still file some kind of civil rights charges?
3) Can the families sue for damages in civil court?

I am not a lawyer either yet I would never trust the feedback from so-called "lawyers" who post 10-20 x's/day 365 days/year on an escort review site lol. Something's not quite right with that picture.

In any case:

1) Yes
2) No
3) Yes. And i hope Rittenhouse sues the shit out of Joe Biden, CNN, MSNBC and all the other left wing media outlets that defamed and reported outrageous lies about him.

It was a good verdict, a just verdict.

Most of my family and close friends are US citizens. They all supported Rittenhouse and from what I am hearing, are very happy with the outcome.
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