You can get cheaper if you negotiate or deal with other girls who aren't the hottest or the most popular.70 CUC is about $70 CDN right? $70 for the night? That's crazy.
However, I'm talking club girls or pros. Non-pros are usually cheaper or only wants gifts in kind and attention.
Don Draper's advice is ALL good. I did keep a mini wallet with me with my I.D. and OHIP card but nothing else, except cash. My 'novia' had her own trusted taxi guy, so I was good. Some taxi drivers act as pimps too. The security guards were on my ticket for two of the nights which saved me money and hassle. You can rent a house for less than the cost of registering a gal as your guest, but the cost of bribing a security guard may be the same cost.
Yes, you can meet girls on the streets and treat them to dinner and have them spend time with you, but if you have little time to do that and want a sure thing with your choice of a multitude of gorgeous women, you go to the clubs. There are sweet ladies who work at restaurants who'd love to date a tourist without money.
One club, behind Don Cangrejos seafood restaurant, had locals who weren't 'working' and asked if we had a private house that we could go party later. There were four of them, but we already had our dates.