How do you get rid of a troublesome tenant?

Sep 13, 2009
I have a friend that has a troublesome tenant that makes noises at all hours of the night. After they were told to keep the noise to a reasonable level. The tenants became hostile. What ways can you make a tenant vacate the premises? Legal or not. Vacated with rent paid till end of lease is good, vacated without rent is OK too.


Active member
Dec 1, 2005
I have a friend that has a troublesome tenant that makes noises at all hours of the night. After they were told to keep the noise to a reasonable level. The tenants became hostile. What ways can you make a tenant vacate the premises? Legal or not. Vacated with rent paid till end of lease is good, vacated without rent is OK too.
This is a link to the Landlord Tenant Board. You should find what you need there. From my brief read of it you'd serve a Notice to End Tenancy for Interfering with Others, Damage, or Overcrowding, N5, print that out and give it to the tenant. They have 7 days to correct their behaviour, or move out, as an option. After that time-frame you can start an application with the board.

Everything here has a rule governing it. These days you just serve papers if anyone's giving you a hassle.


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2013
I have a friend that has a troublesome tenant that makes noises at all hours of the night. After they were told to keep the noise to a reasonable level. The tenants became hostile. What ways can you make a tenant vacate the premises? Legal or not. Vacated with rent paid till end of lease is good, vacated without rent is OK too.
Legally it can take 9 months, not legally you could get someone to take care of them so they volunteer to leave. But there is a cost to that too.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
"The Residential Tenancies Act allows a landlord to give a tenant notice to end the tenancy early ifthe tenant, the tenant’s guest or someone else who lives in the rental unit doessomething they should not do, or does not do something they should. This issometimes called ending a tenancy “for cause”.

Some examples of “for cause” reasons for ending a tenancy are:not paying the rent in full,

causing damage to the rental property,

disturbing other tenants or the landlord, and

illegal activity in the rental unit or residential complex.

So, your friend needs to send a written notice to the tenant along the lines of "Further to our discussion on Nov xx, I advised you that you and/or your family/guests had been creating noise that was disturbing (other tenants/the landlord/family) on or around Nov xx.

First, have the Landlord fill out and send the tenant the following official notice.

Form N5 Notice to End your TenancyFor Interfering with Others, Damage or Overcrowding

Then, he has to document and keep notes of any further complaints or disturbances etc. Record using video if possible.

Then if the tenant creates a disturbance again, the Landlord can use the Form N5 or just go straight to Form 7

Form N7 "Notice to End your TenancyFor Causing Serious Problems in the Rental Unit or Residential Complex "

If the tenant does not agree to move out voluntarily, then the Landlord has to make an application to the Board to get a Notice of Eviction.
Sep 13, 2009
There was a hearing last week, the landlord brought a witness. They were told to wait for a judgement.


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
Phone the landlord tenant place, there is a number somewhere. You have to follow the proper procedures. You could serve a notice that you are moving in or renovating, but they have first dibs to get back in after the so called renos, hopefully they have moved on.

888 332 3234


Mar 31, 2009
No matter what, it's going to end really ugly.
I heard that some landlords are now asking prospective tenants for a credit bureau and police reference report.

Asking their previous landlord doesn't work because he/she will say anything to be rid of them.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Ashley Madison
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