Tips on ex girl friend and fake charges.

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New member
Jul 14, 2017
Hello Terbies, Im not a nube, Im 53, I have had some problem with an ex girl friend. We use to attend a church together. I only attended the church with her to help her with her alcohol depression and PTSD.
Naturally some people attending the church tried to become her friend. They were usavory characters, so I said, told her to stay away.

It turns out some of these people were friends with the Deacon and Junior Pastor, so they sent me a restraining order to keep away from the church, to not contact my girl friend, and stay away from the entire church congregation.
I guess I should have went to a lawyer. I called her up, I said what is this? And then one of the pastors in the church, took some shall I say false evidence ( the church gets threatening mail sometimes).
They took the threatening mail, signed off on a fake affidavit and had me arrested...wait for my work. Long story short, I quit and have another job.

Mean while, the church said they didnt want to charge me with any criminal micheif, they just want me to sign a peace bond.
I had to get a lawyer, and I said, no way, no peace bond, I want a trial.

So we are playing the waiting game.

any tips?
Laugh at me if you want, but we can all be in this situation. It depends how powerful your enemies are.
What I dont undertand is one the deacons, lied under oath. That is perjury. What is to happen, can I charge them after the trial?
My lawyer charges 200 an hour, so I would rather get advice from Terbs, you guys are probaly the smartes segment of the population.

Thank you!!!!


Active member
Nov 23, 2008
Hello Terbies, Im not a nube, Im 53, I have had some problem with an ex girl friend. We use to attend a church together. I only attended the church with her to help her with her alcohol depression and PTSD.
Naturally some people attending the church tried to become her friend. They were usavory characters, so I said, told her to stay away.

It turns out some of these people were friends with the Deacon and Junior Pastor, so they sent me a restraining order to keep away from the church, to not contact my girl friend, and stay away from the entire church congregation.
I guess I should have went to a lawyer. I called her up, I said what is this? And then one of the pastors in the church, took some shall I say false evidence ( the church gets threatening mail sometimes).
They took the threatening mail, signed off on a fake affidavit and had me arrested...wait for my work. Long story short, I quit and have another job.

Mean while, the church said they didnt want to charge me with any criminal micheif, they just want me to sign a peace bond.
I had to get a lawyer, and I said, no way, no peace bond, I want a trial.

So we are playing the waiting game.

any tips?
Laugh at me if you want, but we can all be in this situation. It depends how powerful your enemies are.
What I dont undertand is one the deacons, lied under oath. That is perjury. What is to happen, can I charge them after the trial?
My lawyer charges 200 an hour, so I would rather get advice from Terbs, you guys are probaly the smartes segment of the population.

Thank you!!!!
You are making a major league mistake if you think TERBs are the smartest segment of the population. Spend $200 and talk to a lawyer.


New member
Jul 14, 2017
I did. 3k retainer, two lawyers.
I didnt like the first guy. I tried to fire him and get another lawyer who was more up my alley.
He said he isnt giving me back the retainer, let him just handle the admin etc.
So hired a second lawyer, who couldnt get the police disclosure because he was the assinged lawyer.
Took all weekend to fix that part. My lawyers dont call me back.


New member
Mar 7, 2004
I did. 3k retainer, two lawyers.
I didnt like the first guy. I tried to fire him and get another lawyer who was more up my alley.
He said he isnt giving me back the retainer, let him just handle the admin etc.
So hired a second lawyer, who couldnt get the police disclosure because he was the assinged lawyer.
Took all weekend to fix that part. My lawyers dont call me back.
How much do you think the trial will cost? You can't even get lawyers to call you and you are already in for $3k.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
Unless I am missing something yes it does sound like you are stalking her....

1- ex-gf - why do you need to stay in contact with her at all?
2- "only attended church with her to help her alcohol problems" - so its not even your church, again why go there at all?
3- told her to stay away from unsavory types at church - again why would you want to hang around her friends, who you do not think are good people?
4- church deacon/pastor sent you warning (after all of the other shit) and then you still called her again??? Why??? (even if you are "right", the church people ONLY heard what ex + friends said, so you jumping in again makes you really look the bad guy)

5- and after ALL of this, instead of just saying you would find another girl & another church you want to fight it??? What exactly do you want to win here???

As to last question I doubt deacon lied, her probably just repeated what he was told, but only way to get perjury is to prove he knowingly lied, not a snowballs chance in hell on that unless you think you could get a confession out of him


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Sign the bond. Walk away. Let your ex make her own decisions.

Move on, save the money.

If this is real.........

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Are you for real?

Run, don't walk away from this woman

Don't call her, don't email her, don't text her, don't see her, don't "accidentally" run into her on the street, don't even send her smoke signals.

It's not worth it.

Reading between the lines, you sound cracked. When your own lawyers don't even return your calls, the implication is that even they don't want anything to do with you.

Take the lesson, save the money, buy a dog for companionship and loyalty and rent when it comes to women. I can't even believe that you want anything to do with this woman.

Hoping you get it together.


Active member
Nov 1, 2001
What exactly do you want to win here???
I think TeeJay's post and advice is bang-on. Unless you crave total control of people, including your ex's - you will need to cut your losses after the mistakes you've made and move on. You're 53 and your ex doesn't sound like a catch anyway. Look on the bright side. For every hour of legal fees saved - you could spend it towards the activities described on this board and come out ahead.


Sep 2, 2017
lol, so even your lawyers think you're annoying. that says a lot. if you think TERBites are smarter than the lawyers, you must be dumber than i thought.

you also aren't getting a "trial". what you're going to have is a peace bond hearing, where the complainant (the church) will have a chance to show reasonable cause that you are a threat to your ex's safety. you will have a chance at that time to prove otherwise. it's not a criminal charge, so it's not a trial. i defended someone at a peace bond hearing before. it'll take a while for the date to be even set, and it also looks like they have way more witnesses than you. so i'd say you have a good chance of losing.

spend all the money on lawyers you want, but what are you even trying to prove? you said so yourself you only went to that church to help your ex. why do you care so much about needing to contact her or go where she goes?

You are so confused. Peace Bond= strangers. Restraining order= domestic.

And how exactly are you doing a peace bond? A Justice won't spend more than 15 minutes on a peace bond. If you go through the information and it gets sent to court , odds are the peace bond will be issued. If it's a restraining order , it's a Judge who ordered it and he violated by contacting her. He will get a serious outcome. They don't take this stuff as a joke anymore.

And finally, did you miss the part where he said a restraining order was ALREADY issued and he was charged criminally? Did you even read his post? Regardless, it's 100% fake


Sep 2, 2017
Hello Terbies, Im not a nube, Im 53, I have had some problem with an ex girl friend. We use to attend a church together. I only attended the church with her to help her with her alcohol depression and PTSD.
Naturally some people attending the church tried to become her friend. They were usavory characters, so I said, told her to stay away.

It turns out some of these people were friends with the Deacon and Junior Pastor, so they sent me a restraining order to keep away from the church, to not contact my girl friend, and stay away from the entire church congregation.
I guess I should have went to a lawyer. I called her up, I said what is this? And then one of the pastors in the church, took some shall I say false evidence ( the church gets threatening mail sometimes).
They took the threatening mail, signed off on a fake affidavit and had me arrested...wait for my work. Long story short, I quit and have another job.

Mean while, the church said they didnt want to charge me with any criminal micheif, they just want me to sign a peace bond.
I had to get a lawyer, and I said, no way, no peace bond, I want a trial.

So we are playing the waiting game.

any tips?
Laugh at me if you want, but we can all be in this situation. It depends how powerful your enemies are.
What I dont undertand is one the deacons, lied under oath. That is perjury. What is to happen, can I charge them after the trial?
My lawyer charges 200 an hour, so I would rather get advice from Terbs, you guys are probaly the smartes segment of the population.

Thank you!!!!
This story is 100% BS. There are too many legal holes here friend. Don't know your agenda but it's fake. I can guarantee that 100%.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006
Obviously your Ex wants to or is already getting her pussy drilled by these unsavory characters at the church you speak of.
Her pussy, so I guess you're out of luck if that's what she wants to do.
No need for you to go near her or the church again so why fight it?
Don't let your ego get the better of you.
Sign the peace bond and save yourself more lawyer fees, ridicule etc.
Pussy ain't worth all that especially when she is your Ex in which case you have no relationship, and she obviously wants to do her own thing.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
This story is 100% BS. There are too many legal holes here friend. Don't know your agenda but it's fake. I can guarantee that 100%.
Would not be the first time someone posted bogus stories on here.

It makes no sense to me either.


Sep 2, 2017
Would not be the first time someone posted bogus stories on here.

It makes no sense to me either.
Yeah but his story tries to get elaborate. It makes no sense to post a nonsense lie like this. Probably mental illness. My guess is he wants to see how to navigate a harassment "job" he has in his head with out getting arrested. Hint: You'll get arrested . Jails are full of nut jobs who harass females.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Would not be the first time someone posted bogus stories on here.

It makes no sense to me either.
Agree. The OP's story is full of holes and things which don't make sense.


New member
Jan 17, 2017
I am trying to think what would it take me to date a woman who is known to have been dating the 53yo OP, is a church goer and an alcoholic. I'd have to ask for $300/hr and no intimacy!


New member
Jul 14, 2017
Unless I am missing something yes it does sound like you are stalking her....

1- ex-gf - why do you need to stay in contact with her at all? To ask her why she said she loved me so much it hurts, and then it started dying down, and down the more we attended that church.

2- "only attended church with her to help her alcohol problems" - so its not even your church, again why go there at all? It actually was my church, I just wasnt a member or didnt want to be, but they probably wouldnt let me anyways.

3- told her to stay away from unsavory types at church - again why would you want to hang around her friends, who you do not think are good people? Thats a good question, and some times we dont do a check in with our brains, then we have a aha moment, and say, why did I go there? But in my defence, the pastor is very well known and popular among the liberal elite in Toronto. So a lot of politicians would attend the church, and the police cheif, and you can ask questions....

4- church deacon/pastor sent you warning (after all of the other shit) and then you still called her again??? Why??? (even if you are "right", the church people ONLY heard what ex + friends said, so you jumping in again makes you really look the bad guy)Of course I called her, and I called most of her family and work, until they had to shut the phones off. She deserved, we were friends, you dont do that to a friend, am I right.

5- and after ALL of this, instead of just saying you would find another girl & another church you want to fight it??? What exactly do you want to win here???

As to last question I doubt deacon lied, her probably just repeated what he was told, but only way to get perjury is to prove he knowingly lied, not a snowballs chance in hell on that unless you think you could get a confession out of him
Actually all the people involved are woman. Do you think men would actually be involved in this insanity?


New member
Jul 14, 2017
Yes. They think I am crazy, but its not that. I didnt really leave a big enough retainer for all the calls I make. So if I gave him 2500 dollars, and I made 250 calls, at 50 dollars a call, well you do the math.


New member
Jul 14, 2017
No, I know my story is choppy, but its not fake. From the restraining order sent on church letter head paper, to an arrest when I was going to file a complaint against them, led to a fake arrest.
I didnt stay to long at the division, and left without signing a bond. Dont think the police didnt know I was innocent.
they told me not to speak, there are camaras all over the station and they record sound too.
I wouldnt want to work where there are video's surv cams on all day.


New member
Jul 14, 2017
I wasnt sleeping with her, we were just friends, almost soul mate friends, because although we are gainfully employed, and both have a high ranking intelligence, we are also on the spectrum. She has aspergurs, and I dont think I have it, but I got something.
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