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Pope Palpatine who covered up child abuse sticking his nose where it does not belong


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
This man an elderly overdressed virgin who told his sheeple not to report priests who abuse children is pissing off the world again thinking he has a right by telling infertile couples how to use their reproductive organs

The Pope today urged infertile couples to shun IVF and insisted that sex between a husband and wife was the only acceptable way of conceiving.

Pope Benedict XVI said artificial methods of getting pregnant were simply 'arrogance' as he spoke at the end of a three-day Vatican conference on infertility in Rome.

He told scientists and fertility experts that matrimony was the 'only place worthy of the call to existence of a new human being'.

The Pope reiterated the Church's stance against artificial procreation, telling infertile couples they should refrain from trying to conceive through any method other than conjugal relations.

'The human and Christian dignity of procreation, in fact, doesn't consist in a "product", but in its link to the conjugal act, an expression of the love of the spouses of their union, not only biological but also spiritual,' Benedict said.

He told the specialists in his audience to resist 'the fascination of the technology of artificial fertility', warning against 'easy income, or even worse, the arrogance of taking the place of the Creator'.

He suggested that this was the attitude that underlies the field of artificial procreation.

Sperm or egg donation and methods such as in vitro fertilization are banned for members of the Catholic church.

The emphasis on science and 'the logic of profit seem today to dominate the field of infertility and human procreation', the Pope said.

But he added that the Church encourages medical research into infertility

Read more:


Aug 16, 2003
It's amazing how many people still go to this church. While attendance in Western world is going down rapidly they still find new sheep in Africa and parts of asia. How many more years does it take to throw this organization on the garbage heap of history. Also they take money from the Mafia, see today's Star.


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
I thought Palpatine was a senator? Oh wait... that's right, he got promoted to emperor, or is he Darth Sidious? Fuck I'm confused... :confused:


Jun 6, 2009
It's amazing how many people still go to this church. While attendance in Western world is going down rapidly they still find new sheep in Africa and parts of asia. How many more years does it take to throw this organization on the garbage heap of history. Also they take money from the Mafia, see today's Star.
You might want to actually look that up and learn something first before you make the claim. You're ill informed. It been discussed before on TERB and found not to be the case.

and for another view;,9171,156277,00.html

As far as I know, Central and South America are in the Western Hemisphere. You might want tweak your statement.


Jun 6, 2009
Once more, CM's title has little to do with the atrticle he posts. As the head of the church the Pope is expected to tow the company line, no mystery. The fact that many of the churches followers disagree is more telling, but that doesn't fit CM agenda.


Apr 7, 2005
I find it amazing how people can piss on the Catholic Church.
Yes the church has made many mistakes in the past. I think of the current abuse scandal but you can go back to the Crusades or the treatment of scientists like Galileo and find evidence of incredible mistreatment.


All those people who piss on Catholicism and advocate, as someone has already said, of "throwing it on the history garbage heap".
Do they realize all the good things that the Catholic Church does?
All the charities, causes, and programs that help untold hundreds of millions of people around the world?
The Catholic Church does not advertise the good works but just does it. Why? Simply to help others. That's it. No more, no less.

And do you also notice that the Catholic Church does not counter-argue when people insanely attack them but they simply walk away?
You know that whole little "love thy neighbour" and "turn the other cheek" thing?
Wouldn't it be better if we all tried to live that way?


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Once more, CM's title has little to do with the atrticle he posts. As the head of the church the Pope is expected to tow the company line, no mystery. The fact that many of the churches followers disagree is more telling, but that doesn't fit CM agenda.
Spot on. Now if C-M had remembered that old lesson one catches more flies with honey than with vinegar.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
old fuckers wearing floor length gowns with ridiculous coloured pointy hats on their heads, endeavouring with all their might to dictate what goes on in the lives and bedrooms of the citizenry, whilst diddling the altar boys in their back rooms. The world is a mighty fucked up place. Those who kneel/bow and stick out their tongues to be fed the heavenly potato chip, the pathetic followers filled with guilt, insecurity and absence of critical individual thought are sadly the sheep who drink the collective kool aid of hypocrasy... their motives generally do not reach beyond serving themselves and their self interests....all the good they have done in the world...right,..... to expand the pool of participants in their evil pyramid schemes...collect from the collective ...cha ching cha ching..more gold and bling for golden roman statues.


Jun 6, 2009
old fuckers wearing floor length gowns with ridiculous coloured pointy hats on their heads, endeavouring with all their might to dictate what goes on in the lives and bedrooms of the citizenry, whilst diddling the altar boys in their back rooms. The world is a mighty fucked up place. Those who kneel/bow and stick out their tongues to be fed the heavenly potato chip, the pathetic followers filled with guilt, insecurity and absence of critical individual thought are sadly the sheep who drink the collective kool aid of hypocrasy... their motives generally do not reach beyond serving themselves and their self interests....all the good they have done in the world...right,..... to expand the pool of participants in their evil pyramid schemes...collect from the collective ...cha ching cha ching..more gold and bling for golden roman statues.
Your contribution is appreciated by some, cough, but again simply proves your 'facts' are again devoid of substance, full of generalities and irrational hate. Now back in your crate, the paper has been changed.


Nov 20, 2006
As far as I know, Central and South America are in the Western Hemisphere. You might want tweak your statement.
Western World =/= Western Hemisphere. They overlap in North America but they are not the same thing. And you talk about tweaking, classic.


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
It's amazing how many people still go to this church. While attendance in Western world is going down rapidly they still find new sheep in Africa and parts of asia.
Why are you surprised? These countries are home to a large populace that believes raping virgins will cure HIV and eating Rhino horns will cure impotence.


Jun 6, 2009
Western World ≠ Western Hemisphere. They overlap in North America but they are not the same thing. And you talk about tweaking, classic.
So then the western world reference is Europe and North America then.

Nothing like hedging your bets, considering that only involves ~1.1 billion or approximately <15% of the worlds population. Let's ignore ~85% of the world and make a sweeping statement about the decline of religion in todays world/society.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Another classic CM thread; cut&paste, then run&hide.
another classic blackrock13 reactionary reply and complaining. attack me for exposing religious hypocrisy and bullshit


Jun 6, 2009
another classic blackrock13 reactionary reply and complaining. attack me for exposing religious hypocrisy and bullshit
Imitation is the best form of flattery. What famous person said that?

If I was the only one who thought your arguments are consistently grade school BS, you might have a point but I'm not.


Apr 7, 2005
old fuckers wearing floor length gowns with ridiculous coloured pointy hats on their heads, endeavouring with all their might to dictate what goes on in the lives and bedrooms of the citizenry, whilst diddling the altar boys in their back rooms. The world is a mighty fucked up place. Those who kneel/bow and stick out their tongues to be fed the heavenly potato chip, the pathetic followers filled with guilt, insecurity and absence of critical individual thought are sadly the sheep who drink the collective kool aid of hypocrasy... their motives generally do not reach beyond serving themselves and their self interests....all the good they have done in the world...right,..... to expand the pool of participants in their evil pyramid schemes...collect from the collective ...cha ching cha ching..more gold and bling for golden roman statues.
The ultimate in verbal diarrhea
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