Stop right there.Not only are your numbers wrong and don't match the graph you referenced,
These numbers are from the most recent data set and come with a direct link to their NOAA source.
They are legit.
Here's the data since 2000 (source NOAA):
2015 0.81°C
2014 0.70°C
2013 0.67°C
2012 0.69°C
2011 0.63°C
2010 0.73°C
2009 0.64°C
2008 0.58°C
2007 0.53°C
2006 0.63°C
2005 0.66°C
2004 0.48°C
2003 0.54°C
2002 0.62°C
2001 0.56°C
2000 0.40ºC
Bullshit.these numbers are manipulated by gov't paid scientists to support a political agenda.
This is just conspiracy theory bullshit.
This is a rebuttal to moviefan's cherrypicking techniques, using his claim and poor math skills to show he doesn't know what he is talking about.Furthermore your claim of global temperatures going up by 0.41C in 15 years is just plain wrong math - you're only looking at 2 end data points.
I agree that this is the more accurate way to portray the numbers, but until you can get moviefan to commit to it, we have to use the stupid method for him.The mean of the anomalies presented is 0.62C so in reality it has warmed about 0.21C over the 15 years (0.62-0.41). Your deficiency in logic shows you don't even have grade 9 math proficiency.
And thank you for confirming that the increase in warming is actually higher then the IPCC predicted.
What a stupid argument, to claim that the best way to measure surface temperature is to measure atmospheric temperatures and then to go ahead and use the same cherry picking of dates that moviefan uses.For those of you with rational logic I will say this - the # of temperature stations on Earth have been reduced by an alarming rate since 1990's. 70% of the Earth is water and the temperature measurements of those are relatively new and face many challenges. Futhermore, of the 30% Earth that is land surface, approx 2/3 is forest, mountains and desert where the are no weather stations. And in cold areas (for example in the Canadian arctic, which in volume is a land area in excess of the United States) there is 1 weather station. That's right....1!!!! You cannot rely on this data if it is incomplete and inaccurate. The best and most accurate measurement of weather is the UAH & RSS datasets which measure temperature in the troposphere since 1979. Their data explicitly shows a warming trend from 1979 to 1997 and no warming trend since. This is independent scientists with no agenda - a much more trustworthy source than NASA/NOAA.
Ridiculous, twice.