Big rally calling for Rob Ford to resign at noon, City Hall


Jun 29, 2012
It is one thing that Toronto is the laughing stock in the other provinces of Canada, but the mayor has tarnished Canada's image internationally... any proud Canadian from Toronto, or outside or toronto should be there to help oust this buffoon from office
It's the Toronto MEDIA that has everyone laughing with all their made up fabricated stories...namely the Toronto Star. All the other provinces and cities loathe Toronto because of our ethnocentric attitude...much like the USA. You can't go anywhere else in Canada and feel LESS Canadian, than Toronto. Also, if the image is so tarnished...why are immigrants streaming here faster than flies to shit? 4th largest city in North America. If we were tarnished...they wouldn't come here. Propagandize me MORE!


New member
Nov 13, 2008
What exactly is evidence? The Star's Kevin Donovan led a series of investigative reports on ORNGE which seemed believable, although I personally did not get to see the "evidence" of the original documents or listen to recorded conversations.
Was that all made up too? Does it also make the Star a "laughing stock"? I thought this was how journalism works - the writers observe, and then report on what they've seen, been told, and found out.
This is how smear campaigns and wars get started..... Remember Iraq?? Day and night people were brain washed that Saddam had nukes...


New member
Nov 13, 2008
If there is no evidence why hasn't Rob Ford sued The Star ?
What's he afraid of ?
But really, I don't have an answer for that.
None the less, I believe that if Star had something more than a story, they wouldn't hesitate for a second to put it out.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Don't you think that such substantial accusation should be supported by at least SOME evidence??
You're saying the media should just sit on stories of wrongdoing, malfeasance, maybe public danger or crimes until they have collected enough evidence for a prosecution? No, that's other people; you said "…SOME evidence". Well they have some evidence, two independent media put that evidence in their stories, and other media have also reported some evidence, similar and supporting, both before and after the Star story, so there is SOME evidence, just not AS MUCH evidence as you might like. OK fine, you get to judge that for yourself. As does everyone else. But drop the fantasy that there has been no evidence.

Just BTW, precisely what words are in this "…substantial accusation" you referred to? If we're getting all fussy about standards of evidence to support accusations, we should know what the accusation is don't you think? All I know of is a report that two reporters saw a video that showed a man who looked like Ford appearing to toke on something which the video's 'owner' claimed was crack. What are you accusing your unnamed someone of saying? What's your evidence they made this accusation you referred to at all?

Don't you think that such substantial accusation should be supported by at least SOME evidence?


New member
Nov 13, 2008
You're saying the media should just sit on stories of wrongdoing, malfeasance, maybe public danger or crimes until they have collected enough evidence for a prosecution? No, that's other people; you said "…SOME evidence". Well they have some evidence, two independent media put that evidence in their stories, and other media have also reported some evidence, similar and supporting, both before and after the Star story, so there is SOME evidence, just not AS MUCH evidence as you might like. OK fine, you get to judge that for yourself. As does everyone else. But drop the fantasy that there has been no evidence.

Just BTW, precisely what words are in this "…substantial accusation" you referred to? If we're getting all fussy about standards of evidence to support accusations, we should know what the accusation is don't you think? All I know of is a report that two reporters saw a video that showed a man who looked like Ford appearing to toke on something which the video's 'owner' claimed was crack. What are you accusing someone of saying? What's your evidence they made this accusation of yours?
Show us the footage!!
Otherwise, this story is nothing more than a bunch of he said, she said...


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Why is there so much hatred towards Rob Ford? For me he is just like any other Mayor...
You really think he is just like Hazel McCallion, or Art Eggleton, or David Crombie, or Charlotte Whitton or Jean Drapeau or …? Someone said earlier that Ford makes Lastman look like a paragon. Mel may have been clownlike, but he was a super salesman, successful businessman and self-made millionaire who could get people to work together to get things done. That's why there's a North York City Centre and a Sheppard subway.

The only job apart from petty politics Rob has ever had was the year or so he did in sales at the family label plant before the Council election in his Dad's old riding. Lots of lacklustre Mayors (and some fine ones) have been professional pols, and even spoiled rich kids, but speaking personally, it's as if Rob was bent on showing us why most people call those negative attributes and warning signs for voters. Apart from the first few votes in the first few weeks while his bandwagon still had momentum, Rob has had no success at getting anything done at City Hall, and what has been done in fits and starts has been steered by others, by wrenching the wheel away from him even.

If you really think all Mayors are that bad, heaven help us all.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
If there is no evidence why hasn't Rob Ford sued The Star ?
What's he afraid of ? What is stopping him ?

Isn't that what a normal and rational person would do in the face of a smear campaign ?

Normal and rational people use the Courts as a last resort.

Aside from the not insubstantial costs (even for a "rich" man) litigation takes a toll on your life. And to what end? You have to prove specific damages that you can be compensated for.

A wise lawyer once told me that to sue "for the principle of it" makes lawyer rich and litigants poor. Seldom is there vindication for a plaintiff in these cases.

While I personally have good, first hand knowledge that has formed my opinion that Mayor Ford is in wayyyyyy above his head in terms of his ability to be a Mayor and leader of a city and their staff, I really am appalled by the Witch Hunt and thin evidence on which a powerful newspaper has launched such a determined attack on an elected official with the clear goal to remove him from office.

The principle of that really bothers me. Maybe I should sue? :eyebrows:


New member
Nov 13, 2008
You really think he is just like Hazel McCallion, or Art Eggleton, or David Crombie, or Charlotte Whitton or Jean Drapeau or …? Someone said earlier that Ford makes Lastman look like a paragon. Mel may have been clownlike, but he was a super salesman, successful businessman and self-made millionaire who could get people to work together to get things done. That's why there's a North York City Centre and a Sheppard subway.

The only job apart from petty politics Rob has ever had was the year or so he did in sales at the family label plant before the Council election in his Dad's old riding. Lots of lacklustre Mayors (and some fine ones) have been professional pols, and even spoiled rich kids, but speaking personally, it's as if Rob was bent on showing us why most people call those negative attributes and warning signs for voters. Apart from the first few votes in the first few weeks while his bandwagon still had momentum, Rob has had no success at getting anything done at City Hall, and what has been done in fits and starts has been steered by others, by wrenching the wheel away from him even.

If you really think all Mayors are that bad, heaven help us all.
I'm not that old to know about Mayors you've mentioned above.
What I know about Lastman's era is: Sheppard line was one of the most expensive per meter subway projects in the world. It also took forever to build even though it was like 5km long.

Miller started renovations of the yonge subway line that has dragged to this day. And from what I can tell, they haven't done jack all other than remove aluminum siding at stations and painted stucco...

Also, (and correct me if i'm wrong) both Lastman and Miller were in office during economic expansion, leaving the city with a large deficit upon their departure.


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
If there is no evidence why hasn't Rob Ford sued The Star ?
What's he afraid of ? What is stopping him ?

Isn't that what a normal and rational person would do in the face of a smear campaign ?
The article you posted in the Gawker thread explains it well.

Very likely, Ford would lose:
I think Ford's lawyer knows that too, or Ford would have sued The Star by now.
Plus lawyers want retainers, and the suit would not reach the courts for 5-10 years.

Fred Zed

Dec 31, 1969
Normal and rational people use the Courts as a last resort.

Aside from the not insubstantial costs (even for a "rich" man) litigation takes a toll on your life. And to what end? You have to prove specific damages that you can be compensated for.
LOL, I am sure that some in Ford Nation would be willing to contribute to Rob Ford's legal defense fund ? Besides there are many, many people with far less financial
resources than Ford who have sued to clear their name. If what the The Star is doing bothers him he should take action.

Because Ford has not taken action against The Star some of us have concluded that he's a weak leader with something to hide.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
So the final count was about 300 people actually at the rally.

Others, happened to be walking by or thru NPSquare and could not be counted!

And the chalk.... Ironically washed away by the rain.

Ces't la Vie!

Fred Zed

Dec 31, 1969
So the final count was about 300 people actually at the rally.

Others, happened to be walking by or thru NPSquare and could not be counted!

And the chalk.... Ironically washed away by the rain.

Ces't la Vie!
LOL, actually it's 500+ and btw CTV just reported a rally was also planned for Ford supporters at Nathan Phillips sq but no one showed up.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
Like I Said Fred...left or right..people are not bothered by this stuff....... A huge city like ours draws 300 people??

its not a left or right thing. its the media selling papers. Other people have more important things to do.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
LOL, actually it's 500+ and btw CTV just reported a rally was also planned for Ford supporters at Nathan Phillips sq but no one showed up.
500 isn't hat big a rally for a beautiful saturday. Considering the supposed outrage of the city according to the media. Most of them were probably the usual suspects who head down there at the drop of the hat.
As for Ford supporters most aren't proffessional protesters. Just good middle class hardworking folk who would rather spend time with family and friends then lend credibility to these attacks.

Fred Zed

Dec 31, 1969
Like I Said Fred...left or right..people are not bothered by this stuff....... A huge city like ours draws 300 people??

its not a left or right thing. its the media selling papers. Other people have more important things to do.
The rally was not well announced, many people didn't know about it. Apparently it was only announced on Facebook. Some of us don't even have Facebook accounts.
I only heard about it around 11 am today.


New member
Nov 13, 2008
Like I Said Fred...left or right..people are not bothered by this stuff....... A huge city like ours draws 300 people??

its not a left or right thing. its the media selling papers. Other people have more important things to do.
Exactly my point.

I am sure that big media companies would fork out 200k without blinking, just to get the exclusive report on 6pm news.


Apr 24, 2005
CTV released a poll conducted by Ipsos Reid on their evening news. Ford Nation is strong despite the onslaught by the usual suspects.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
LOL, I am sure that some in Ford Nation would be willing to contribute to Rob Ford's legal defense fund ? Besides there are many, many people with far less financial
resources than Ford who have sued to clear their name. If what the The Star is doing bothers him he should take action.

Because Ford has not taken action against The Star some of us have concluded that he's a weak leader with something to hide.

And that reverse onus is unfair.

I agree with you that Ford is a buffoon, a weak leader and has plenty to hide.

But so far, The Star has engaged in a simple smear campaign. And his opponents wail as if there will be no tomorrow if Ford does not immediately resign or "seek help and check into rehab".

Not sure if it is apropro to mention it but I recall that there was a low rent escort "review" website that played on the TERB name and accused you and otehr people in the industry of some pretty heinous things. The accusations on their face were so ridiculous and expressed by someone who is clearly out of their mind that I paid them no heed whatsoever. And I suspect that you did not either. So, applying the same logic as to Ford, if you did not sue the other board owner, does that then make his accusations true?

Like I said, I don't like Ford as the Mayor. I do think a slash and burn approach to government spending is what we needed to reset the runaway spending attitude in the City and that is why he was elected. But he is clearly a one-term mayor. But if he is pilloried, hung, drawn, quartered and forced from office over allegations of personal moral shortcomings or misconduct, no one is safe.

I once had a close friend who was a senior Federal Cabinet Minister. He said he always had to tread carefully for fear that some "brown envelope" would be released. He said he had no idea exactly what would be in it, but that it wouldn't matter anyways. Once the allegation has been made, the bell is impossible to un-ring.
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