Rob Ford taken to ER with possible tumor


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
Like Ford did with the cops? Gave them healthy raises and hired more of them.
Do we really think Police Officers....making 85-90,000 as first responders to the vile of our city are making too much money.

$90,000 even with the Ford raise still seems fair to me....given the workload.

there are a ton of people..doing Far more pleasant work...with ZERO risk....poor production....sitting in air conditioned city offices..making over 100k

Im not sure I have a problem with a Police officer in the GTA making 85-90000?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Show me where I said I am glad it happened to him.
Just because I don't give half a shit about his health and well-being doesn't mean I wished it upon him or am glad it happened to him.
Thanks for inventing things though.
Because you posted the way you did does not lend itself to the indifference you claim. It shows in fact hatred.

Ask yourself anytime when you heard this news did you feel joy, vindication, smile, pump your fist or act even the remotest celebratory? If you did then I'm pretty much bang on aren't I?

Don't worry, I'm sure you're not the only one, judging from some of the other comments here.

Me, I didn't want him back, but would NEVER, in the remotist sense consider this a good thing. I wanted him beat at the polls. But never ever this.

Viggo Rasmussen

New member
Feb 5, 2010
Do we really think Police Officers....making 85-90,000 as first responders to the vile of our city are making too much money.
So let's triple their salaries, give them each a quarter million every year - make the police half the entire city budget. The crime rate won't be affected but your taxes will skyrocket.


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2001
Ask yourself anytime when you heard this news did you feel joy, vindication, smile, pump your fist or act even the remotest celebratory? If you did then I'm pretty much bang on aren't I?
No... but I wasn't surprised... for a number of reasons...
-Has his despicable lifestyle finally caught up to him?
-Is this a conveniently timed tactic to 'gracefully' bow out of the election? After all... apparently he has 'had pain' for 3 months.
-Is this a conveniently timed tactic to gain the sympathy vote? You know... like the 'bomb threat'.

Any rational person who has not spent the last year living under a rock, in a cave, with their fingers in their ears, and their eyes closed, on Mars... must be able to admit that no lie, no ruse, no deceit is beyond or beneath the Ford clan.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
I think as humans we can set aside our opinions of the public person Rob Ford and feel compassion for the fellow human struck with a diease. I wish him well.


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
All you clowns gleefully cheering the fact that he's laid up with a tumour are fucking awful. He's just a shitty mayor, he's not fucking Osama Bin Ladin. It's one thing to cheer when he's caught with his pants down, or when he inevitably loses the mayor's race. But to cheer because he has cancer? How the flaming FUCK does that make you anything but the meanest of contemptible scum yourselves?


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2001
All you clowns gleefully cheering the fact that he's laid up with a tumour are fucking awful. He's just a shitty mayor, he's not fucking Osama Bin Ladin. It's one thing to cheer when he's caught with his pants down, or when he inevitably loses the mayor's race. But to cheer because he has cancer? How the flaming FUCK does that make you anything but the vilest of contemptible scum yourselves?
Who says he has cancer?


Sep 30, 2008
All you clowns gleefully cheering the fact that he's laid up with a tumour are fucking awful. He's just a shitty mayor, he's not fucking Osama Bin Ladin. It's one thing to cheer when he's caught with his pants down, or when he inevitably loses the mayor's race. But to cheer because he has cancer? How the flaming FUCK does that make you anything but the meanest of contemptible scum yourselves?
Rob Ford is just a terrible person himself. Not just a shitty mayor.


Jan 31, 2005
I hope he gets some good news and recovers. He may be pathetic as a mayor but that is only part of his life. I don't wish illness or violence or any other physical harm on anyone.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
Honestly, I did not even read this thread, but heard the news somewhere earlier, and you know what, I just do not have a good feeling about this.

If there is something serious, then no question he should drop out of this race.

It's nice being mayor, but not that nice.

Good luck. Godspeed.


Nov 5, 2005
As soon as I heard the news about Ford 's condition I knew I could come to TERB and see the mature, classy comments by the brainless, disrespectful and arrogant pieces of shit that frequent this forum.

Thank you all for proving me right. I do not support the man and believe that he is a disgrace to the position of mayor no matter what city he was representing, but the man is sick and none of us knows how badly.

I'm sure it would be hypocritical for most of us to pray for him and lend support to him and his family, but the least you all could do is keep your tasteless opinions to yourself. If this tumor turns out to be cancerous there is absolutely nothing funny about it.

Nobody is joking about Ford's supposed condition, people resent the insinuation that they should pity him or that everything should be forgiven because he suddenly has a tumour. I felt sorry for Ford's wife and kids well before the news broke today about this tumour and frankly I wouldn't be surprised if he has known about it for some time but only disclosed it today because he has finally realized he doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning and this lets him bow out and save face. If you can't wrap your head around the reasons some people vehemently dislike Ford or can't take differing opinions you should probably stick to making lame puns in other threads.


Jan 31, 2005
I vehemently dislike Ford. I think he is a lying sack of shit addict and the worst mayor in the history of Toronto.

But I don't wish cancer on anyone, not even lying sacks of shit addicts. I hope it's nothing serious and that it's taken care of quickly. Then I hope he drops out of the race and lives a long and healthy life up at his cottage with his family far away from this city.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
Rob Ford is just a terrible person himself. Not just a shitty mayor.
Indeed. It's rather unlikely that he would be in the running for any sort of top ten parent or dad of the year award In fact, his public behaviours are so totally self centred, egotistical , and lacking of any respect for his immediate family. What a fucking embarrassment to his wife and kids this piece of shit must be...........derelict thug wielding financial control over the brood. Sickening.

Is it cancer, is it not cancer??? Who cares. Seriously, who cares. Start a cancer thread when it involves someone we all have loved and respected for their efforts in role modelling and showing leadership compatible with our collective aspirations for more dignified, enlightened, and healthy communities

My dad was a great guy. He died of cancer

A couple of my ex co-workers who put their hearts and souls into their jobs and families have died of cancer in recent years. People die of cancer every day in untold numbers.

These folks I respect and feel sympathetic towards

Rob ford...piece of shit. "Separate the man from his politics. " how do you separate a turd from a shit show? Where do you guys pick up these imbecilic notions? Time to cut the politically correct weenie boy dweebster lines you guys are gleaning from watching to much Oprah


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2010
I vehemently dislike Ford. I think he is a lying sack of shit addict and the worst mayor in the history of Toronto.

But I don't wish cancer on anyone, not even lying sacks of shit addicts. I hope it's nothing serious and that it's taken care of quickly. Then I hope he drops out of the race and lives a long and healthy life up at his cottage with his family far away from this city.
I've been compelled to comment on Rob Ford on some of these forums before, and have done so a few times, but not as many times as I intended, because I found that Fuji had already beat me to the punch with the exact opinions I was about to offer up. I really detest Rob Ford and all that he stands for, but I would never wish cancer(if that is the diagnosis) on anyone, I've seen too many loved ones succumb to it.I hope for the sake of his family that he can recover.


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
Indeed. It's rather unlikely that he would be in the running for any sort of top ten parent or dad of the year award In fact, his public behaviours are so totally self centred, egotistical , and lacking of any respect for his immediate family. What a fucking embarrassment to his wife and kids this piece of shit must be...........derelict thug wielding financial control over the brood. Sickening.

Is it cancer, is it not cancer??? Who cares. Seriously, who cares. Start a cancer thread when it involves someone we all have loved and respected for their efforts in role modelling and showing leadership compatible with our collective aspirations for more dignified, enlightened, and healthy communities

My dad was a great guy. He died of cancer

A couple of my ex co-workers who put their hearts and souls into their jobs and families have died of cancer in recent years. People die of cancer every day in untold numbers.

These folks I respect and feel sympathetic towards

Rob ford...piece of shit. "Separate the man from his politics. " how do you separate a turd from a shit show? Where do you guys pick up these imbecilic notions? Time to cut the politically correct weenie boy dweebster lines you guys are gleaning from watching to much Oprah
Is he the kind of piece of shit who would kick a man while he's down though? You know, like shitting all over someone when he is rushed to the hospital to have a tumour checked out. Because that would be a new low, even for him.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Let's make one item perfectly clear Rob Ford is not the worst Mayor Toronto's ever had, that title firmly belongs to Art Eggleton.

Until Ford drops out of the Mayoral race I cant take this seriously, it's just another example of him and Doug ripping huge farts.


New member
Jun 22, 2010
Is he the kind of piece of shit who would kick a man while he's down though? You know, like shitting all over someone when he is rushed to the hospital to have a tumour checked out. Because that would be a new low, even for him.
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