The same people who just sent a spaceship to Pluto within minutes of their predicted time have reported that 14 of the 15 warmest years have happened since 2000. For the mathematically challenged (and unemployable), that means we have incontrovertible proof that the global surface temperature is rising as a result of anthropogenic climate change, since as moviefan has admitted, there is no other explanation for the rise in surface temperature, since the only 'natural' forcings are having a downward effect, though a very small downward effect..
Looks like you were of your meds again when you read my 1sy reply to this silliness of yours.
So I will try again for you,...
Climatologists from NASA sent a "spaceship" to Pluto, have made the astounding discovery that the earth is warming.
And specifically,...that the earth is was supposedly warming, and set records since 2000,...but that is some how different than the warming AND obvious record setting from 1880 thru 1900, and 1930 thru 1942, and 1980 thru 1990.
As your "expert" site,...Bloomberg shows,...the earth has been warming scince 1880,...with no
natural causes,...other than the obviouse,...but not to the unemployables,...the fact that the earth has been warming scince the last ice age,,...
While we are on your "expert" site, Bloomberg,...either IPCC is lying or Bloomberg is lying, regarding the effects of deforestation on CO2 in the atmosphere,..and their
claim that an increase in CO2 is what is what is behind their
claim that the earth is warming at a higher rate than the 10 years preceding 2000,...
Pic one,...LITTLE BOY,...either deforestation contributes to the claimed global warming,...or is does not, or the other,...simple for even you,...LITTLE BOY.
BUT again,...NO difference than from 1880 thru 1900, and 1930 thru 1942, and 1980 thru 1990,...shit, wonder Harper fired the unemployables.
And lets not forget this confidence inspiring tidbit from NOAA
A new study by researchers at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration finds that the world’s warming never really stalled during the last 15 years—it was just masked by incomplete data records that have been improved and expanded in recent years.
YEP,...the old creative accounting philosophy, of fudging the numbers until we get it "right",...and these people wonder why they are UNEMPLOYABLE,...???
Oh and this one,...
and oceans are rising,...don't the unemployables EVER read their own graphs,...the oceans have been rising since recorded time,....