So, if you "poke the bear" by running an abortion clinic, you shouldn't be surprised if your clinic is attacked.
That line of thinking seems awfully weak to me.
^^^^ Exactly. :thumb:
My opinion - a womans body is her own, she has the sole right to decide what to do with it. If my wife or daughter want some sort of procedure done on their body, be it an abortion, boob job, piercing, whatever, that's her choice. If she asks my opinion, I give it. But she gets my support in her decision - I don't live in her body, she does.
Not everyone see the situation the way I do. Some folks think a woman doesn't have the right to an abortion. And they are entitled to that opinion.
An abortion doctor will open a clinic to provide women with a (hopefully) safe place to get the procedure done. He is not trying to be provocative, he is trying to provide a service he feels women are entitled to. My knowledge of abortion facilities is pretty limited, but I can't recall ever seeing any ad, billboard, tv spot etc etc promoting them. If you want an abortion clinic, it seems to me you have to actively seek one out.
Some religious extremist (thus far, they seem to have been mainly Christian pro-lifers, but could be others also) don't agree with me & the good doctor, and will try to deny women the use of the facility. Some of these folks will view the very existence of the clinic as a provocation, and some clinics have been firebombed, some abortion doctors have been murdered by the extremists.
The doctor wasn't trying to provoke.
Charlie Hedbo was trying to provoke.
In either case, attacking them is wrong.
if you are setting out to be provocative, as Charlie Hebdo was, you are trying to elicit a reaction. Hopefully, the reaction will be something positive, but in the case of Charlie Hebdo, is wasn't.
Is that clearer for you?