Woman apologizes after video goes viral of her calling police on black birdwatcher


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2017
Yes, another Central Park situation that could've happened

May 26, 2020 - 09:14 AM EDT

Woman apologizes after video goes viral of her calling police on black birdwatcher in Central Park


A white woman who was seen in a viral video calling the police and falsely accusing a black birdwatcher of threatening her in New York’s Central Park has apologized following the dispute over her unleashed dog.

Amy Cooper offered an apology to the man, Christian Cooper, in an interview with WNBC on Monday night.

“It was unacceptable. And words are just words and I can’t undo what I did,” Amy Cooper said. “But I sincerely and humbly apologize to everyone, especially to that man and his family.”

In a statement to CNN, Amy Cooper insisted that she did not mean to harm the African American community.

"I'm not a racist. I did not mean to harm that man in any way," she said, adding that she was scared because she was alone in a wooded area.

Since the video was posted, she told CNN that her "entire life is being destroyed right now."

The apology came after Christian Cooper — who is not related to Amy Cooper — recorded their interaction on Memorial Day. The video has since been viewed more than 21 million times on Twitter as of Tuesday morning.

Melody Cooper@melodyMcooper

Oh, when Karens take a walk with their dogs off leash in the famous Bramble in NY’s Central Park, where it is clearly posted on signs that dogs MUST be leashed at all times, and someone like my brother (an avid birder) politely asks her to put her dog on the leash.


1:03 PM - May 25, 2020

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Christian Cooper told The Washington Post that he had gotten up early to go bird-watching in Central Park’s Ramble, a heavily wooded area designed to look like a garden.

He said that around 7:30 a.m., he noticed a cocker spaniel digging in an area and asked the dog’s owner, Amy Cooper, if she would leash up her dog.

There are signs posted about the leash requirements in the park, and Christian Cooper said he tried to toss a dog treat to the pooch when she refused.

Christian Cooper began recording the incident and is heard asking the dog owner not to come close to him.

Wearing a face mask and work out leggings, Amy Cooper then responds by saying she will call the police.

“I’m going to tell them there’s an African American man threatening my life,” she said in the video.

“Please tell them whatever you’d like,” he responded.

It appears that she did make a call and becomes more frantic, despite Christian Cooper being several feet away and not moving any closer to her.

“He is recording me and threatening myself and my dog,” she says all the while holding onto her dog’s collar.

The 2-year-old dog, named Henry, yelps a little and struggles while she is on the phone.

Christian Cooper told the outlet that he encouraged her to call the police because he knew it was his only option.

“I can be racially intimidated and kowtow to her,” he said, but “I’m not going to participate in my own dehumanization."

A spokesman for the New York Police Department told the Post that officers responded to a report of an assault at 8:10 a.m. but found only a woman on the scene and issued no summonses and made no arrests.

The interaction went viral, as thousands of social media users compared the incident to other examples of white people calling the police on black people.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) weighed in on the video on Tuesday morning, tweeting that the incident was “racism, plain and simple.”

Mayor Bill de Blasio


The video out of Central Park is racism, plain and simple.

She called the police BECAUSE he was a Black man. Even though she was the one breaking the rules. She decided he was the criminal and we know why.

This kind of hatred has no place in our city. https://twitter.com/nbcnewyork/status/1265224691637256192

NBC New York


"I'm not going to participate in my own dehumanization. I'm not going to feed into this," Christian Cooper explains why he didn't stop recording the woman in Central Park who called the cops on him after he told her to put her dog on a leash. http://4.nbcny.com/3GIsGpw


8:56 AM - May 26, 2020

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“I don’t think there’s an African American person in America who hasn’t experienced something like this at some point,” Christian Cooper, a 57-year-old science editor, said. “I don’t shy away from confronting the scofflaw when I see it. Otherwise, the park would be unusable — not just to us birders but to anybody who enjoys the beauty."

The hashtag #FireAmyCooper began trending on Twitter when she was identified in the clip, with many calling for her to be charged with making a false police report.

Hannah Drake@HannahDrake628

#AmyCooper said, “Her entire life is being destroyed right now.” But she had NO PROBLEM trying to destroy a Black man’s life with her lies. She knew exactly what she was doing and now she is on her “I’m the real victim” tour. https://twitter.com/cnn/status/1265208572222345219



A white woman has apologized for calling police on a black man in Central Park on Monday, after the two argued about her unleashed dog https://cnn.it/2X3aJ1j


8:21 AM - May 26, 2020

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A Pennsylvania state lawmaker, Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta (D), also weighed in, saying the incident was “disgraceful.”

Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta


Making a false police report is a crime. I prayerfully assume choking your dog is a crime in all states. #AmyCooper and others like her, that try to use the cops as a weapons, should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. Disgraceful.


7:47 AM - May 26, 2020·Philadelphia, PA

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Amy Cooper's employer, investment firm Franklin Templeton, released a statement saying that she had been placed on administrative leave.

“We take these matters very seriously, and we do not condone racism of any kind,” the firm wrote on Twitter.

Franklin Templeton


In response to an incident involving an employee on May 25th, Franklin Templeton issued the following statement.


10:43 PM - May 25, 2020

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The animal shelter where Amy Cooper had adopted Henry said that she voluntarily surrendered the dog back to the rescue while the matter is being addressed.

Despite the physical actions of the dog's owner in the video, Abandoned Angels Cocker Spaniel Rescue Inc. said in a statement that Henry is “safe and in good health.”

Abandoned Angels Cocker Spaniel Rescue, Inc.

13 hours ago

Thank you to the concerned public for reaching out to us about a video involving a dog that was adopted from our rescue a few years ago. As of this evening, the owner has voluntarily surrendered the dog in question to our rescue while this matter is being addressed. Our

“I’m not interested in repercussions,” Christian Cooper told the Post. “It’s unfortunate what happened. There was definitely a lapse in judgment. But she put the dog on the leash, and I don’t need to see anything else happen to her.”



Active member
Jun 5, 2009

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
Oh I don't like this.

The racism, the irresponsibility and harm to the dog. She is holding the dog by the collar with the dog off the ground. I'm glad that she surrendered the dog back to a safe place.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
I am sure she is a very proper New York kind of liberal.
Donates to the right causes, says the right things, but personally racist.

The US is a very racist society.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Or else it was a staged video....

I saw it and thought it was a little too well focussed and perfectly set up and had my doubts. Also it didn't quite seem natural the way it escalated. (Felt sorry for the little dog though.)


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
I am sure she is a very proper New York kind of liberal.
Donates to the right causes, says the right things, but personally racist.

The US is a very racist society.
How did we know??? Are we just geniuses from outer space???

Amy Cooper, Who Graduated From the University of Waterloo & the University of Chicago, Works as a VP & Head of Investment Solutions at Franklin Templeton in New York.


A shame this can't be used to knock Orange Man.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Or else it was a staged video....

I saw it and thought it was a little too well focussed and perfectly set up and had my doubts. Also it didn't quite seem natural the way it escalated. (Felt sorry for the little dog though.)
Yeah they staged this because she thought it'd be a great idea to destroy her life.


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2017
I knew some of you mouth breathers were gonna say she was a liberal without any evidence backing it up.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Years ago things would have been to Amy Cooper's advantage but times have changed, civil rights backed by the ability to record events for one's protection. Amy Cooper picked the wrong man to play around with and got hoisted with her own petard. Both of them have the same surname and it would be interesting to see if they are actually related by those DNA tests. The African American genome has a lot of mixing in it including Caucasians, Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews and Native Americans to name a few.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Yeah they staged this because she thought it'd be a great idea to destroy her life.
15 minutes of fame, Smally......

Ask yourself: Would a normally functioning intelligent racist make openly racist threats to make an obviously fraudulent police complaint - itself a criminal offence - while the target of those racist threats was filming her? Who would be so stupid?!

It would be pretty obvious to anyone that the police would arrive and simply look at the video of the crazy racist woman making threats while the black guy just stood there innocently. And the cops would arrest the white woman for false complaints.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
I'm just playing the odds. New York is a liberal town. There are Republicans there (and she is in investment banking so could be solidly Republican) but they are outnumbered. Decently well off liberal of a certain wall street type is a pretty good guess knowing nothing else about her.

Sure the internet is going crazy making her life miserable so we will probably find out her politics soon enough.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
15 minutes of fame, Smally......

Ask yourself: Would a normally functioning intelligent racist make openly racist threats to make an obviously fraudulent police complaint - itself a criminal offence - while the target of those racist threats was filming her? Who would be so stupid?!

It would be pretty obvious to anyone that the police would arrive and simply look at the video of the crazy racist woman making threats while the black guy just stood there innocently. And the cops would arrest the white woman for false complaints.
When people are angry, they become reflexive, flippant, emotional. She couldn't control herself and her deepest thoughts surfaced. Her employer is taking it seriously.


Why did all the other Karen's caught on camera do and say what they did while being filmed?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2019
15 minutes of fame, Smally......

Ask yourself: Would a normally functioning intelligent racist make openly racist threats to make an obviously fraudulent police complaint - itself a criminal offence - while the target of those racist threats was filming her? Who would be so stupid?!

It would be pretty obvious to anyone that the police would arrive and simply look at the video of the crazy racist woman making threats while the black guy just stood there innocently. And the cops would arrest the white woman for false complaints.
Are you under the impression that police show up to an emergency call and are like, "Alright, everybody gather in a circle and whip out your devices, we're going to compare videos"

The progression of events in the video is absolutely clear. She threatens to call the police and specify his race to endanger him. He calls her bluff. She calls the police and makes sure to specify his race.

She's clearly angry and desperate, I don't know why you'd expect her to act like a calculating hitman. Additionally, within her own aggrieved, entitled mindset she probably actually thinks she's being "assaulted."


A sadder and a wiser man
Feb 15, 2004
Key takeaway make sure to get it on video. And be careful about escalating and making false accusations. And karma can be a beast.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
15 minutes of fame, Smally......

Ask yourself: Would a normally functioning intelligent racist make openly racist threats to make an obviously fraudulent police complaint - itself a criminal offence - while the target of those racist threats was filming her? Who would be so stupid?!

It would be pretty obvious to anyone that the police would arrive and simply look at the video of the crazy racist woman making threats while the black guy just stood there innocently. And the cops would arrest the white woman for false complaints.
Oagre , yes you have come around.

But considering the sheer volume of viral videos of stupid people doing stupid things due solely to their emotional immaturity and sense of entitlement (See recent mask videos and the Yahoo's on Georgia) to think a successful woman like this would set this up......

She thought her class was a shield and she would automatically be believed. Classic white privilege racism at its finest.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Are you under the impression that police show up to an emergency call and are like, "Alright, everybody gather in a circle and whip out your devices, we're going to compare videos"

The progression of events in the video is absolutely clear. She threatens to call the police and specify his race to endanger him. He calls her bluff. She calls the police and makes sure to specify his race.

She's clearly angry and desperate, I don't know why you'd expect her to act like a calculating hitman. Additionally, within her own aggrieved, entitled mindset she probably actually thinks she's being "assaulted."

Actually that IS what they do.

What would you THINK they do??... If I am accused of a fake crime and I have the episode on video, the first thing I say to the cops is "Hey look at my video!" and then they look at it. That's how it happens. I'm shaking my head here...



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Jun 5, 2009

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
I don't see the big deal.

Just leash your dog in the park. The dude is right to call her on it. All his points are valid.

She says that he was yelling at her but it's not evident on the video at all. Did he edit it? Who knows.

Did she totally overreact by calling the cops. Absolutely.

Should she be vilified and lose her job over this? not in my opinion.

I was more concerned by her treatment of her dog than anything else.
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