Time for you to change your name again perhaps.
Why do people keep thinking I am bbbjcimgreek?? That is a different user. But believe what you want.Again? what was he before bbbjcimgreek?
Ya I am quoting to your reply. How's that a problem. Of course I moved on. Get over it.Can my reasons for posting not be exactly what I wrote? I have no anger. You are reading something that is not there at all.
Hell, I am not even against anal play because it is something I enjoy and I offer. So again, I posted because a) it was brought to my attention by someone else and b) I agreed it was wrong.
He admits it was wrong, you admit it was wrong. Everyone admits it was wrong, but no one wants to put it into the proper context. He knew before the session started what was on the table and the respect line should have be drawn there. Not after he tried and she had to say no for a second time.
I am moving on. You and Spartan keeping quoting me.
I don't agree it is a small matter. I think you should have had more respect for her and listened to her the first time. Just like you are allowed to share your experience, I am allowed to express my opinion.
Now, I am willing to move on, are you?
I agree that no one has heard from Bliss and to clarify I am not trying at all to speak for her. However, this review has now gone past that. As I said, someone else brought this to my attention, and I know I am not the only lady who has looked at it and feels that what the OP did was wrong. So while Bliss's feelings on the matter are important for what she may or may not have felt at the time, I can say other people have feelings on the matter that are certainly being discussed offline. You may not be judging but many others already have. I just have no issues staying my opinions publiclly.Only person we haven't heard from is Bliss. Hopefully that would help clarify things. Oh, and before I become a voodoo doll, I am just putting it out there. I have made NO judgements.
Time for you to change your name again perhaps.
Curious about this though. Was there a name change, and why I wonder? PM if need be. I am trying to get out of this thread now that my point was made.Again? what was he before bbbjcimgreek?
Wow - does that really need to be explained? If you quote me, asking me questions, I am going to reply. That is the respectful thing to do. I don't just preach it, I practice it.Ya I am quoting to your reply. How's that a problem. Of course I moved on. Get over it.
Ya of course I'm gonna quote you, that's how I'm making a direct response to you. Common now.I agree that no one has heard from Bliss and to clarify I am not trying at all to speak for her. However, this review has now gone past that. As I said, someone else brought this to my attention, and I know I am not the only lady who has looked at it and feels that what the OP did was wrong. So while Bliss's feelings on the matter are important for what she may or may not have felt at the time, I can say other people have feelings on the matter that are certainly being discussed offline. You may not be judging but many others already have. I just have no issues staying my opinions publiclly.
I do want to add as well, this should be lesson learning, not fighting the obvious error. But that is just me and my opinion. At a time when clients are already criminalized for consensual acts, do you guys really want to get into grey areas of what is not consensual or what maybe boundary pushing or an "oops" or whatever you want to call it?
Curious about this though. Was there a name change, and why I wonder? PM if need be. I am trying to get out of this thread now that my point was made.
Wow - does that really need to be explained? If you quote me, asking me questions, I am going to reply. That is the respectful thing to do. I don't just preach it, I practice it.
Want me to stop replying, stop quoting me. Easy Peasy.
Ok? So you want me to move on from this thread but you want to make direct responses to me???? Got to admit that one has me confused.Ya of course I'm gonna quote you, that's how I'm making a direct response to you. Common now.
Poor Jessica. I feel sad for you. Have a good night.Ok? So you want me to move on from this thread but you want to make direct responses to me???? Got to admit that one has me confused.
Unless of course, you are a cave man. Is this a "you are man, I am woman, you make rules, woman shuts up" type thing????
Anyway, I am moving on for tonight at least. Time to enjoy NYE - I suggest maybe you do the same. Maybe when we meet back here tomorrow or the next day, the conversation may go a little different with the time away.
Have a good night.
You saw her again and she thanked you kindly? Than there might be some mistake, I think you may have posted the wrong screenshot in your link.Saw her again. Bliss is a wonderful girl guys. I encourage everyone to give her a chance. She thanked me kindly. Go see her.
Time for you to change your name again perhaps.
Again? what was he before bbbjcimgreek?
Why do people keep thinking I am bbbjcimgreek?? That is a different user. But believe what you want.
Curious about this though. Was there a name change, and why I wonder? PM if need be. I am trying to get out of this thread now that my point was made.
This is an online world. People come and go. New and old, just because you had a hunch that I was another user doesn't mean so. Stop taking these forums so personally. I'm just here to review, comment and share my thoughts because I have been fucked over by many SPs so I decided to finally spend some time reviewing as it certainly helps avoid fakes. Should have done this awhile ago but whatever. Yes, I have joined recently and my very first post was on Kim busty brunette. Go read that if you want to see my introduction. I have nothing against you, and wish everyone well. Now, if you continue the infatuation of bbbjgreekcim, be my guest, but for however long I stay in this forum I will continue to provide my 2 cents and help guys as much as I can, just as I intended when I registered not too long ago.It's very simple Blackpanther... We (76camaro, dm1985, me and probably a lot of other Terbies) believe that because you appeared on Terb just before bbbjcimgreek disappeared, early in Dec 2017, you seem to have a lot of knowledge for a newby and there is a lot of similarities with a number of things that bbbjcimgreek use to value and the way to write treats.
It's funny that this is coming up cause I was questioning myself, not even a week ago, about you and bbbjcimgreek, after reading something you posted. If you say "Why do people keep thinking I am bbbjcimgreek" it's probably because you had been call for that before... I didn't know but now it's obvious. Let's say,... in less than a month, you have 67 posts (as of now that I'm writing this post) which is very unusual for a total newby. It's clear that you are not a newby in this world, especially not on Terb. Just like bbbjcimgreek, you are in every posts, voice/opinion yourself everywhere and when attack (like in this treat), you overreact and go after the other person, you can't apologize properly and seems to want to have the final word on everything, every point, just like we saw in the "Alana threat", for example, the one where bbbjcimgreek attacked me and dm1985 and made him disappeared of Terb scene.
I wasn't going to comment on your initial post, but since I open up, I will just say that I agree with Jessica's intervention, what you did is wrong, you knew it, you shouldn't have done it. But you did it: Ok, maybe I can accept the idea that it was a honest mistake (I don't believe that it was but let say...), shit happen; BUT you shouldn't post it. That is flirting with disrespect "Hey guys, look what I've done to her!!!". We need the providers, they must be totally respected otherwise we will all loose their kindness and many thing. No need for this shit.
So, Blackpanther aka bbbjcimgreek, I hope the New Year will bring you wisdom. And NO...before you say it, Dbass34 is not dm1985, even if our respective name starts with a "D", finish with a number and agree on how to treat others.
Your username is Respect, so I'm assuming it's important to you? I have to speak up and I rarely do.... A finger.... a dick.... it doesn't make a difference what you try to stick up a restricted area, neither are acceptable. I cant believe some of the attitudes about this. Ive heard everything from it was a finger not a penis so big deal, to anything can happen in the heat of the moment. Women are raped and mudered "in the heat of the moment", so yes im aware anything CAN happen but its not acceptable. Im shocked at how dismissive some of you are. Why ask our restrictions if you are going to "test the waters" anyways? He knew her restrictions and very obviously decided to test her limits anyways. IT ISNT OK NO MATTER HOW YOU PUT IT. Just because we are escorts does not make it any more acceptable than if it happened to a female family member of yours. IT IS NOT OK TO PUSH OR CROSS OUR BOUNDARIES AND THERE IS NO EXCUSE...really,,lol
Thanks for the review
It was a finger , not a dick
you stopped when asked
life goes on .
Thanks for all your contributions .
You are pretty much reiterating what Jessica keeps saying. And honestly were running in circles. Listen, no guy here is condoning it. It stopped being a a big deal as soon the act stopped and session was resumed. Who here is disagreeing with you?? People just move on, but I guess it really bothers you, doesn't it? You just have to come in and spill nonesense about the whole " girls aren't being treated with respect, girls aren't treated like human beings, only sexual toys" notion. While I absolutely condemn any rape, harassment behaviour, this is not the case. Nothing escalated further between me and Bliss. Also, guys are always the one to get the short end of the stick. Not to mention law enforcement is always gonna be harsher on us. Ever been to Afghanistan? I have. Women have it the worst there. From human trafficking prostitution to every day sharia law abuse. You're lucky to be escorting in Canada. And no one is stopping you from voicing your opinion. You've got the right to state your opinion, but all you're doing is dragging this matter into another category.Your username is Respect, so I'm assuming it's important to you? I have to speak up and I rarely do.... A finger.... a dick.... it doesn't make a difference what you try to stick up a restricted area, neither are acceptable. I cant believe some of the attitudes about this. Ive heard everything from it was a finger not a penis so big deal, to anything can happen in the heat of the moment. Women are raped and mudered "in the heat of the moment", so yes im aware anything CAN happen but its not acceptable. Im shocked at how dismissive some of you are. Why ask our restrictions if you are going to "test the waters" anyways? He knew her restrictions and very obviously decided to test her limits anyways. IT ISNT OK NO MATTER HOW YOU PUT IT. Just because we are escorts does not make it any more acceptable than if it happened to a female family member of yours. IT IS NOT OK TO PUSH OR CROSS OUR BOUNDARIES AND THERE IS NO EXCUSE...
And labeling Jessica Rain as a man hating escort with an axe to grind is preposterous. Many of us share her opinion but are simply to afraid to speak up. Escorts tend to get chased away from this board by the male members. We aren't valued as human beings with thoughts and opinions... only as toys for sexual gratification. We create supply for YOUR demand and we deserve respect.
The person who seems to “take these forums so personally” here is you, if we look at the amount of reply you had with anyone who voiced a different opinion than you in this treat.This is an online world. People come and go. New and old, just because you had a hunch that I was another user doesn't mean so. Stop taking these forums so personally. I'm just here to review, comment and share my thoughts because I have been fucked over by many SPs so I decided to finally spend some time reviewing as it certainly helps avoid fakes. Should have done this awhile ago but whatever. Yes, I have joined recently and my very first post was on Kim busty brunette. Go read that if you want to see my introduction. I have nothing against you, and wish everyone well. Now, if you continue the infatuation of bbbjgreekcim, be my guest, but for however long I stay in this forum I will continue to provide my 2 cents and help guys as much as I can, just as I intended when I registered not too long ago.