Followed by some kind of investigator yesterday


New member
Oct 23, 2005
I think I am being followed and I would like some advice about what to do.

Yesterday I left my home, and about a block from home I noticed a guy run a red light, seemingly to stay behind me. I went into the convenience store to get some smokes, and then the guy followed me into the store. I left quickly with smokes (had exact change ready) so I was out of there fast. He grabbed a box of 6 mini chip bags, it was the nearest item to him. Paid quickly then went back to his mundane van. I sat there and lit a cigarette. He pretended to drive away, but when I went back onto the street I saw him pulled over, waiting. So I drove into a building driveway where I don't live. I sat there for 4 minutes, then the van rides slowly by, with this guy craining his neck to see me. I sat there a minute more and he rode past the other way. After a few minutes I went home and couldn't see the van. The guy was wearing a cheap suit and cheap dress shoes and looked like a cop.

About a week ago there was another van with two dudes, also in cheap suits, and I remember I thought they were following me too. I don't remember the details but it was a van of a different color.

I don't do any crimes and I'm not in any lawsuits or insurance cases etc.

I am at a loss as to what I do next time i think I'm being followed. Is there some kind of tactic I should use? Start following them? Introduce myself? Ignore?

Any advice appreciated.


Jul 27, 2011
Vice sqad? Pissed off husband?


New member
Oct 23, 2005
I'm haven't been around the escort biz for years so it shouldn't be vice... I'm a lawyer and always scared a crazy client would follow me but this guy wasn't familiar from any of my cases.


Aug 3, 2006
On the Edge
If you're married, it's probably someone hired by your wife - I see divorce in your future....and not in a good way...LoL!

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Determine if you are indeed being followed. I would take them on a nice ride throughout the city to many destinations. Go to Loblaws and buy one item. Go to the LCBO and buy a bottle. Go to a convenience store and buy a lottery ticket. ect. ect. Stop at payphones and pretend to make a few calls. That way you will see if they follow you to each location and it is not your imagination. Do all this where there are many people, you do not want to be cornered by these guys since you do not know who they are.
What you are describing is very elaborate and takes up a lot of manpower ( and expense ) If you say you can not imagine why you would be followed then it may be Revenue Canada ( if it were, then you would have an idea why ) or someone may be digging dirt to see what they can find out on you for a lawsuit.
Once you have established that people are following you, let them know that you are on to them. Do not confront them. If they are bad people you may be in danger, if they are police they will never admit to it. Take them to a shopping center parking lot and drive around in a circle several time taking the same route, that should get the message across.


Jul 5, 2011
Actually, in an Irish gangster movie, "The General" The guys drove out into the country with the police on their tail. The cops ran out of gas. The gangsters had spare full gas cans in the trunk. They just filled up and left the cops in the country. Verified that they were being followed anyway.


Camel Toad
Nov 19, 2007
Gettin' Licked
Drive around a blind corner and drop a mannequin in the middle of the road for them to run over.

Hey, it worked in FX the movie. :D

BTW, I really don't see a cop tailing you and coming into the store.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
"When you hear hoof beats, think horses, not zebras." There is no reason to get into all sorts of spycraft, BigDog should call his local police. I really don't want to read about this in the newspapers.


New member
Sep 18, 2002
The easiest way to find out if you are being followed is just to circle the block. No one makes four right turns in a row. Buy a decent replica handgun and next time you see the clown, pull up beside the guy and flash it. These guys sound very amateur so I wouldn't be surprised if that would be the last you see of them.


New member
Mar 24, 2012
My sympathy for your troubles 1bigdog
You must have some idea of the jerk responsible for this. Anyways my input is since they are willing to follow you maybe you should lure them to a place that is "dog" friendly and have a real nice conversation with these clowns. I'm sure you are not imagining this so be proactive!
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