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Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
I think there were no Nobel Prizes given during the World Wars.
Since the start, in 1901, there are some years when the Nobel Prizes have not been awarded. The total number of times are 49. Most of them during World War I (1914-1918) and II (1939-1945). In the statutes of the Nobel Foundation it says: “If none of the works under consideration is found to be of the importance indicated in the first paragraph, the prize money shall be reserved until the following year. If, even then, the prize cannot be awarded, the amount shall be added to the Foundation’s restricted funds.”.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Would France allow an American "champagne" to be called that in France or the other signing countries of Versailles. Just wondering?
France would never allow foreign sparkling wine labelled champagne into France. I would think it would be seized and destroyed. Most of this American changeling is $12 plonk anyways.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
False. The air would be so thin that it wouldn't be able to. Also factor in that they are not very aerodynamic.
The question was are they capable of flying at that altitude, not that you would find bees at the top of Mount Everest.

Bumblebees are capable of flying at altitudes higher than Mt. Everest. Two bees were able to fly at simulated altitudes of 29,525 feet inside a plexiglass chamber. The plexiglass kept breaking before the bees stopped flying.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009

Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy’s fast-food restaurants, appeared in over 800 commercials for the store. Dave Thomas has done more advertisements than anyone else in television history.
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