My week in Havana


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Almost every day in Havana someone asked me that. I just look at them point blank and say no. They don't usually follow up after that.
Some guy try to sell us a THIRD type of currency. So my friend asked him to test it by coming with us to a bar and buying a beer lol. This guy actually pretended to be a security guard from our hotel, but we noticed him walking from across the street in the opposite direction of another local who was trying to befriend us.

I sometimes am a little rude when strangers try to befriend me suddenly.


Feb 15, 2011
how much were you paying these girls to go to their house? and how much if you stayed over night? is it safe? lol i would think im going to get robbed any second!

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
how much were you paying these girls to go to their house? and how much if you stayed over night? is it safe? lol i would think im going to get robbed any second!
Get this 'Transaction' mentality out of your mind.

If you want a "Pro" in Havana, you'll find it. Weathered, wasted and used. Most certainly.

If you want to hook up with a girl where you both like each other and want to be alone together (same as here or any other city) you will find that as well.


Jan 11, 2005
I am going to Havana this coming week, so I would like to know how much the fee was. I am not like Don Draper, I cant pick up a non pro to save my life. no charisma, no game and on the ugly side. (I am not trying to diss you Don Draper, just being honest)
I don't want to get rip off, I hear Havana can be an expensive city.


New member
Mar 7, 2004
I am going to Havana this coming week, so I would like to know how much the fee was. I am not like Don Draper, I cant pick up a non pro to save my life. no charisma, no game and on the ugly side. (I am not trying to diss you Don Draper, just being honest)
I don't want to get rip off, I hear Havana can be an expensive city.
You are going to have a very,very tough time in Havana.

To succeed in Havana, you need the following personality traits:

-very focused on your own well-being. (you need to be able to disregard the dire poverty and desperation of the people living there.)

-consider yourself very charming and attractive. (to enjoy the experience, you need to believe that all of these young beautiful women genuinely want to have sex with you and their dire poverty has nothing to do with it.)

My advice to you is to develop a very hard shell. Everyone in Havana is going to bombard you with hardluck stories. Most importantly: Only pay the woman at the end. It is not like here in Canada. In Havana, they are constantly trying to rip you off.


Jan 11, 2005
wow I'm scare now, a baby can scam me out my money, I don't to know what these people will do to me :(

thanks for the advise freedom3

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
wow I'm scare now, a baby can scam me out my money, I don't to know what these people will do to me :(

thanks for the advise freedom3

Don't be scared my friend. It's always been a lovely and safe place.

Just don't be a sap, be sharp, that's all.


Jan 11, 2005
a nice looking girl, like 7/10 was asking me for 70 for the hour. she agree to 40 plus 10 for the room she rented from a friend. this was in Havana.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I know that, I meant is that converted to $70 from cuban pesos or is it $70 cuban pesos?
The tourist currency is the CUC (Convertible Cuban Peso) which is roughly equivalent to the U.S. dollar exchange wise. This is distinct from the local currency which is for native Cubans and is called the Cuban Peso (Nacional) or CUP.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
You are going to have a very,very tough time in Havana.

To succeed in Havana, you need the following personality traits:

-very focused on your own well-being. (you need to be able to disregard the dire poverty and desperation of the people living there.)

-consider yourself very charming and attractive. (to enjoy the experience, you need to believe that all of these young beautiful women genuinely want to have sex with you and their dire poverty has nothing to do with it.)

My advice to you is to develop a very hard shell. Everyone in Havana is going to bombard you with hardluck stories. Most importantly: Only pay the woman at the end. It is not like here in Canada. In Havana, they are constantly trying to rip you off.

Not a friendly advisor here.

If you go to a club in Havana, it is liking shoot fish in a barrel. I've seen not so attractive, messy guys with babes.

But be respectful, clean and neat, and wear cologne that no chicos would otherwise afford or have in Cuba. You will stand out, but being a tourist is a give away and will have you pegged.

Everyone is poor but there are those who are well off that own businesses. Some ladies are quite professional (clubs and high end hotels).

Don't choose the first gal that grabs your crotch or 'fancies' you. Pick the one you prefer in beauty and brains.


New member
Oct 27, 2006
I have been 4 times to Cuba, rented a car. Picked up girls,3-4 at a time, gave me phone numbers. The ones that knew English would say which one of us would you like to see tonight? If you have game, its a pooners paradise !

world ruler

Aug 7, 2007
I used to rent cars in Havana all the times. However, would no longer risk it. There is a good chance you will end up in a staged accident where everyone including the police are in on it and will want cash from the ATM they will take you too. Also, no collision insurance in Cuba if you are deemed at fault and rest assured you will be. Pays to just rent a cab for the day...about the same cost as daily rental without the risks.


Nov 28, 2007
Damn you all!!! Damn you all to Hell!!!

I was in Havana back in September (for the second time ever) and not a day goes by where I don't wish I was back there. I hate you all for sparking up the urges again.

To the guys who ask about cost, I've had girls from anywhere between $30 and $100. And that is not a per hour thing. The best reason for going there is because you get a GF experience there that you will not get here. When you are talking to a girl, it is like you are the only guy in the world that matters. I wouldn't even consider hooking up with a girl that I felt that would be watching the clock.

Just a quick 2 examples:

I called up this girl that I had met earlier at a club and she came over. $100 and she stayed for about 2 hours. The next day, I called her again and asked if she had a friend that spoke fluent english for my non-spanish speaking buddy and asked if they wanted to come to our apartment just to hang out and have some dinner. I told her straight up that we were just looking to hang with some pretty girls and that we were not going to ask them to put out. They came over anyways. We talked, we laughed, they tried to teach the 2 of us how to dance (to a very embarrassing outcome for my and my buddy you can be sure) we ate, and we all had a good time. We had such a great time with them that we ended up hooking up with the girls (even though we said we wouldn't) because it just felt like the natural thing to do after having such a great "date" night. My girl asked for $100 afterwards and considering there were there for about 3 hours and we had such a great time, it was well worth it. Also, I had brought some clothing to hand out and the fashion show she put on for me in my bedroom was well worth the price of admission ;-)

Second example, when I was there the second time, I bumped into a girl that I had hooked up with on my trip the year before. She recognized me in a bar. I ended up inviting her over to the apartment. My buddy said he would go the patio at the Hotel National for a few hours to give me free reign of the apartment. The girl and I talked, laughed, etc and had a great time (insert *wink wink* here). I was having such a nice time that I heard my buddy get back, which was a surprise because I had lost all track of time. When it was all said and done, she had been there for 4 hours and the time just seemed to fly by. At no point before hand was the topic of money discussed. At the end, she asked if she could have $50. I gave her that and threw another $20 in for her cab ride home. It was an absolute steal with an absolutely smoking hot girl who made me feel like a king. I only wish I had bumped into her earlier in the trip rather than on my second last night.

So, as Don Draper said, get the idea of the local pro type of transaction out of your head. If you want a transaction like that, there are plenty of clubs (meat markets) where you can go in, pick any girl and agree on an amount. They'll come over, pop you off, then leave. But I have to believe that most of the guys going would love the feel of believing that you were able to pick up a smoking hot chick and pass a wonderful afternoon/evening/night and the money makes no difference in the end. I know those were the best nights for me.
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