The sexodus: Men giving up on women and checking out


Active member
Jan 8, 2008
I'm now divorced and the only physical violence I have ever been apart of has been my wife striking me on several occasions. Punching me in the arms or chest or throwing objects at me. I never felt threatened, and actually could just laugh it off - but if it were ever reversed, I'm sure I would have been in jail.


Active member
Dec 11, 2010
I'm now divorced and the only physical violence I have ever been apart of has been my wife striking me on several occasions. Punching me in the arms or chest or throwing objects at me. I never felt threatened, and actually could just laugh it off - but if it were ever reversed, I'm sure I would have been in jail.
There was that woman who cut her mans penis off. Be careful bro. And never underestimate the violence women initiate. Men don't report it. Like how men don't report being bullied at school. Males tend to feel emasculated that they let it happen and their reputation among friends and women would suffer.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
There was that woman who cut her mans penis off. Be careful bro. And never underestimate the violence women initiate. Men don't report it. Like how men don't report being bullied at school. Males tend to feel emasculated that they let it happen and their reputation among friends and women would suffer.
Do yourself a favor when the discussion gets close to violent, cease all conversation, turn around and walk out.
It's not worth the aggravation and sometimes a bad outcome. Don't let yourself be bullied !!! Also gives some
Downtime for reflection...


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2005
Directly above the center of the earth
women are attracted to the big fat wallet.
That's the only bulge in my pants that my wife has never stopped wanting to get her hands on. Oh yeah, and the other bulge for both times she wanted to get pregnant.

One thing I really love about this website is that it gives us guys a place to blow off steam.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario

TEACH WOMEN NOT TO RAPE! (CONT’D): Juveniles Sexually Abused by Staffers at Corrections Facilities: Scandal in Idaho Shines Light on Victimization of Young People by Staff.

When a local nurse’s son was sent to the juvenile corrections center here at age 15, she was upset, but relieved that he would be away from drugs and gangs. The single mother said that the “night he went in, I felt bad, but I could sleep because he was safe.”

But within months, the head of security at the state juvenile corrections center in Nampa struck up a sexual relationship with the teenager, according to police reports. Julie McCormick admitted to having sex with him three times in 2012 while he was incarcerated, the reports said.

Ms. McCormick, 29 years old at the time, told detectives that she fell in love with the boy nearly half her age. She pleaded guilty in 2013 to lewd conduct with the minor and was sentenced to five to 20 years in prison in 2014. A lawyer who represented Ms. McCormick declined to comment.

“You hear about the Boy Scouts, you hear about the Catholic Church—those kids can walk away from it,” said his mother. “My son couldn’t.”

The scandal is an instance of an issue plaguing juvenile facilities nationwide.

National inmate surveys show juveniles experience a rate of sexual victimization by staff that is more than three times that of adult prisoners. Nearly 10% of youth held in state juvenile facilities reported incidents of sexual victimization, with more than 80% of those incidents involving staff, according to a national survey of juvenile inmates published by the federal Bureau of Justice Statistics in 2013 that covered the preceding year. . . .

Staff at Nampa allegedly groomed inmates in the manner of child molesters, according to the legal claims.

One former inmate said in an interview that a nurse gave him perks, such as soda and candy, and flirted with him. That led to sex on several occasions in the medical clinic, he said. She gave him money, then threatened to turn him in for having contraband—the money—if he refused her advances, he said. He was 18 at the time and the nurse, who is accused of having sex with other juveniles at Nampa, was in her mid-30s.

“You’re an easy target,” said the college student, now 24, who didn’t want to be named. “You have to think, ‘Why wouldn’t they do this with some young guy in the street?’ ”

The former nurse, who is named in legal claims and no longer works for the center, couldn’t be reached for comment. Jeff Ray, a spokesman for the Idaho Department of Correction and Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections, said, “We knew nothing of the allegations” at the time she left the job.

Perpetrators in these cases are often women. About 90% of youth who said they were victimized by staff in the federal survey were males reporting sexual activity with female staff.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Yup. And if the world contained only women, there would be no wars lol


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
— Young boys are drugged and zombified with methamphetamine based pharmaceuticals at three times the rate of girls, all for exhibiting normal male behavior. [1] [2]

— Young boys are methodically excluded from programs that can aid them in science, math, and computer programming, leaving them to fend for themselves. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

— Young girls are encouraged to invade traditionally male spaces like gaming and sports while men are excluded from female spaces. [1] [2] [3] [4]

— College males are presumed guilty when a female accuses him of rape and then subjected to a kangaroo court that can eject him from college without due process. [1] [2] [3]

— Media spreads propaganda against men by lying about their propensity to commit rape and violence while completely ignoring male victimization at the hands of women or while serving as custodians of the state in prison. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

— Women are being college educated at greater rates, leading to the relative economic impoverishment of men. [1] [2] [3] [4]

— Women live longer than men. [1]

— State legislation like California’s “Yes Means Yes” bill and New Jersey’s proposed “Rape By Fraud” law explicitly target and punish men for deeds that women will be given a pass for. [1] [2]

— The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) elevates the worth of a woman’s life above that of men while making every man a hostage in his own home when it comes to his wife being able to imprison him with a single phone call to the police by fraudulently claiming domestic abuse. [1] [2]

— Media treats a woman’s word as sacred truth, far more valuable than the word of a man. This allowed a case like the UVA rape hoax where the media establishment bought a completely fictitious 7-man gang rape story that was wholly invented by an privileged white woman. [1] [2] [3] [4]

— Men are publicly shamed as “sexist” and “creepy” for exhibiting a preference for young beautiful women while women are empowered when they state their male preferences, whatever they happen to be. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

— Divorce laws and courts give children to the mother by default even if the father showed he was more responsible. The court will also imprison the man if he’s financially destitute and unable to make payments while dragging its feet when the mother is shown to be unfit. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]


Active member
Sep 26, 2001
In a house somewhere
— Young boys are drugged and zombified with methamphetamine based pharmaceuticals at three times the rate of girls, all for exhibiting normal male behavior. [1] [2]

— Young boys are methodically excluded from programs that can aid them in science, math, and computer programming, leaving them to fend for themselves. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

— Young girls are encouraged to invade traditionally male spaces like gaming and sports while men are excluded from female spaces. [1] [2] [3] [4]

— College males are presumed guilty when a female accuses him of rape and then subjected to a kangaroo court that can eject him from college without due process. [1] [2] [3]

— Media spreads propaganda against men by lying about their propensity to commit rape and violence while completely ignoring male victimization at the hands of women or while serving as custodians of the state in prison. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

— Women are being college educated at greater rates, leading to the relative economic impoverishment of men. [1] [2] [3] [4]

— Women live longer than men. [1]

— State legislation like California’s “Yes Means Yes” bill and New Jersey’s proposed “Rape By Fraud” law explicitly target and punish men for deeds that women will be given a pass for. [1] [2]

— The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) elevates the worth of a woman’s life above that of men while making every man a hostage in his own home when it comes to his wife being able to imprison him with a single phone call to the police by fraudulently claiming domestic abuse. [1] [2]

— Media treats a woman’s word as sacred truth, far more valuable than the word of a man. This allowed a case like the UVA rape hoax where the media establishment bought a completely fictitious 7-man gang rape story that was wholly invented by an privileged white woman. [1] [2] [3] [4]

— Men are publicly shamed as “sexist” and “creepy” for exhibiting a preference for young beautiful women while women are empowered when they state their male preferences, whatever they happen to be. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

— Divorce laws and courts give children to the mother by default even if the father showed he was more responsible. The court will also imprison the man if he’s financially destitute and unable to make payments while dragging its feet when the mother is shown to be unfit. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
I agree with everything above. But what can we do about it, the average male? A lot of the crap that is going on is done by us MALES? We are mostly in the legislature, the courts, the police, businesses, university academia, etc. Why are we doing this to ourselves and our male offspring? And why do the average female allow it, because when they have children, they sometimes have a creature that is sometimes called a BOY, who will grow up with all this crap around him.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Most women like gentlemanly manners on dates: Poll

Sexting, poking and online dating aside, when it comes to romance, women still expect men to hold the door open and pay for the first date, a new Harlequin poll found.

Even as the methods become modern, the traditional attitudes remain, the publisher found in an online poll of 1,500 single women aged 18 to 40.

More than half the women surveyed (56%) said they feel pressure to be married or in a committed relationship.

And while the vast majority agree that the dating game has changed, more than half still expect the man to ask them out (59%), hold the door for them (54%) and pay for the first date (51%). Half the women in the 25-35 age group said they had never tried online dating.

Still, technology does play a part: 52% of respondents said they use Facebook to check out prospective dates; 43% admitted to sexting; and 27% said they had e-mailed or texted nude photos.

Penn, Schoen & Berland conducted the survey between Jan. 2 and 6. It is accurate to within 2.5 percentage points.

89% of College Students Hate Hookup Culture

Fewer Mothers Prefer Full-time Work

Are biological fathers or unrelated men more dangerous for children?

A March 1996 study by the Bureau of Justice Statistics contains some interesting findings that indicate just how widespread the problem may be. In a nationally representative survey of state prisoners jailed for assaults against or murders of children, fully one-half of respondents reported the victim was a friend, acquaintance, or relative other than offspring. (All but 3 percent of those who committed violent crimes against children were men.) A close relationship between victim and victimizer is also suggested by the fact that three-quarters of all the crimes occurred in either the perpetrator’s home or the victim’s.

A 1994 paper published in the Journal of Comparative Family Studies looked at 32,000 documented cases of child abuse. Of the victims, only 28 percent lived with both biological parents (far fewer than the 68 percent of all children who live with both parents); 44 percent lived with their mother only (as do 25 percent of all children); and 18 percent lived with their mother and an unrelated adult (double the 9 percent of all children who live with their mother and an unrelated adult).

These findings mirror a 1993 British study by the Family Education Trust, which meticulously explored the relationship between family structure and child abuse. Using data on documented cases of abuse in Britain between 1982 and 1988, the report found a high correlation between child abuse and the marital status of the parents.

Specifically, the British study found that the incidence of abuse was an astounding 33 times higher in homes where the mother was cohabiting with an unrelated boyfriend than in stable nuclear families. Even when the boyfriend was the children’s biological father, the chances of abuse were twice as high.

These findings are consonant with those published a year earlier by Leslie Margolin of the University of Iowa in the journal Child Abuse and Neglect. Prof. Margolin found that boyfriends were 27 times more likely than natural parents to abuse a child. The next-riskiest group, siblings, were only twice as likely as parents to abuse a child.

More recently, a report by Dr. Michael Stiffman presented at the latest meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics, in October, studied the 175 Missouri children under the age of 5 who were murdered between 1992 and 1994. It found that the risk of a child’s dying at the hands of an adult living in the child’s own household was eight times higher if the adult was biologically unrelated.

The Heritage Foundation’s Patrick Fagan discovered that the number of child-abuse cases appeared to rise in the 1980s along with the general societal acceptance of cohabitation before, or instead of, marriage. That runs counter to the radical-feminist view, which holds that marriage is an oppressive male institution of which violence is an integral feature. If that were true, then child abuse and domestic violence should have decreased along with the rise in cohabitation.

Heritage also found that in the case of very poor children (those in households earning less than $ 15,000 per year), 75 percent lived in a household where the biological father was absent. And 50 percent of adults with less than a high-school education lived in cohabitation arrangements. “This mix — poverty, lack of education, children, and cohabitation — is an incubator for violence,” Fagan says.

Why, then, do we ignore the problem? Fagan has a theory: “It is extremely politically incorrect to suggest that living together might not be the best living arrangement.”

The moral of the story is that it is a lot safer for children if we promote marriage as a way of attaching mothers and fathers to their children. Fathers who have a biological connection to children are a lot less likely to harm them. And a lot of social problems like child poverty, promiscuity and violence cannot be solved by replacing a father with a check from the government. We need to support fathers by empowering them in their traditional roles. Let the men lead.


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
I'm tall, not in very good shape, married forever, have a six figure plus job, and have no idea what you guys are talking about.

I use this site to find the odd rub and tug, or a bj in a vip because, i don't want a divorce.

You are all overthinking this; I meet willing and sexy women all the time. Without looking for it.

1) If you believe that women only want money, spend all your time and energy on your work,make big cash, and then obviously the women will follow, and it will be your choice who you date

2)Interent dating might be fun, but there is no humanity in it. Women are everywhere, say hello, without any expectation of a return, of anything. Say it to every woman you meet. You'll find quickly that many will respond positively

3)Quit moaning about paying for the first, second or third date. You sound like a cheap-asshole. Dating takes money. Get used to it

4)Ever hear yourselves when you talk to your buddies? If video games, and sports stats are your only talking points, bone up on a few other classical subjects. You'll find it pays off

5)Travel. Often, even by yourself...And I don't mean to Vegas strip clubs (not that there is anything wrong with that)...Women love travel, you'll have stories to tell, pictures
to show, food to meet and ladies to bed.

6)Lighten up. dating should be fun.

7)Speak in glowing terms about your career. (Don't bitch about your job) Make it sound like you have the world by the tail, and you're counting on ANOTHER promotion in the next six months or so. This is very, very, very important, and makes up for ugly. (Well, it works for me)
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