Rob Ford's next Scandal - Sexual Harrassment


Jan 31, 2005
Your reply was to me and my comment was specifically about what Ford allegedly said to Thomson.
Nope, I replied to Gameboy about the "extremely offensive" comments he made at the leafs game and that he lied about it. You replied to that disputing that his conments were extremely offensive, so I quoted what he had said .

We were talking about his history of lying about these sorts of situations.


Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
If Ms Thompson is not telling the truth in whole or part, she has done a grave diservice to women that are sexually accosted by the manner in which she has handled it. If it is true, she has done a diservice to women that have been sexually accosted by turning it into a political stunt in the manner of reporting instead of going to a proper authority. If she plans to run for elective office in the future this will follow her in ways that she cannot imagine.
Any self respecting hobbyist.....nay any PERSON who condones this behavior. Well. Beyond their absolute hypocrisy you are doing a disservice to real victims of sexual assault everywhere

As Sarah Thompson is so now doing for personal gain......
I had mentioned this in an earlier post. I think it is powerfully reinforced by Sue-Anne Levy in her column from Monday. How does any woman have the bad luck to have two experiences like this and have the courage to bounce back is amazing.


New member
Sep 5, 2005
Nope, I replied to Gameboy about the "extremely offensive" comments he made at the leafs game and that he lied about it. You replied to that disputing that his conments were extremely offensive, so I quoted what he had said .

We were talking about his history of lying about these sorts of situations.
My mistake. I thought the "extremely offensive" remarks you were referring to were what he said to Thomson. Mea culpa.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
I had mentioned this in an earlier post. I think it is powerfully reinforced by Sue-Anne Levy in her column from Monday. How does any woman have the bad luck to have two experiences like this and have the courage to bounce back is amazing.
I did see and agree with the earlier post. It would appear certain members need to have this point reinforced to them multiple times for them to get it. That they are so myopic they will latch onto any frivolous accusation to attack the Mayor, no matter how unfounded, it really is beyond me. We will just have to wait for continued improvements to the city finances and (hopefully) infrastructure to regulate their vioce to the fringes where they belong.


Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
I did see and agree with the earlier post. It would appear certain members need to have this point reinforced to them multiple times for them to get it. That they are so myopic they will latch onto any frivolous accusation to attack the Mayor, no matter how unfounded, it really is beyond me. We will just have to wait for continued improvements to the city finances and (hopefully) infrastructure to regulate their vioce to the fringes where they belong.
I would be interested in some financial facts for the city if anyone knows (and can supply them in an objective non partizan manner).

1. What was the balance in the city reserve fund at the begining and end of Mayor Miller's tenure, and the same info for Mayor Ford, begining and YTD.

2. How much one time funding from other levels of government was granted and went into operating costs during both mayoralty tenures.

3. Miller was mayor for 7 years, and Ford for 2 years. How much was the city budget for each of those 9 years?


Possum Trot

New member
Dec 7, 2009
From your own link:

April 2006: A drunk and belligerent Ford is removed from a Maple Leafs game after shouting at an out-of-town couple who said he was being too loud.
One. One assumes you understand the meaning of the word "numerous" that you toss around.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I would be interested in some financial facts for the city if anyone knows (and can supply them in an objective non partizan manner).

1. What was the balance in the city reserve fund at the begining and end of Mayor Miller's tenure, and the same info for Mayor Ford, begining and YTD.

2. How much one time funding from other levels of government was granted and went into operating costs during both mayoralty tenures.

3. Miller was mayor for 7 years, and Ford for 2 years. How much was the city budget for each of those 9 years?


There was an article recently in Toronto Life that I read (I'll try to find it) which was looking at the bright spots of Ford.

In a nutshell, Miller increased spending by 6% for every year he was in office (that's about 300 percent the rate of inflation).

Under Ford, spending has flat lined.

Miller also did exhaust "the rainy day fund", and ran up the debt to the point that just paying the debt is now the third biggest draw on the city's budget.

I'm no lover of Ford. He's an idiot, and he's a buffoon, and frankly, he's not that bright.

But he's better than Miller or his champagne socialist buddies. If nothing else, he will not bankrupt the city of Toronto.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Found the article I was referring to in Toronto Life......

Labour costs were the main reason that, during Miller’s seven years at the helm, the city’s annual operating budget grew by roughly six per cent per year. Only two years into Ford’s tenure, expenditures have essentially flatlined, from $9.405 billion last year to $9.432 billion this year. Ford’s detractors like to say he promised to stop the gravy, then found none. It turned out that the gravy didn’t flow in rushing brown-water rapids, but in trickles through every crack in the organization. Ford has spackled many of them shut. For example, he eliminated a “running lunch” program—code for a 30-minute paid lunch—in the vehicle maintenance department, which will save the city $391,000. He merged the shop that makes road signs with Transportation Services (why were they ever apart?), saving $110,000. At Fairview Library, an automated book sorter will save $160,000. It all adds up.

The entire budget process has been opened up for the better. Torontonians learned back on November 29 that their annual tax bill would rise by 1.95 per cent (later revised to two per cent), but the real story that day wasn’t the size of the increase. It was the timing of the announcement. During Miller’s tenure, the annual tax increase, along with every other detail of the municipal budget, was kept under wraps until February. It’s a crucial difference in management style. Miller waited so he would know exactly how much money he had left over from the previous year. Ford doesn’t want to know, because he believes not knowing will force the city to spend more cautiously.

So far, he’s been right. The city no longer needs to use its own prior-year surplus to balance next year’s budget. The 2012 surplus chimed in at $232 million, and instead of desperately shovelling it down the hole of the 2013 shortfall, council used it to increase funding for arts organizations and other programs.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Ford is an idiot for a lot of reasons (as we all know), but he's not bankrupting the city.

Miller on the other hand was a complete FUCKING IDIOT, far worse than Ford could ever be. Sure, David Miller would never grab some chicks ass at a party. Instead, he increased spending from roughly 6.5 billion to 9.5 billion in 7 years and hired thousands of unionized workers and caved into the unions during the great strike.

Which is worse?


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2012
Here's an interesting article in the star today. It very clearly lays out the difference between Miller and Ford and essentially that Ford has accomplished nothing in the two years he's been in office other than an embarrassment to Toronto:!/article/5140660d7b1eac31cc067746

Of course the ford supporters on this board won't read it and cry conspiracy from the liberals. That's ok, they aren't used to thinking for themselves.


New member
Sep 5, 2005
Here's an interesting article in the star today. It very clearly lays out the difference between Miller and Ford and essentially that Ford has accomplished nothing in the two years he's been in office other than an embarrassment to Toronto:!/article/5140660d7b1eac31cc067746

Of course the ford supporters on this board won't read it and cry conspiracy from the liberals. That's ok, they aren't used to thinking for themselves.
Consider the source. Has the Star ever had anything good to say about Ford?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
They report news accurately and objectively. Their editorial dept certainly has a knife out for Ford.
Funny how this article should come out in time to push Thompson off the front pages. Their ediorial dept was pretty much silent about "ass-gate". I call that vindication for the mayor if the Star isn't even going with it. If their was anything to it do you really think they would have given up on a juicy sex scandal? Give that head a shake now.
I'll read the article when I get to work tonight(I do read the star about every day). And comment then. But at least this "cry of wolf" can be put to rest with the other defeated attacks in the false bin.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010

There was an article recently in Toronto Life that I read (I'll try to find it) which was looking at the bright spots of Ford.

In a nutshell, Miller increased spending by 6% for every year he was in office (that's about 300 percent the rate of inflation).

Under Ford, spending has flat lined.

Miller also did exhaust "the rainy day fund", and ran up the debt to the point that just paying the debt is now the third biggest draw on the city's budget.

I'm no lover of Ford. He's an idiot, and he's a buffoon, and frankly, he's not that bright.

But he's better than Miller or his champagne socialist buddies. If nothing else, he will not bankrupt the city of Toronto.

AMEN to every point you make here. Yes, Ford is not the best and brightest or classiest guy, but if you don't want spending to be out of control, he's better than Miller.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts