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How many of you GAVE UP on dating figuring your just too undesirable to women?


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
blackrock13, get out of your house & expand your horizons. There is a bigger world out their than just the one in here. My views are not unique & thus " have to be c&b " Sounds like you are obsessed with this guy. NEWS FLASH: just check out on the net. I share the view of millions out there. Nothing unique to my ideas. THIS IS my last post on this thread because it is right, I & I think others really have no more to contribute to this thread. Been beaten to death!:Eek:
Lots of people thought the world is flat and some still think it's flat..... popularity is not a measure of truth.

But perception is reality..... in other words see yourself as undateable and it will be true.

On the bright side perception can change.


Dec 12, 2008
Super long thread with some interesting points and comments. Wanted to add a couple of my own.

From my own personal experience and observations, being short is a hard obstacle to overcome. I don't care how much confidence you have, a lot of the times most women will overlook you. I have one short co-worker who's fairly confident but in all my years of working with him he's never mentioned having a gf. He tries but always gets shot down, which I believe because he's short and skinny(probably 5'3 or 5'4). He's personally told me all the women he asked out and while I admire his confidence, I feel bad because his shortness kills whatever game he has. I also work with his other brother and he's also short and skinny. The main problem with him is he has a negative attitude, probably because he's been overlooked on through his life. I think he's a virgin approaching 35+.

I recently met another short guy who's around 41. One day he just blurted out that he never had a gf or gone on a date. He's like 5'4 with a small build. By chatting with him I can tell he has no game or good conversational skills. He also got bullied a lot in high school which severely affected him as he got older. Virgin for sure unless he has pooned, which I hope he does.

Another 43 year virgin for sure is a guy who's just extremely socially challenged. He had a gf back in the late 90's but didn't have sex with her. She was a touring student from Japan so it wasn't that hard for him to go out with her, as he has a Canadian citizen ship to attract her. A funny thing about him was when he tried to do the PUA shit. He came off very arrogant and scared off a lot of the girls. They all thought he was off his rocker. He's not short actually. He's around 5'10 but his attitude stinks now through all those years of rejection.

Myself I'm not fighting off women with a stick but I've had a few GFS and some show interest in me the past few years but I like the feeling of being single a lot. So much freedom and I can control my financial destiny. I would love to meet someone but it sure gets harder as you age and are attracted to the younger types.


Nov 13, 2011
I was not going to post to this thread anymore but could not resist NOW that 4pack claims short guys have a hard obstacle to overcome DESPITE having confidence. He even mentioned 2 guys with ZERO success . I find this funny because NOW that 4pack holds this view I can't wait til Blackrock13 comes after him claiming he must be the big whiner c&b. Cause c&b, 4pack , myself & anyone else who holds those views could not be observing any sort of truth out there but are just big whiners!!! :Eek:


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
I wonder how some of these guys would do if they went to another country to teach english to ESL students? I heard a regular guy can do well in places like Taiwan or Korea or Japan.

As an aside. A friend in Japan asked his brother to mail him condoms cause he had a hard time finding ones that fit him. LOL true story.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
I was not going to post to this thread anymore but could not resist NOW that 4pack claims short guys have a hard obstacle to overcome DESPITE having confidence. He even mentioned 2 guys with ZERO success . I find this funny because NOW that 4pack holds this view I can't wait til Blackrock13 comes after him claiming he must be the big whiner c&b. Cause c&b, 4pack , myself & anyone else who holds those views could not be observing any sort of truth out there but are just big whiners!!! :Eek:
What is the cut off height for your height to be a game killer? 5' 4" is short but I think average height for a woman in Canada is around 5'6" which means he is close to or just two inches shorter.

What is your thoughts of a 5'6" guy?


Nov 13, 2011
You assume a guy is even interested in any sort of asian decent. Keep in mind most ladies go out wearing 4" heels PLUS want a guy to be 2-3" taller. Thus really if you are not 5'10" or taller, vast majority of women will say you are too short. If Canadian women are 5'6" then they are walking around , out for an evening on the town, themselves 5'10". I would agree, every women I have known is out on the town at a height of 5'10" or more.


Active member
Sep 1, 2001
I know of a guy who is 5'4 and he's in his mid 30's and greying, a bit chubby, doesn't have a steady job, no money, lives with his parents, but he's a funny guy, good conversationist, good attitude. Blew my mind away when a 19 girl went head over heels for him and this girl is actually good looking, that I bet you guys would bang without hesitation.

If a guy could get a girl like that, than any of us can.


Jun 6, 2009
I was not going to post to this thread anymore but could not resist NOW that 4pack claims short guys have a hard obstacle to overcome DESPITE having confidence. He even mentioned 2 guys with ZERO success . I find this funny because NOW that 4pack holds this view I can't wait til Blackrock13 comes after him claiming he must be the big whiner c&b. Cause c&b, 4pack , myself & anyone else who holds those views could not be observing any sort of truth out there but are just big whiners!!! :Eek:
The difference is he hasn't been doing it for 400+ post thread. Your contribution to here is 35 posts so far and you are clearly in the minority in the 70+ members who have contributed to the thread.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
You assume a guy is even interested in any sort of asian decent. Keep in mind most ladies go out wearing 4" heels PLUS want a guy to be 2-3" taller. Thus really if you are not 5'10" or taller, vast majority of women will say you are too short. If Canadian women are 5'6" then they are walking around , out for an evening on the town, themselves 5'10". I would agree, every women I have known is out on the town at a height of 5'10" or more.
I've dated a number of girls of girls and am friends with many girls and most of them don't wear 4" heels (even when we go out to bars and their bfs are taller) mind you they are more urban hipsters, activist, hippy, b girls or just not club type girls. We are not talking about 1 or two girls we are talking about 20+ examples.

Maybe you need to move away from the club district and yorkville type girls? How about the Queen St more alternative/artsy girls? They are probably also more open minded about who they date than the girl who goes to a bar wtih a dress code.

Furthermore you are suggesting 5' 9" or lower guys are in trouble. I call BS as I know plenty of dudes in that 5'6" to 5'9" range taht are doing fine.

Samurai Joey

Active member
Sep 29, 2004
What is the cut off height for your height to be a game killer? 5' 4" is short but I think average height for a woman in Canada is around 5'6" which means he is close to or just two inches shorter.

What is your thoughts of a 5'6" guy?
Actually, the average height for a woman (measured) in Canada is 5' 4.5" (or 5' 3.5")

And for the record, this will be my last post on this thread.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Actually, the average height for a woman (measured) in Canada is 5' 4.5" (or 5' 3.5")

And for the record, this will be my last post on this thread.
Average male is 5' 9.5" according to partyman they are screwed.

This is just further illustrating that Partyman, your beliefs are your biggest barrier.
1) they keep you from trying
2) when you do try they make you feel like that's the way it should be

can you not concede that if you had a better outlook that you have a chance close to the average joe?

I mean if you are under 5'3" it might be challenge for finding a taller girl that will date you.... but still possible. But there must still be a lot of girls out there for you as that is not far below the average femal height in canada


Oct 1, 2011
Thus really if you are not 5'10" or taller, vast majority of women will say you are too short.
I remember Cute-bald said that he will be 5'9 at the end of his leg lengthening and will be content. Right now should be the time that he has recovered enough to experience dating life at his new hight. It sounds he still feels too short. Maybe he will go for another leg lengthening and become his desired 6'0 stork-like look.

Which means ..... just when we thought it was gone because he found his solution, the whining has returned. But replace all the the 5'5 in his complaints with 5'9 now.


Active member
May 18, 2003
Wow all the worry about height, I think the issue is poor attitude and confidence. There are people who over analyze many aspects of their entire life, and sit on the sidelines most of it. I'm just under 5'8 and have dated women from 5'0" to 5'9" (a few hot enough that many people, strangers included ask me how the hell I did it), and I'm not rich or above average looking. Humour, honesty, intelligence, being nice and confidence go a long way.
When talking about confidence I don't mean thinking I'm the shit... Just confident enough to know that a rejection is her loss and I have a lot to offer.


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2001
Size matters to everyone, not just women.

First off, I haven't given up on dating, but I find at 5'7" and 155 lbs, I have had an extremely hard time getting dates. My experiences have been echoed by others on here.

I work in a male dominated business that has physical requirements, and I am almost always the shortest one. Some of these guys have no where near the personality, education, motivation, professionalism or people skills that I do, but they are tall and in reasonably good shape. I have met many of their girlfriends and wives, and almost all of them are shorter than me. In my opinion, physical size is one of the most important traits a woman looks for, followed by looks.

In fact, height in general is important in society. I once saw a large number of senior managers when they came to the office for a meeting, and almost all of them were 6 feet tall. This as it turns out is no different than other companies.

I continue to ask out single women who are shorter than me, only to be turned down. It's extremely hard on the ego knowing that they would rather be single than go on one lousy date with me to find out more about me, but then I see their new boyfriends months later, and see that they are around 6 feet. I never had a chance to begin with because I wasn't physically their type.

The only thing I can do is keep looking and asking, because you miss every shot you don't take.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Just finished watching a thing on Tom Brady and how he was drafted 199 overall and all the QBs taken before him are either out of the game, back ups or struggling.

All the scouts looked at his physical attributes and passed on him. Hell taken in the 6th round you are picked nearly on a whim.

The point is that here are professional scouts who all missed on this guy. Much like in dating you can worry about your height, weight, bank balance, dick size etc and find that it was none of those things that made the difference. And you guys who have sold yourself short are far from experts on the topic. So if experts can be wrong you certainly can be as well.

Why arguethat point. Are you happy being dateless?


Active member
May 18, 2003
I had much greater success once I only asked women out that I was sure I had a bit of chemistry with after talking with them for around 10 minutes in group social situations.. I never had success asking girls for phone numbers 2 minutes after we met.


Nov 13, 2011
Poorboy your observations, & experiences are the most common ones expressed on the net on many dating forums, & chat boards. What I find fascinating is you will find no board that has as many people refute, deney this situation than here from Hobbiests. No group of people , weather it is a mixed group, a group of men or a group of women will deny this situation more so than Hobbiests. WHY? This seems very odd but there must something to this? They will even claim others are wrong for some reason or other.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
The difference is he hasn't been doing it for 400+ post thread. Your contribution to here is 35 posts so far and you are clearly in the minority in the 70+ members who have contributed to the thread.
i can stick up for him and say shorter guys do have more issue getting girls. they want a protector or their man to be able to be viewed as a protector. short guys are not as "menacing". a short dude will have to try a little harder, make up for it in personality. not as difficult as these dudes are making it out to be.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
i ve done okay as a short asian dating taller white i lying?

intelligence, being nice, and humour are my selling points.....that is it.
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