Toll lanes coming to QEW


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
On topic: Neither you nor IM (with whom you so fervently agreed) seem unhappy with tolls to buy new roads — in a fit of exuberance he even proposed toll-gates at the bottom of our driveways — but even ignoring the impossibility of building multi-billion dollar roads within cities as fast as consumers can lease cars to congest them, we aren't keeping up with financing maintenance of the roads we have already have. If not by some form of user pay, how? Higher taxes?
I didn't propose toll-gates at the end of our driveways - I predicted them - as soon as the government has the technology to implement them or a tax scheme with the same effect.

Re: 'we aren't keeping up with financing maintenance of the roads we have already have. If not by some form of user pay, how? Higher taxes?' - How about utilizing the billions of dollars they are collecting now through vehicle/driver/petroleum taxes for the purpose that they were levied ? I am already paying my road toll when I start my car in the driveway - even if it is only warming up. For me, at least $10 a week at the gas pumps (modest 4 cyl. car) is supposedly going for roads ~ $500 per year and with ~ 8,000,000 vehicle registered in Ontario ... that is about ... $4,000,000,000 ($ 4 Billion). This does not take into account that commercial vehicles make much higher contributions. So please - cut the crap that there is no money to maintain the roads - these assholes are already sucking any benefit I have to work for a living- I don't need any more. No more new f*cking taxes. Learn to live in the 75% of my wages currently bled away in income, sales, booze, etc, etc, etc - I've f*cking had it.

As for any rich guy that wants to toss a little extra cash to thumb your nose at me along a highway that I f*cking paid for - f*ck you ! You want to feel privileged ? Build your own f*cking highway along my publically funded highway and then you can thumb your nose at the over taxed working stiffs in the adjacent lane. However, if you are on a highway that I paid for - either get up earlier or just wait your pretentious little ass in the same first come first serve line that the rest of the world lives in. If there are 3 lanes - there are three lanes for everyone .. you arrogant little shit.

(I was on a roll - it's not meant to insult any individual pretentious snobs here :eyebrows:)

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
toll lanes are being considered for 401 and dvp but not until eglinton LRT is done

I think they want to build an alternative for drivers then force them on it

I count four ways to keep cars off the road

1 congestion makes it impractical

2 it costs too much

3 a practical alternative such as TTC or car pooling

4 have people live where they work IE downtown condos

you cannot keep trucks off the road but trucks will drive as litttle as possible, unlike cars which will keep driving until congestion

So, it would have made sense to allow free travel on the 407 for trucks and charged cars

This would have gotten trucks off the 401, which is a huge part of 401 traffic, and improved goods transport which in turn encourages more factories to be built which increases taxes to pay for 407

Instead, they sold the goose (407) that lays the golden egg to a private consortium for a small profit then bragged about it



Active member
Jul 12, 2006
toll lanes are being considered for 401 and dvp but not until eglinton LRT is done

I think they want to build an alternative for drivers then force them on it

I count four ways to keep cars off the road

1 congestion makes it impractical

2 it costs too much

3 a practical alternative such as TTC or car pooling

4 have people live where they work IE downtown condos
5) The vast majority of office cubicle jobs can be done via telecommuting using todays remote access and VPN technologies. Broadband internet access is pretty ubiquitous currently. If you can get more people to work from home, then there will be less cars on the road and thus less traffic congestion.


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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
5) The vast majority of office cubicle jobs can be done via telecommuting using todays remote access and VPN technologies. Broadband internet access is pretty ubiquitous currently. If you can get more people to work from home, then there will be less cars on the road and thus less traffic congestion.

One of the potential good solutions, make office jobs performance based :thumb: however it is not a long term solution, still a good idea.

How practical and doable....not sure about this one. Maybe if the government provided incentives to do this might help.

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
Welcome to capitalism. Not everybody can afford a car either. Should we go about giving free cars out as well? Don't those hard working people deserve a car? So unfair that they have to take a bus because they spent their money on beer instead of saving for a car or paying the toll.

Again, feel free to honk in frustration as I zoom past at the speed limit while you crawl along in the slow, toll free lane.
Who said anything about giving away free cars . What are you stupid or something . The highways are already paid for you dummy . You wish to pay again . Go for it . Soon they will sell quite a few permits and those HOT lanes will be congested as much as the other ones . Zooming past anyone . Really you think . Your not going to zoom past anyone .

Like I have said , I only travel late at night twice a year . I do not stop anywhere in the GTA . You can keep your GTA and all that goes with it . GTA means nothing to me . If I didn't have to drive thru I would never ever go near that dump you call GTA . Your GTA has nothing to offer me in the least . My time to go to work was 15 mins. That's it . I'm smart enough to get a job that's close to my home . Yes pay the extra fees . Good boy . Feed the Liberal coffers because they can't handle the money . I'll bet you even voted for them . Your another GTA idiot who voted them in EH .

Go back to the 9/11 thread and keep making yourself look stupid over there .

Zoom past ... in your dreams Sunshine . You should be in that Mazda commercial . Zoom Zoom . LOL

What's wrong with buying beer . Forgetting the tax dollars that are added to the price of beer and wasted by your Liberals .


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Welcome to capitalism. Not everybody can afford a car either. Should we go about giving free cars out as well? Don't those hard working people deserve a car? So unfair that they have to take a bus because they spent their money on beer instead of saving for a car or paying the toll.

Again, feel free to honk in frustration as I zoom past at the speed limit while you crawl along in the slow, toll free lane.
I don't know what you are trying to prove here, but it make absolutely no sense and hasn't the remotest grounding in reality.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
I can appreciate that some of you here live close to where you work. Congratulations for being in a spot that has allowed you to gain such an advantage over everyone else. The reality is that not everyone has that advantage. Worse, there are times when people live close to their office only to have it move to another section of town (usually the other side) if not another country. It's not exactly a pleasant experience uprooting your family and all your belongings to chase jobs down. If you're only argument is 'just get a better job' then you really need to go out looking because it's not so simple anymore.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
5) The vast majority of office cubicle jobs can be done via telecommuting using todays remote access and VPN technologies. Broadband internet access is pretty ubiquitous currently. If you can get more people to work from home, then there will be less cars on the road and thus less traffic congestion.

Depends on the kind of work you do and up to the individual. Some people cannot handle the autonomy with working from home and just can't get anything done.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
People pay extra so they can sit comfortably in 1st class airplanes, why not make the same concept available for automobiles???
Yes, you can pay extra for a 1st class ticket, but that is only for more luxuries. You get to the destination at the same time as the people sitting in economy. With a plane, we're talking about a private enterprise. Highways are a totally different business model.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Yes, you can pay extra for a 1st class ticket, but that is only for more luxuries. You get to the destination at the same time as the people sitting in economy. With a plane, we're talking about a private enterprise. Highways are a totally different business model.

Garden of Eden Ladies

#1 Gem Finder!
Supporting Member


Jan 31, 2005
I don't know what you are trying to prove here, but it make absolutely no sense and hasn't the remotest grounding in reality.
The point is that people get what they pay for and what they earn. Not everybody can afford a car. Not everybody can afford to drive on toll roads. That's capitalism.

There is nothing unfair about using a price mechanism to prioritize access to a scarce resource.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
There is nothing unfair about using a price mechanism to prioritize access to a scarce resource.
When it comes to a government service, I beg to differ.

Don't get me wrong, I'll probably benefit from these new lanes. I just find them morally wrong in a democracy.


Jun 27, 2012
On the road with Willy
Sitting here, eastern Ontario,in my Lazyboy lounger, atop a deep sheepskin, by the fireplace,looking out my windows at a couple of 100+ year old maple trees, sipping a Baileys and creamed infused coffee, thinking, " do I head out on my atv or horse on the local forest trails in a bit?"... But not until I stop chuckling about all of the frenzied insanity that goes on everyday in and around toronto. Thanks for the reminder as to how fortunate I am. Think I'll have another coffee before I head out
I live close to the insanity but do not partake.
It's an early day for me today, around 8:30am.
Kettle just went on.
Debating brekky, B&E or something different today.
Going to be a fantastic day for time of year. I should cleanup around the barn but I'm sure I won't.
Oh, tea calls.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
The point is that people get what they pay for and what they earn. Not everybody can afford a car. Not everybody can afford to drive on toll roads. That's capitalism.

There is nothing unfair about using a price mechanism to prioritize access to a scarce resource.
The problem is, if you keep squeezing poor people with increased cost of transportation, it reduces the incentive to keep working for their meager wages, and they will end up on the welfare rolls. That is the shortsightedness of unfettered capitalism. I know you can eliminate welfare, and thats all fine and dandy until they kill you and steal your wallet...hmm yeah then we can put them in prison for $100/day. Brilliant!!!:clap2:


New member
Aug 16, 2011
I just finished reading an article on ISIS of how they financed their terrorist operations. One of them is collecting taxes from everything or everyone they got their hands on. Similarly, we have politicians in the Western world and they don't do anything but 'robbing' you of your money with more 'hidden' taxes. This toll lanes business is nothing more than 'where else can we find additional revenues to make up for our (as politicians) mistakes in managing the book. Society in general should have a pay models based on your income for everything from car insurance to how much you can afford to pay for toll roads or even gas to go to work every day!
BTW, I pay on average around 100-200/month to use the 407ETR. But, I think the govt. just pushing the idea too far this time with additional toll road.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
The problem is, if you keep squeezing poor people with increased cost of transportation, it reduces the incentive to keep working for their meager wages, and they will end up on the welfare rolls. That is the shortsightedness of unfettered capitalism. I know you can eliminate welfare, and thats all fine and dandy until they kill you and steal your wallet...hmm yeah then we can put them in prison for $100/day. Brilliant!!!:clap2:
The irony in your statement deserves acknowledged :clap2: seems like you know a thing or two about shortsightedness.

If everyone is stuck because of traffic congestion, no one benefits even the hard working ones. If you can't transport goods and service your business suffers your economy and your society suffers.

The only people that this will disadvantage is the lazy citizens who bitch and complain about everything, penny wise pound foolish type.

Reality is majority of people will find alternative forms of transportation. Majority have thresholds when it will force people to look for more cost effective ways to get to work and do work once a specific price to commute is exceeded such as maybe move closer to work or convince your business in smarter ways to do business, such as performance based, limit your time to work, flexible hours, car pooling, multimodal, etc...

These lazy unmotivational people will fail, and be replaced by hard working immigrants who know how to work hard, have good work ethic and know what it is to struggle...heck we are getting bunch on the plane coming here as we speak and I guarantee you they will take your type of peoples jobs away.

Its easy to say don't toll build more highways....hello mcfly...have have looked outside in the GTA, there is not exactly room to build additional lanes and the highways suck as it is. You can't say ohh fuck it just keep the same lanes, our build more highways when you have no idea of what you are saying, you have no idea of the ultimate capacity of a highway and you offer no viable solution. All your type of people do is bitch and complain and complain some more with your shortsighted thoughts without looking at a problem as a whole, presenting all POVs and picking the one that makes long term sense for all of us and not just your lazy shortsighted peeps...round of applause, just keep talking just keep talking and before you know it you will be on unemployment cause that's all your type seem to do, without actually doing anything productive and constructive.

Back it the fuck up, give us your 5, 10, 20, and 30 years solution taking into consideration various factors such as the population increase, inevitable congestion, business and other factors that matter, otherwise your comments are just a valuable as the dump I took typing this out for you, give facts and numbers if you are going to challenge a solution that makes sense and is a smart solution.



Jan 31, 2005
When it comes to a government service, I beg to differ.

Don't get me wrong, I'll probably benefit from these new lanes. I just find them morally wrong in a democracy.
And yet you are probably OK with people paying a fare to take the TTC. You don't think that is morally wrong in a democracy. Or people paying a higher price to get or airport faster than the TTC on the UP train. Or for a different example, a fee to expedite getting your passport.
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