Toronto Passions

Let's put 1.1 Billion into Perspective


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Here's what the 1.1 Billion the Liberals wasted to win a couple seats could have funded. It should also be noted Ontario now spends almost 10 times that a year in interest alone to finance the debt which the Liberals have more than doubled in the past 10 years.

And there's still a possibility they'll be re-elected? :frusty:



A car, not a girl.
Sep 22, 2004
Its actually closer to 3 billion with ehealth orng and the gas plants.

I'm at the point where I don't know who or what to vote for anymore. Back to the days with Liberals federally and PCs in the province…?

The older I get, the more cynical I get. I really am convinced they are all pigs that want a chance at feed bowl - they could care less about anything other than being in the driver's seat.

Really think its time to give a different pig a chance at the feed trough.


Apr 23, 2014


New member
Apr 18, 2012
Conservatives sold the 407 at a vastly undervalued price. The recent buy in valued the 407 at 10 billion instead of the 3 billion it was sold for. The 407 currently grosses 500 million per year and nets 400 million. Over the last 14 years, that's 5.6 billion.

So pick, the 5.6 billion is missed revenues, the 7 billion due to the massive undervalue. Or the billions wasted in gridlock on the 401 while the 407 remains completely empty.

During this time, the beloved Hudak was Cabinet minister.

So in the grand scheme of things, the conservatives have made a billion look like chump change.

Oh, and to add insult to injury, the conservatives threw in thoses two provisions when selling the 407, that the 407 corp could charge wheveter the fuck it wants to, and that the government could not build a competing highway.

I wonder if the Sun will be doing the math on that end?


Apr 23, 2014
Its actually closer to 3 billion with ehealth orng and the gas plants.

I'm at the point where I don't know who or what to vote for anymore. Back to the days with Liberals federally and PCs in the province…?

The older I get, the more cynical I get. I really am convinced they are all pigs that want a chance at feed bowl - they could care less about anything other than being in the driver's seat.

Really think its time to give a different pig a chance at the feed trough.

Exactly! They're only in it for themselves. I'd rather someone else and see what happens. The Green party will be getting my vote it seems.

Viggo Rasmussen

New member
Feb 5, 2010
How many billions of our money did the Conservatives fork over to General Motors?

How much did we get when they sold off the 407 so we could get screwed over daily by a foreign corporation?


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2009
Face 1st between her thighs
There all the same. It's just a matter of how bad do you want to be screwed. With just plain vasolin , or would like some sand with that , or shaved glass. Either way these cooks will get you....


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
So consider Mike Harris's sale of 407 still costs us $500/million a year, and will do so for another 88 years, so that is $44B ... Thanks MIKE!!!!

Also, the 1.1B is an false number. What is only relevant is the additional cost of the cancellation. Not the difference in cost of putting the plants in BF Ontario. i.e what it would have cost if they were ORIGINALLY put there to start. That cost is much, much smaller. Probably around 150-300M depending on who you believe. If you want to bitch about that cost, talk to people in Oakville and Mississauga.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Its actually closer to 3 billion with ehealth orng and the gas plants.

I'm at the point where I don't know who or what to vote for anymore. Back to the days with Liberals federally and PCs in the province…?

The older I get, the more cynical I get. I really am convinced they are all pigs that want a chance at feed bowl - they could care less about anything other than being in the driver's seat.

Really think its time to give a different pig a chance at the feed trough.
Pigs at the trough may be a tad harsh, but if you're stuck with the job of dealing with all society's shit, bad actors, misbehaviours and selfishness you will get a few, and even the saints will get corrupted. If, as Churchill said, "…democracy is the worst form of government", it shouldn't be a surprise that it doesn't always attract the best and brightest practitioners.

But the alternatives are worse, so it's up to us to make the best—and try to pick the best—of the bad lot we've got. Forget about the Unanimous Gas-Plant Bungle Wynnme's stuck with, Hudak's Million Jobs Grade School Arithmetic Failure and Horwath playing Machiavelli forcing this election by kiboshing a budget she'd have been proud to write herself. Always ignore political parties which are anti-democratic creations that serve only to coerce the pols, and have nothing to do with people who choose who and what to vote for.

Pick the best person on the ballot they hand you, if you can't stomach the party name attached, compromise, but as little as you can.

Resolve to speak up more often, demand more and better answers, and this time round, let's see that they get away with less before we notice.

Remember, in a democracy they don't govern; we do. They're just the only ones willing to sign on to do the shitty job.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Here's what the 1.1 Billion the Liberals wasted to win a couple seats could have funded. It should also be noted Ontario now spends almost 10 times that a year in interest alone to finance the debt which the Liberals have more than doubled in the past 10 years.

And there's still a possibility they'll be re-elected? :frusty:

Hudak and Horwath's heads should be in that rogue's gallery too. They promised to do the same as the Liberals, only difference is they would have done it later. And I note neither of the other parties has offered any sort of 'improved clean-up' for the mess.

Of all the dead issues you might argue their parties were 'better' on, you sure picked the worst.


A car, not a girl.
Sep 22, 2004
Pick the best person on the ballot they hand you, if you can't stomach the party name attached, compromise, but as little as you can.
Good advice.

Why do people bring up Harris and the 407? It may have been a bad deal and it didn't net what it should have but that does not mean it continues to cost us…
That type of logic is equivalent to a politician saying "we were going to raise your taxes 20% but instead we will only increase the taxes 10%, we are saving you 50% on your taxes…" Besides Harris isn't running in this election and neither is McGuinty.

The whole gas plant fiasco was entirely self-serving with the ONLY goal to save two political seats for ONE election. Like it or not Wynne was part of it just like some want to say Hudak was part of the Harris decisions.

I've decided that I will go with those that will cost me the least. I can not stand the thought of the Liberals taking 2% off the top of my pay check and telling me they will manage it for me for retirement. They can't manage money as it is. Thanks but no thanks - part of that 2% funds my hobbying.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Conservatives sold the 407 at a vastly undervalued price. The recent buy in valued the 407 at 10 billion instead of the 3 billion it was sold for. The 407 currently grosses 500 million per year and nets 400 million. Over the last 14 years, that's 5.6 billion.

So pick, the 5.6 billion is missed revenues, the 7 billion due to the massive undervalue. Or the billions wasted in gridlock on the 401 while the 407 remains completely empty.

During this time, the beloved Hudak was Cabinet minister.

So in the grand scheme of things, the conservatives have made a billion look like chump change.

Oh, and to add insult to injury, the conservatives threw in thoses two provisions when selling the 407, that the 407 corp could charge wheveter the fuck it wants to, and that the government could not build a competing highway.

I wonder if the Sun will be doing the math on that end?
I agree, it was a bad decision to sell the 407, however I don't remember there being a cover-up nor an OPP investigation into it. Anyway, that was 15 years ago and the Cons were voted out of power. Now let's focus on what the Liberal's record over the last 10 years.

Here's a few gems...

- Added a Health-care levy
- Delisted eye exams, physiotherapy and chiropractic
- Promised to balance the budget
- Gas Plant Scandal
- Ornge Scandal
- eHealth Scandal
- Green Energy Act Debacle
- 11% Increase in Hydro Rates per year
- Hired 100,000 more Government Employees
- More than doubled Provincial Debt to 288 Billion - 10 Billion per year in interest alone
- Doubled the annual Deficit
- Made us a have-not Province for the first time in history
- Remember this promise? "We will govern with honesty and integrity."

But go ahead, continue to blame Mike Harris. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2013
I agree, it was a bad decision to sell the 407, however I don't remember there being a cover-up nor an OPP investigation into it. Anyway, that was 15 years ago and the Cons were voted out of power. Now let's focus on what the Liberal's record over the last 10 years.

Here's a few gems...

- Added a Health-care levy
- Delisted eye exams, physiotherapy and chiropractic
- Promised to balance the budget
- Gas Plant Scandal
- Ornge Scandal
- eHealth Scandal
- Green Energy Act Debacle
- 11% Increase in Hydro Rates per year
- Hired 100,000 more Government Employees
- More than doubled Provincial Debt to 288 Billion - 10 Billion per year in interest alone
- Doubled the annual Deficit
- Made us a have-not Province for the first time in history
- Remember this promise? "We will govern with honesty and integrity."

But go ahead, continue to blame Mike Harris. :rolleyes:
Why don't you do a tally of the cons for the last 10 years too ? Its time to get your conservative head out harpers and hudaks hole. ALL politicans lie, cheat and abuse public funds. Its time for the public to enforce some oversight to all parties.


Sep 22, 2010
Here's what the 1.1 Billion the Liberals wasted to win a couple seats could have funded. It should also be noted Ontario now spends almost 10 times that a year in interest alone to finance the debt which the Liberals have more than doubled in the past 10 years.

And there's still a possibility they'll be re-elected? :frusty:

Hudak's problem is that He was relatively quiet on his platform until this election...he should have
been on the road YEARS before pushing the "100,000" cuts.

Hudak deserves to get elected...but chances are it will be a minority...with either Wynne/Horwath or Hudak
getting railroaded if he wins.

After this election, (If he loses) Hudak will be gone...the PC party will install a 'moderate (Liberal lite) and we'll
be back to decades more of Liberal financial scandals. Ontario will further descend into a financial
hole...and just like what's happening in New York: People are fleeing to Texas/Florida.

In our case it's Alberta.

Until of course the left moves in there and starts the deficit spending all over again.

Like locusts following the herd.


Mar 21, 2011
Good advice.

Why do people bring up Harris and the 407? It may have been a bad deal and it didn't net what it should have but that does not mean it continues to cost us…
That type of logic is equivalent to a politician saying "we were going to raise your taxes 20% but instead we will only increase the taxes 10%, we are saving you 50% on your taxes…" Besides Harris isn't running in this election and neither is McGuinty.

The whole gas plant fiasco was entirely self-serving with the ONLY goal to save two political seats for ONE election. Like it or not Wynne was part of it just like some want to say Hudak was part of the Harris decisions.

I've decided that I will go with those that will cost me the least. I can not stand the thought of the Liberals taking 2% off the top of my pay check and telling me they will manage it for me for retirement. They can't manage money as it is. Thanks but no thanks - part of that 2% funds my hobbying.
Its one thing to have a 1 time loss of 1 billion.
The 407 could still be putting money into government coffers and lowering our taxes as a result.
Not to mention the stupid plan that allows a private money to use government resources as a collection agency, with sticker/407 fees.


Registered User
Oct 23, 2002
here and there
Its one thing to have a 1 time loss of 1 billion.
The 407 could still be putting money into government coffers and lowering our taxes as a result.
Not to mention the stupid plan that allows a private money to use government resources as a collection agency, with sticker/407 fees.
i don't disagree on the 407, bad decision. However cancelling the gas plants and subsequently the cover up was not only a bad decision, it was potentially criminal and the only beneficiary is the Liberals...completely different circumstance.


A car, not a girl.
Sep 22, 2004
Its one thing to have a 1 time loss of 1 billion.
The 407 could still be putting money into government coffers and lowering our taxes as a result.
Not to mention the stupid plan that allows a private money to use government resources as a collection agency, with sticker/407 fees.

I'll say it again.
I'm voting for the ones that will leave more money in my pocket.
This hobby is not inexpensive.

The only way we, people, have any way to hold a government to account is to kick the governing party out once they have become too cozy and arrogant. IMHO that is what has happened to the Liberals at Queens park. The mentality of we can do anything good or bad and they will still elect us has to end. Kicking them out is the only way to humble them and resets the pointer on the gauge. How empowered do you think Harper will feel if re-elected in 2015 ?!

I'm not thinking its the ultimate solution but its a solution.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Why do people bring up Harris and the 407? It may have been a bad deal and it didn't net what it should have but that does not mean it continues to cost us…
That type of logic is equivalent to a politician saying "we were going to raise your taxes 20% but instead we will only increase the taxes 10%, we are saving you 50% on your taxes…" Besides Harris isn't running in this election and neither is McGuinty.

The whole gas plant fiasco was entirely self-serving with the ONLY goal to save two political seats for ONE election. Like it or not Wynne was part of it just like some want to say Hudak was part of the Harris decisions.

I've decided that I will go with those that will cost me the least. I can not stand the thought of the Liberals taking 2% off the top of my pay check and telling me they will manage it for me for retirement. They can't manage money as it is. Thanks but no thanks - part of that 2% funds my hobbying.
The 407 is a huge multi-billion dollar on-going fiasco that continues to drain taxpayers for the next 85 years. The sale of the 407 was rash (and according to the auditor general incorrect) attempt to lower the government debt profile for an upcoming election. Hudak was part of the cabinet approval of a sleazily deal that will cost taxpayers over $44 Billion before it is over.

I can travel 8 hours on the NY toll roads for the same as it cost me to travel 45 minutes on the 407. The 407 was designed as a bypass for the rapidly growing area north of Toronto and it will be as important as the 401 is now for future traffic as well as important for commerce. Keep in mind we do not have any say on the rates and (by terms of the contract) the Ontario Government is forbidden from developing any alternative that would compete for traffic. Now you have a comprehension for the level of stupidity that the government Hudak participated and from what I can see - would like to continue.

Why would you decide to ignore Hudak's mistakes while focusing on Wynns ?

So you have Wynn wasting millions or Hudak who could on a similar whim could sell the LCBO, our water supply to foreigners, or the 401 for pennies on the dollar. Who knows what long range f*ckery this guy is capable of.
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