Fat man eats 50 lbs. of food at buffet, gets kicked out. How much should he sue for?

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009

A fifty one year old Springfield, Massachusetts man is suing Golden Corral because he bought the all you can eat buffet but was kicked out before he was finished. Despite the fact that they let him have what he ate for free, Mr Fleming (Or Mr Flemmings, name is uncertain) is suing them for 2 million dollars for false advertisement. Golden Corral offers an all you can eat buffet. Mr Fleming says that not only was he still hungry but:

“It’s a serious injustice, and I am deeply insulted! With my income, I rarely go to the restaurant, so I try to get as much as I can for my money when I do. This was the worst experience I have ever had in a restaurant. Not only did they kick me out while I was still hungry, but they looked at me like I was disgusting, like I was not worthy of eating there! It’s unacceptable, and I demand a compensation!”

By now, you are probably wondering what you are missing. Mr Fleming had stayed at the buffet for over seven hours and consumed 50 to 70 pounds of food.

Man kicked out of all-you-can-eat buffet after eating more than 50 lbs of food, sues for $2-million

Normally, I would consider this an open and shut case as he purchased the lunch buffet which lasts only 5 1/2 hours and he was actually eating the supper buffet. However, this being Massachusetts, common sense does not apply. Top Golden Corral executives claim the decision to toss Mr Fleming was the act of an over zealous manager and they say they offered Fleming a sizable cash offer as compensation. Fleming admits that they made him a very generous offer, but he believes he can get more by going to court.

The case will begin it’s proceedings on March 7th.


Active member
Nov 10, 2001
Maybe the restaurant was trying to save his life? But he did blow their profits by eating so much.


Active member
Nov 10, 2001
So how many plates of food add up to 50 lbs?


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Simple solution is to limit the amount of time customers have to eat. I think The Mandarin buffet gives you 1.5 hours before they usher you out the door.


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
I went to one of those places in Minnesota. Most customers there were fat. Amongst my colleagues, we called it 'The Trough'.

Maybe they should have left if there as long as he wanted. Even given him a bed. Could have died of a coronary and that would have been it.


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2001
Years and years ago, (I don't want to mention how many) there was an all-you-can-eat Chinese food buffet across from Varsity Stadium. I had a friend who was banned from it for eating too much.


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
I once went to a restaurant that was offering all you can eat mussels. After 2 servings, they cut me off. To be fair, all-you-can-eat should be all-you-can-eat or don't advertise it.

Simple solution is to limit the amount of time customers have to eat. I think The Mandarin buffet gives you 1.5 hours before they usher you out the door.

I do agree with this. There should be about a two or three hour time limit.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Simple solution is to limit the amount of time customers have to eat. I think The Mandarin buffet gives you 1.5 hours before they usher you out the door.
He was there for 7 hours. I think he has no case, since they asked him to leave and did not charge him. He benefited from a meal ( or many meals ) he also went into the evening meal hours. The restaurant already offered him some "go away money" but he is either holding out for more or will sue and go for the big Enchilada.

I once went to a restaurant that was offering all you can eat mussels. After 2 servings, they cut me off. To be fair, all-you-can-eat should be all-you-can-eat or don't advertise it.
You were lucky I was not the manager, I would have bent you over and yelled - So you want a third serving, eh? I will give you a thrid serving and.................


Jun 27, 2012
On the road with Willy
I'm not a petite character and have put a sizeable dent into a few buffets. However this guy gets no sympathy from me.
Look at the size of him. 7 hours? Was he even able to go up and get his own food.
Be realistic. The place is in business to make a buck not to subsidize the food stamp program.
For his own health he should lose say... 200lbs.
Where does a person like that relieve himself, the bath tub?


Jun 27, 2012
On the road with Willy
I once went to a restaurant that was offering all you can eat mussels. After 2 servings, they cut me off. To be fair, all-you-can-eat should be all-you-can-eat or don't advertise it.
I went the Mandarin once and only once with a workmate. Fucking disgusting pig.
Where he put it all I don't know. 165lbs soaking wet well over 6'.
It was the all you could eat crab legs.
They were very polite and never said anything. However they did put a garbage can beside his seat so the waitress didn't have to clear his plates anymore.
He thought it was funny and kept on feeding.
I paid for mine and left.
Next day he said he was there another hour.
Human garberator.


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
^^ To be fair, it was a bar/restaurant and we were drinking wine so it wasn't like we were just sitting there and not spending money.

After I complained, they changed it from "all-you-can-eat mussels" to "2 for 1" mussels.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Where does a person like that relieve himself, the bath tub?
In my university days, it was common to see the Great Antonio in Montreal. He had a busking act where he would stop city buses in Montreal and hook a chain to it and pull the bus for about 10-15 feet ( with passengers ) Then he would pass the hat. I later met a guy that told me his dad owned the apartment building where The Great Antonio lived. I asked him if there was a special toilet, he told me no it was an ordinary toilet.

The Great Antonio had appeared on The Six Million Dollar Man, as well as several other TV shows and films including being flown to Japan to appear on a film as the Abominable Snow Man. See link below.



Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
I once went to a restaurant that was offering all you can eat mussels. After 2 servings, they cut me off. To be fair, all-you-can-eat should be all-you-can-eat or don't advertise it.
You were lucky I was not the manager, I would have bent you over and yelled - So you want a third serving, eh? I will give you a third serving and.................

Mr. Piggy

Jul 4, 2007
I saw a fat fuck like that at a buffet once and he never even sat at a table. He grabbed a chair and just kept filling his plate and eating right at the buffet moving the chair as he ate. Fat fucking slob he was. This fat fuck shouldn't get any kind of settlement and should be barred from ever going back to Golden Corral.


Don`t fear the Reaper
Dec 14, 2002
the dark side
But usually they have time limit, right?
The Heart Attack grill in Vegas give free food as many as you want if you over 350 pounds.
I heard of that place. Apparently one of their customers suffered a heart attack from eating one of their "Triple Bypass Burgers". The burger consists of 3 hamburger patties, 15 strips of bacon, chili, cheese, onions, and tomatoes. Scary thing is you can get an Octuple burger that comes with the eight patties, cheese, chili and 40 slices of bacon. You would have to be an Anaconda to get your mouth around one of those burgers....gross!
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