Because several of their board members are members of PFLP, who Canada lists as a designated terrorists entity.
1)This argument, based of claims from NGOMonitor who have been caught posting fake information, is what you are using to justify terrorism.
You stated that it would be a crime if Israel shot a kid who was away from the Gaza prison walls.
Defence for Children International, a well respected international charity, said they had eyewitness testimony that the kid Israel shot was 70-100 metres away from the wall.
Instead of saying that meant Israel shot an innocent child, you instead doubled down to try to claim that a charity is also terrorist.
You don't realize how incredibly pathetic you've become when in order to defend Israel from charges of terrorism for shooting children, you now are accusing charities of being terrorists?
2) Israel elected followers of Kahane, who Canada has recognized as terrorists, into the Israeli government.
That would mean, by your arguments about DCI, that you are admitting Israel's government is a terrorist government.