Club Dynasty

Michael Moore exposes green energy as a fraud


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
One opinion to censor. He shouldn't have taken it down. And who are the other opinions? The ones exposed and making a profit as opposed to helping?
That's your single opinion.
Why don't you go to that site and read the criticisms and reviews and do you your own due diligence instead of just running your mouth off with very biased personal opinions?


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2003
Just watched it. It’s quite good.

There’s nothing shocking about the thesis he presents. I’ve seen this script play out multiple times. Big business co-opting causes for their own gain has been around forever.

It’s about time the sell-outs, the snake oil sellers and the AstroTurf group’s were exposed.

I applaud him for it.

Watch it yourself


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
That's your single opinion.
Why don't you go to that site and read the criticisms and reviews and do you your own due diligence instead of just running your mouth off with very biased personal opinions? about you instead watch the movie and firm your own opinions as opposed to letting others give them to you.

And really you accusing someone if running their mouth with biased personal opinions is making alot of people laugh right now.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Just watched it. It’s quite good.

There’s nothing shocking about the thesis he presents. I’ve seen this script play out multiple times. Big business co-opting causes for their own gain has been around forever.

It’s about time the sell-outs, the snake oil sellers and the AstroTurf group’s were exposed.

I applaud him for it.

Watch it yourself
It was a little bloated by ill informed hippies but I agree, it made a compelling point and showed the renewable energy movement for the shell game it is.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
113 about you instead watch the movie and firm your own opinions as opposed to letting others give them to you.

And really you accusing someone if running their mouth with biased personal opinions is making alot of people laugh right now.
And of course you think both of his Fahrenheit movies and his movie on capitalism are totally error free and accurate?
I find it hilarious that a film maker the right wing attacked as propaganda and pushing propaganda you now push as a beacon of journalistic integrity.

Moore alleges that windmills and solar produce less energy than it takes to build them.
Do you think that claim is accurate, can you back it up?

Or are you just pushing his narrative because of your own confirmation bias?


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
And of course you think both of his Fahrenheit movies and his movie on capitalism are totally error free and accurate?
I find it hilarious that a film maker the right wing attacked as propaganda and pushing propaganda you now push as a beacon of journalistic integrity.

Moore alleges that windmills and solar produce less energy than it takes to build them.
Do you think that claim is accurate, can you back it up?

Or are you just pushing his narrative because of your own confirmation bias?
If you had watched it you would know that Moore had very little to do with it.

Here is a data point for you. All of the battery storage in the world accounts for just under an hour of the worlds ANNUAL energy usage.

Another: all of the trees in the US, if used for bio generation would supply 1 years energy. If it takes 20 years to grow those trees renewable bio tops out at 5%


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
And of course you think both of his Fahrenheit movies and his movie on capitalism are totally error free and accurate?
I find it hilarious that a film maker the right wing attacked as propaganda and pushing propaganda you now push as a beacon of journalistic integrity.

Moore alleges that windmills and solar produce less energy than it takes to build them.
Do you think that claim is accurate, can you back it up?

Or are you just pushing his narrative because of your own confirmation bias?
Why do leftists want things banned and censored when they don't support their views? All his other movies, whether you agree with his narrative or not were allowed to be shown.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
If you had watched it you would know that Moore had very little to do with it.

Here is a data point for you. All of the battery storage in the world accounts for just under an hour of the worlds ANNUAL energy usage.

Another: all of the trees in the US, if used for bio generation would supply 1 years energy. If it takes 20 years to grow those trees renewable bio tops out at 5%
Moore published that film as director, he chose what went it.
But its clear you understand that he's lying in his film based on your refusal to answer the question.

Moore alleges that windmills and solar produce less energy than it takes to build them.
Do you think that claim is accurate, can you back it up?


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Moore published that film as director, he chose what went it.
But its clear you understand that he's lying in his film based on your refusal to answer the question.

Moore alleges that windmills and solar produce less energy than it takes to build them.
Do you think that claim is accurate, can you back it up?
You are obsessing on a single point. They do break down what goes into a wind mill (cement, steel, aluminum......) and the shelf life. Also for solar panels which are mined quartz, coal, then heated by coal.... which releases all its carbon.

And my two points?

And he produced it, not directed it. It was his money.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Why do leftists want things banned and censored when they don't support their views? All his other movies, whether you agree with his narrative or not were allowed to be shown.
Can you answer that question?
Moore alleges that windmills and solar produce less energy than it takes to build them.
Do you think that claim is accurate, can you back it up?

For instance, the UAE just accepted a bid for a solar plant that will cost 1.35 cents USD per kilowatt hour.
At 1.5 gigawatts, how long do you think it will take for the energy to be paid back for its creation?
Last edited:


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Can you answer that question?
Moore alleges that windmills and solar produce less energy than it takes to build them.
Do you think that claim is accurate, can you back it up?

For instance, the UAE just accepted a bid for a solar plant that will cost 1.35 cents USD per kilowatt hour.
At 1.5 gigawatts, how long do you think it will take for the energy to be paid back for its creation?
What happens at night?

Don’t be fooled, 25% of UAE’s GDP is oil exports.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
Can you answer that question?
Moore alleges that windmills and solar produce less energy than it takes to build them.
Do you think that claim is accurate, can you back it up?

For instance, the UAE just accepted a bid for a solar plant that will cost 1.35 cents USD per kilowatt hour.
At 1.5 gigawatts, how long do you think it will take for the energy to be paid back for its creation?
Wind and solar are a waste of time and money. The world doesn't need renewables to save the planet, we need more investment in nuclear.

As recently as two years ago, some renewable energy advocates held up Germany as a model for the world.

No more. While Germany has deployed some of the most solar and wind in the world, its emissions have been flat for a decade while its electricity has become the second most expensive in Europe.

More recently, Germany has permitted the demolition of old forests, churches, and villages in order to mine and burn coal.

Meanwhile, the two nations whose electricity sectors produce some of the least amount of carbon emissions per capita of any developed nation did so with very little solar and wind: France and Sweden.

Sweden last year generated a whopping 95 percent of its total electricity from zero-carbon sources, with 42 and 41 coming from nuclear and hydroelectric power.

France generated 88 percent of its total electricity from zero-carbon sources, with 72 and 10 coming from nuclear and hydroelectric power.

Other nations like Norway, Brazil, and Costa Rica have almost entirely decarbonized their electricity supplies with the use of hydroelectricity alone.

That being said, hydroelectricity is far less reliable and scalable than nuclear.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Popular? More like a necessity that people are paying too much for while doing nothing to improve emmissions. I'm sure someone is getting rich over that though. Oh well, that's the whole point of this green energy scam...someone is getting rich.
You mean someone other than an oil company?
That's what's bad to you?

And yes, Germany's policies are popular even if they cost more.

Similar to the polls here.

Your views are very unpopular in this country.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Al Gore Falsely Claims Fossil Fuels Raise Coronavirus Death Rate

Al Gore falsely attempted to blame fossil fuels for raising the coronavirus death rate during a February 27 MSNBC interview. In reality, economic prosperity brought by the use of abundant, affordable fossil fuels results in lower death rates from viruses and epidemics. Also, viruses like influenza and COVID-19 thrive in cold climate conditions and are inhibited by warmer temperatures.

“This climate crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic are linked in some ways,” Gore said on MSNBC, as reported by The Hill. “The preconditions that raise the death rate from COVID-19, a great many of them, are accentuated, made worse by the fossil fuel pollution.”

Scientists have long known that cold temperatures are a key factor in the annual death toll for influenza, which kills an average of approximately 36,000 Americans per year.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) documents that flu season ramps up when the weather turns cold, and then peters out when warm temperatures return. According to CDC, “influenza activity often begins to increase in October. Most of the time flu activity peaks between December and February, although activity can last as late as May.”

According to Harvard University researchers, “In the southern hemisphere, however, where winter comes during our summer months, the flu season falls between June and September. In other words, wherever there is winter, there is flu. In fact, even its name, “influenza” may be a reference to its original Italian name, influenza di freddo, meaning “influence of the cold”.

“[A]t least in regions that have a winter season, the influenza virus survives longer in cold, dry air, so it has a greater chance of infecting another person,” the Harvard researchers added.

Scientists are still learning about COVID-19, but preliminary evidence indicates warmer temperatures have either minor or significant impacts reducing the spread and harm of coronavirus. Warmer temperatures certainly do not make COVID-19 worse.

According to a publication released by Harvard Medical School, a recent study by the National Academies of Sciences “found that in laboratory settings, higher temperatures and higher levels of humidity decreased survival of the COVID-19 coronavirus.” The scientists are currently attempting to determine whether this will also be the case in natural environments outside the laboratory.

In fact, cold temperatures kill many more people – for a variety of reasons – than warm or hot temperatures.

In an article published in the Southern Medical Journal in 2004, W. R. Keatinge and G. C. Donaldson noted, “Cold-related deaths are far more numerous than heat-related deaths in the United States, Europe, and almost all countries outside the tropics, and almost all of them are due to common illnesses that are increased by cold.”

More recently in a study published in the Lancet in 2015, researchers examined health data from 384 locations in 13 countries, accounting for more than 74 million deaths, and found cold weather, directly or indirectly, killed 1,700% more people than warm or hot weather.

In his MSNBC interview, Gore doubled down on his reckless assertions. He attempted to link fossil fuels to high asthma rates, which he claimed are made worse by the coronavirus. However, even as air pollution in the United States has consistently and sharply declined since the 1970s, asthma rates have increased substantially. This contradicts the assertion that air pollution causes asthma.

As explained by researcher Joel Schwartz in his paper, “Facts Not Fear on Air Pollution,” the incidence of asthma rose 75 percent from 1980 to 1996, and nearly doubled for children. However, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency documents that air pollution has declined 74 percent since the 1970’s, over the same time period that asthma worsened.

In the end, climate change is neither causing nor exacerbating any identifiable illness or disease, be it COVID-19 or anything else. To the extent a modestly warming planet may impact COVID-19, the impact is almost certainly to reduce the spread of the disease and save many human lives.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Silver has always been coy about his "secret sauce" for weighting polls, which is annoying.
Since all polls suffer from Garbage in, Garbage out to some degree, I never completely understood how he could amalgamate the data and guarantee a better projection. Perhaps he knows how to weight them perfectly to achieve a good result. The simple truth is that the probability of 538 failing to project the ultimate winner increases in a close election.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Since all polls suffer from Garbage in, Garbage out to some degree, I never completely understood how he could amalgamate the data and guarantee a better projection. Perhaps he knows how to weight them perfectly to achieve a good result. The simple truth is that the probability of 538 failing to project the ultimate winner increases in a close election.
He had one really good year and so became the wonderkid. In 2016 he became human again.
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