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Active member
Nov 14, 2009
Anything's possible with that weirdo, but on balance I would say this is false.
i heard that he sold his island awhile ago ('course maybe he bought another).
Also 3 doesn't sound like the right number of armoured doors for this guy's bedroom. He's probably got 4 or 5 armoured doors, or maybe one approaches his bedroom through an alternating series of armoured doors and flowered trellises.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Anything's possible with that weirdo, but on balance I would say this is false.
i heard that he sold his island awhile ago ('course maybe he bought another).
Also 3 doesn't sound like the right number of armoured doors for this guy's bedroom. He's probably got 4 or 5 armoured doors, or maybe one approaches his bedroom through an alternating series of armoured doors and flowered trellises.

There was an incident where he woke up with a naked guy in front of him wearing his jacket and eating an ice cream bar. He spends big on personal security. If he has sold his island he may now be going through 5 layers of electronic security to go to bed.
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Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
I read about it years ago but can't remember the details now. It involved Capone.

Al Capone had a lot of legitimate businesses to launder his money and explain income to the government. He had a milk company that generated recurring revenue for him. His brother that ran the company came up with the best before date so that people would throw out old milk more often and they would sell more milk.


Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Some did but they had to buy 'em.

Dog tags were worn in the American Civil War, originally the tags were actual tags for dogs to prove that a dog license had been paid and proof of identification. Dog tags were given to soldiers so that they can be identified in case they were killed.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009

An ancient civilization that did not like wine was Egypt. The old kings avoided wine from the belief that
the red alcoholic beverage is actually the blood of men who tried to fight the gods and failed.
This is why, according to the egyptians, what makes people act irrationally while drinking it (alcohol).


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