Curious lovely gentlemen....
Is there a place that you feel more comfortable with when visiting an SP?
Upscale Hotel Discreet Incall? Outcall to your place? Residential Incall?
Just curious as I may make a few changes in the near future regarding incall/outcalls.
Personally - I've entertained out of previous apartments.. Didn't feel very discreet to me. Also didn't like the idea of a random
unknown man coming into my "home" and knowing where I lived. Regulars yes. But new to me hobbyists
didn't always feel right for me in regards to coming to my place. For the past 2 years now I've only been providing upscale and
discreet incall and I've found it to work out absolutely perfectly!
In my opinion - I find that hotel rooms give a hobbyist and I more room to play, are extremely clean and modern (much more spacious),
unlimited towels with a big shower/bath to play in (huge plus) and then I don't have to worry about working out of my home.
Where is your ALL time favourite and most comfortable place for YOU to visit an SP?
Kadie xo