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East Indian versus Asians in the sex business


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
The two largest immigrant populations in Toronto are from India and China. There are tons of Asian massage parlors, agencies, and escorts... but very few East Indian ones as far as I can tell. Is there a cultural reason why East Indians participate less in the industry?


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2017
The two largest immigrant populations in Toronto are from India and China. There are tons of Asian massage parlors, agencies, and escorts... but very few East Indian ones as far as I can tell. Is there a cultural reason why East Indians participate less in the industry?
LOL you must live in an area that is not very multicultural if you have to ask this.

East Indians come from a very Conservative Patriarchal-Dominant Culture, where dating is even taboo, and arranged marriages are the norm. So working in an MP is not the thing to do, not to mention escorting.

Most of the "Indian" massage girls and SP's I suspect are of "West Indian" origins which means they are of Caribbean origin. There are exceptions of course.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Indian males exercise significantly greater control over their females, whether it be in education or sex and protect them from other males so that these Indian females have little autonomy and are almost totally dependent on their men for everything. Also most Indian woman are virgins at the time of marriage and have no decision making authority. Chinese woman are far more independent and free to make choices so some choose to become prostitutes but put the money to very constructive use like mortgages and education for themselves or their kids even, not for substance abuse funding usually. Your question is about Toronto, and there are lots of solo Chinese immigrant lady here, but few single Indian lady immigrants with the latter almost always locked in strict male control either by their fathers or husbands. As an aside though, Indian itself is teaming with prostitutes, more per capita than in China.


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2017
Indian males exercise significantly greater control over their females, whether it be in education or sex and protect them from other males so that these Indian females have little autonomy and are almost totally dependent on their men for everything. Also most Indian woman are virgins at the time of marriage and have no decision making authority. Chinese woman are far more independent and free to make choices so some choose to become prostitutes but put the money to very constructive use like mortgages and education for themselves or their kids even, not for substance abuse funding usually. Your question is about Toronto, and there are lots of solo Chinese immigrant lady here, but few single Indian lady immigrants with the latter almost always locked in strict male control either by their fathers or husbands. As an aside though, Indian itself is teaming with prostitutes, more per capita than in China.
LOL the ones that grow up here are huge freaks due to being repressed, they also have more autonomy and privileges.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2004
GTA & Thereabouts...
LOL the ones that grow up here are huge freaks due to being repressed, they also have more autonomy and privileges.
Yep... I'd peg EI ladies as the ideal choice for a young man... They are a lady in the streets (frankly, borderline "librarian") and a freak in the sheets...


I do all my own stunts
Dec 20, 2014
Asians have a pipeline, Indians don't. It's that simple.

With Asian providers, chances are she barely speaks English let alone be Canadian born. To me that's a red flag.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2016
Yep... I'd peg EI ladies as the ideal choice for a young man... They are a lady in the streets (frankly, borderline "librarian") and a freak in the sheets...
Agreed. East Indian ladies born in Canada are amazing. They are has horny as hell. Very submissive for on my experience. I have some of freakiest encounters with them. They love white men too because the guys from their culture are mostly huge entitled douchebags who don't have a clue how to treat women right.


New member
Mar 22, 2015
Agreed. East Indian ladies born in Canada are amazing. They are has horny as hell. Very submissive for on my experience. I have some of freakiest encounters with them. They love white men too because the guys from their culture are mostly huge entitled douchebags who don't have a clue how to treat women right.
way to generalize all east indian men lmao. you obviously have never been around east indian men. i grew up in canada as a east indian male who has only dated from my own community, never had any problems with my women.


Active member
Oct 24, 2010
I had a couple sessions with Indian / South Asian girls who live or grew up in Toronto areas and occasionally worked in the West. I think my sessions with them were descent and I'm not white man LOL. They have very good body with big breast, small waist, long and lean legs. They were not kissing but got into the intercourse part.

It's good to try with them once or twice but I won't repeat with them. LOL I like my lovely Korean girls who provide much better services such as shower for two and etc which doesn't exist in the Indian / South Asian girls.

Also, the South Asian girls generally have very dark nipples and bad body odour which is not my cup of tea. LOL

I read an article or watched a documentary saying that South Asia has very large numbers of prostitutes in their countries and many are infected with HIV / AIDS because condoms are not available and widely used there. So it's actually good that not many of them can make their ways to work here in Canada.

Bad hygiene is another issue of the South Asian because they don't clean their living spaces especially the South Asian men. So if you go to their incalls where they may also live in there would not be a clean and good hygiene places.


Feb 23, 2017
LOL you must live in an area that is not very multicultural if you have to ask this.

East Indians come from a very Conservative Patriarchal-Dominant Culture, where dating is even taboo, and arranged marriages are the norm. So working in an MP is not the thing to do, not to mention escorting.

Most of the "Indian" massage girls and SP's I suspect are of "West Indian" origins which means they are of Caribbean origin. There are exceptions of course.
Wow - lot of generalizations/stereotypes. The only thing that is correct is the conservative label. And throwing arranged marriages around like it's the norm? It's not. There are many different cultures that fall into the category of Indian and each one has its own culture, tradition, and practices.

There are many reasons why there are few EI's in the trade. The first is a conservative nature. This is due to Indian society, cultural practices, and personal beliefs. Sex and sexuality is not something that is discussed openly, the sex industry is taboo as fuck. Another reason is that EI's stress hard work and schooling will result in a good job and lifestyle so kids work hard. The idea that doctor, lawyer, and engineer are desirable professions isn't a myth. There's certainly other areas but whatever the case, schooling and education is pushed. For sure the concept of sex before marriage is taboo and not encouraged. So when you put some of these things together, you won't have too many people straying from the standard workforce. And while it would be hopeful to think a SW will be accepted by her family, that's highly doubtful in many cases so unless she's willing to cut ties, it's not a desirable path to follow.

There are of course, exceptions to the rule. Definitely a few EI girls who aren't conservative by any stretch. What I will say I note is a clear double standard where women are expected to be conservative virgins while the guys pretty much do whatever they want. I find it funny when you talk to a guy who's gotten around but states vehemently that he wants a traditional girl.

way to generalize all east indian men lmao. you obviously have never been around east indian men. i grew up in canada as a east indian male who has only dated from my own community, never had any problems with my women.
right on.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Agreed. East Indian ladies born in Canada are amazing. They are has horny as hell. Very submissive for on my experience. I have some of freakiest encounters with them. They love white men too because the guys from their culture are mostly huge entitled douchebags who don't have a clue how to treat women right.
As I was reading this thread it got me thinking of the only indian chick I've been with and then I see this post which is absolutely bang on. She was a total submissive freak when it came to sex, and I mean in the best possible way. I didn't even scratch the surface of how depraved she was but what we did do was super fun.

And the comment about indian men is accurate too. Being Canadianized she couldn't stand their possessive/domineering behaviours, despised them, and wouldn't date them if her life depended on it (and back home it probably would have)--but she had no problem being submissive with me! :rockon:


I do all my own stunts
Dec 20, 2014
The two largest immigrant populations in Toronto are from India and China. There are tons of Asian massage parlors, agencies, and escorts... but very few East Indian ones as far as I can tell. Is there a cultural reason why East Indians participate less in the industry?
To me, it's clear Asians have a pipeline for girls and Indians don't. When you see an Asian provider, chances are they will barely speak English, let alone be Canadian born.

But when you compare Canadian born vs Canadian born, in my experience the numbers are similar.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Religion could be a factor. Organized religion had relatively
little influence in the cultural history of the Chinese.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
LOL you must live in an area that is not very multicultural if you have to ask this.
One male acquaintance of mine is East Indian. Nice guy, not domineering at all though has a bit of a drinking problem. Very handy - can fix anything. His first wife was Indian and was very sexy, kind, and traditional. She enjoyed cooking for him, doing laundry, and so on. She was born here. He had it made but threw it all away due to his drinking habits. Now she's remarried in a new house. I can't even imagine finding a White or Black Canadian woman in my age cohort that is in any way voluntarily traditional.


Feb 23, 2017
One male acquaintance of mine is East Indian. Nice guy, not domineering at all though has a bit of a drinking problem. Very handy - can fix anything. His first wife was Indian and was very sexy, kind, and traditional. She enjoyed cooking for him, doing laundry, and so on. She was born here. He had it made but threw it all away due to his drinking habits. Now she's remarried in a new house. I can't even imagine finding a White or Black Canadian woman in my age cohort that is in any way voluntarily traditional.
Sadly then your imagination is limited. They exist. I know a few women of different ethnic backgrounds who are very traditional and stick with the standard male/female roles. It's surprising because yes, it's not standard with someone who's born here. But I have no problem telling them they're SO's should pitch in more.

I've also seen some instances where from the outside, you'd assume traditional but when you meet them and find out more, they surprise you with a few things. I know an old EI couple where the man does all the cooking for example. That's not the norm in the culture but still, that's how they operate.


Active member
May 22, 2011
I'm going to take a guess based on sex and porn as a whole. Both cultures love money, and you can see that by how industrious they are with businesses, cash only stores, and such.

But when it comes to sex, Asians do more porn and escorting. You don't see a lot of East Indian stuff.

So to me, Asians have a lower threshold when it comes to jobs to make a buck. Good on them for earning money (when was the last time you saw Asian people getting welfare cheques or sitting on a street corner asking for quarters), but it also means the "jobs" to make money are expanded to more roles..... like escorting and massages. And for a population that is I think about 10% of the GTA, it sure seems like a disproportional number who do these kinds of jobs.


Active member
Jul 11, 2006
Lot of negative generalizations here. Yes, Indian girls are traditional - get over it. They're not fucking your pathetic ass and you're hard pressed to find an Indian SP. Say what you want about their domineering fathers but they kept their daughters off the pole and off terb. Most of them are not getting arranged marriages - this isn't the 1950's - they're meeting someone in university, getting married and rarely ever divorce. Consequently, they might seem like forbidden fruit to some of you who want to equate wantoness with "independence."


New member
Mar 22, 2015
Lot of negative generalizations here. Yes, Indian girls are traditional - get over it. They're not fucking your pathetic ass and you're hard pressed to find an Indian SP. Say what you want about their domineering fathers but they kept their daughters off the pole and off terb. Most of them are not getting arranged marriages - this isn't the 1950's - they're meeting someone in university, getting married and rarely ever divorce. Consequently, they might seem like forbidden fruit to some of you who want to equate wantoness with "independence."
100 % truth. This guy gets it.


Apr 9, 2018
Definitely there's a cultural reason behind it. Asia and India are totally different in terms of traditions, culture and religious values. No matter how advance or modern a country is, you still have to follow some traditions.
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