Two Israeli soldiers killed by Hezbollah....very fishy stuff.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Assad sure seems to.

And yes, the point is your hypocrisy for complaining about Israel yet ignoring and justifying far far worse is pathetic.

There is no 'IF'. UNSC resolutions are quite clear that Lebanese militias need to be disarmed. And when is the Lebanese government going to deal with them? A few Israeli settlers throwing rocks have you denigrating Israel as a whole. Why doesn't Lebanon draw your ire for allowing Hezbollah to operate with advanced weaponry like the Kornet missiles they used in this attack?
Why?, because Lebanon knows with absolutely certainty that Hezbollah provides them with a degree of security from Israeli attacks, just like Syria's occupation did. And when the Lebanese foolishly kicked the Syrians out after they were blamed for the assassination of Hariri, what proceeded was a MASSIVE pummeling by Israel that killed thousands of Lebanese civilans and billions in deliberate infrastructure damage. See the Amnesty report here:

While settlers throwing rocks is not pretty. Settlers kidnapping children and buring them alive for their amusement is really horrific. Why were the houses of the Jewish terrorists not demolished, you have never answered that one? You claim they are all equal? Israels action in the Lebanese war have forced the weak Lebanese govt to tolerate Hezbollah as it is the only defence they have against Israel. Besides Koronet missiles only have a range of about 5km and have very limited use in an attack. More useful as a defensive weapon.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Translation. There are 3 or 4 guys who don't accept your continual justification of terror attacks against Israel.

And how many here are with you on your support for Assad? He started the conflict there by slaughtering civilians who protested his actions. No IS isn't any better but before Assad's war on his own people they weren't of any significance anywhere.

Holy shit that is a retarded statement even for you. And you call a couple thousand a massacre? How about 200,000-300,000 dead, 130,000 missing, and 8 million refugees and displaced people?

p.s. Attacking hezbollah can not be an act of war since hezbollah has no legal soverignty.
I don't justify them, I just say they are the same as Israels continually terror attacks against Gaza and other countries.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Sorry but I severely doubt Israel lets reservists store mortars and SAM weapons at home. Then again you're the person claiming Israel destroyed houses and blamed it on Hezbollah.
Ahh another statement with no proof. Mortars are easy to store as they are small and can be broken up so that no individual can use them, same with manpads.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Actually the law draws a clear bright line and the GC explicitly differentiates armed civilians from armed combatants. Hezbollah is without a doubt a combatant, and positioning itself intentionally within civilian areas and civilian homes is a clear war crime. Hezbollah has effectively turned every village near the line of control into a military base, with operational weapon systems actively stationed in civilian houses and caches of heavy weapons like anti aircraft missile batteries in homes occupied by civilian families. Hezbollah in fact pays people to live in homes where military installations have been placed.

Yet no objection from you on that because you openly support terrorism and atrocity by Hezbollah.

I note that you have fled from your earlier claim that laws do not apply to war; of course now you are trying to apply them to Israel (wrongly). No doubt you will use your double standard and try and claim again that Hezbollah is above the law.
I meant there is no line between types of weapons.....a 60mm mortar can be a light weapons, armed with a thermobaric round it can be devastating..


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
This is a problem I have with some of the likes of you nottyboi, they will jump and scream when an innocent is killed in Gaza (absolutely deplorable in my opinion as yes I am a critic of Israel's foreign policy while having no issue with the existence of the state itself. But in your sickening opinion the deaths in Syria are somehow not the fault of the Assad, newsflash dude, check every credible human rights group and source, 99% of the deaths in Syria are the direct cause of the Assad regime. Even the deaths caused by ISIS are small in comparison to that of the regime, it began with the shooting of protestors only asking for reform then when the same protestors got tired of being killed and decided to shoot back, the regime decided to upgrade their violence to shelling, medieval style starvation sieges, barrel bombings, snipers and hired goons from Lebanon and Iran.

Let me ask you how much of occupied Syrian land has Assad and the "glorious resistance" freed? let me help you with the answer, zero!!! You like conspiracy theories? well here is one, the Israelis especially the hard right Likud would much prefer Assad than a democratic free Syria, why? because then Netenyahu would have to make peace since never in history have 2 democracies ever gone to war. But why get rid of him, daddy and son have given Israel 50 plus years of quiet in the Golan Heights so why change that? And here is another conpiracy theory, this latest stunt by Hezballah is an attempt to change its image across the Arab world that sang their praises less than a decade ago, unfortunately most Arabs still want to answer why Hezbollah went to Homs to help murder children.


Jan 31, 2005
Hezbollah, Hamas, IDF all the same expect IDF is the best equipped and trained. The laws make no such stipulation of "heavy weapons" and there is really no way to categorize. Most rockets the Palis use are around the same effectiveness as a 60mm mortar which is not a heavy weapon and can be operated by a 2 man team. As usual more self serving FUJI HORSE SHIT!!!
Only in your sickening world where it is OK to target civilians. Hezbollah and Hamas intentionally target civilians, intentionally use civilians as human shields. IDF does not.

That really ends the debate for anyone with morals. Of course you have none, you have many times declared that attacks on civilians are a good idea, and you hate the Western motel and legal codes that deplore terrorism and atrocity.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Hezbollah, Hamas, IDF all the same...
Hamas - tries to kill civilians and praises people who do. Has a charter that vows racial/religious extermination
Hezbollah - a foreign proxy armed illegally and destabilizing Lebanon
IDF - the legitimate army of a UN member state


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Why?, because Lebanon knows with absolutely certainty that Hezbollah provides them with a degree of security from Israeli attacks, just like Syria's occupation did.....
Hezbollah instigating wars with Israel sure doesn't provide stability to Lebanon. And Syria occupying Lebanon for decades in your mind was justified and you think Lebanese demeaning their independence was foolish? Shit your anti-Israel agenda has made you an admirer of Assad.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I don't justify them...
Wow. You just repudiated your whole posting history.

nottyboi said:
Ahh another statement with no proof. Mortars are easy to store as they are small and can be broken up so that no individual can use them, same with manpads.
Exactly. YOU claimed Israeli reservists store mortars and SAM weapons at home. Got any proof of that?


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Hamas - tries to kill civilians and praises people who do. Has a charter that vows racial/religious extermination
Hezbollah - a foreign proxy armed illegally and destabilizing Lebanon
IDF - the legitimate army of a UN member state
All labels, they all behave in a similar fashion. IDF has better weapons, training and PR.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
And about three to four enthusiastic cheerleaders for Jew-hating terrorists (with nottyboi as the head cheerleader).
I am living with a Jew right now, he is a pretty cool dude. I don't think I would live with a Jew if I hated them.

If you don't believe me about what goes on perhaps the words of the IDF soldiers forced to participate in these criminal acts and abuse of Palis may resonate in that empty space between your ears.:


Jan 31, 2005
All labels, they all behave in a similar fashion. IDF has better weapons, training and PR.
They do not behave in similar fashion. Not even close. Hezbollah and Hamas intentionally target civilians as their primary objective. IDF does not.

For any moral person that ends the debate. There is no moral equivalence at all, IDF is infinitely superior to terrorists like Hamas and Hezbollah on any moral or ethical index.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
This is a problem I have with some of the likes of you nottyboi, they will jump and scream when an innocent is killed in Gaza (absolutely deplorable in my opinion as yes I am a critic of Israel's foreign policy while having no issue with the existence of the state itself. But in your sickening opinion the deaths in Syria are somehow not the fault of the Assad, newsflash dude, check every credible human rights group and source, 99% of the deaths in Syria are the direct cause of the Assad regime. Even the deaths caused by ISIS are small in comparison to that of the regime, it began with the shooting of protestors only asking for reform then when the same protestors got tired of being killed and decided to shoot back, the regime decided to upgrade their violence to shelling, medieval style starvation sieges, barrel bombings, snipers and hired goons from Lebanon and Iran.

Let me ask you how much of occupied Syrian land has Assad and the "glorious resistance" freed? let me help you with the answer, zero!!! You like conspiracy theories? well here is one, the Israelis especially the hard right Likud would much prefer Assad than a democratic free Syria, why? because then Netenyahu would have to make peace since never in history have 2 democracies ever gone to war. But why get rid of him, daddy and son have given Israel 50 plus years of quiet in the Golan Heights so why change that? And here is another conpiracy theory, this latest stunt by Hezballah is an attempt to change its image across the Arab world that sang their praises less than a decade ago, unfortunately most Arabs still want to answer why Hezbollah went to Homs to help murder children.
Well maybe you should update the WIki then, because that is not what it says is happening there now. And here is your list of wars between democracies that you claim have never happened.:

Assad is a douchebag, and perhaps the opposition and protests started out with peoples desire for freedom or better govt. But since then the whole movement has been hijacked by other interests. The factions that represent any hope of a better future for the Syrian people are now bit players and will have no say in the future of Syria. As far as I can tell from the Wiki all sides have been accused of atrocities, massacres and scummy behavior. There are no white knights here. Syria is doomed to get much worse and then recover to being its usual shitty self for several generations.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008


Jan 31, 2005
All sides in the Syrian war have committed atrocities, that is what Arab armed forces do. They have not reached the level of moral functioning of Western forces. We can be politically correct and look the other way, but that is the reality: racist aggression and atrocity has been a feature of Islamic Arab government since forever.

It is certainly not a genetic predisposition because their cousins in IDF don't behave that way, but it is certainly a feature of Arab culture.

The correct response is to work on dragging them into the modern world by reinforcing ethical behavior and sanctioning atrocity.

Of course you won't accept that blindingly obvious assessment because you want to go on pretending that they have some imaginary moral parity with Israel, which they simply do not have.


Jan 31, 2005
As for storing weapons in civilian areas, this has been standard Israeli practice for a long time it seems:
Armories. You are an idiot. Yeah, an armory is just like hiding anti aircraft missiles batteries in occupied residences.

Moreover the Geneva convention specifically covers the difference between civilians arming themselves for self defense, and a combatant. Why don't you read it before embarrassing yourself further.

You will say anything, misrepresent anything, to get your hate on.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
All labels, they all behave in a similar fashion. IDF has better weapons, training and PR.
No Labels, just actions.

Hamas tries to kill civilians and praises people who do.
Hezbollah is a foreign funded militia destabilizing Lebanon.
IDF is the legally established military of a UN member state.
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