Club Dynasty

How many of you GAVE UP on dating figuring your just too undesirable to women?


New member
Dec 31, 2003
My posts were directed at posts saying short guys are fucked. My whole point is Im unsure if thats true. My personal issues are entirely separate.
I would say that if short guys are expecting to get laid every weekend by a different supermodel, then yes they are fucked. If they're expecting strictly physical relationships with perfect 10s every time they hit on one, then yes they are fucked. If they're expecting 100% shallow one-night stands, then yes. If you put a good-looking 6'2 guy, with an equally good-looking 5'2 guy, assume they make the same income, even give the 5'2 guy an extra 25k a year in income, and assume they are roughly equivalent in game, in intelligence, in conversational ability, and then let loose in a club filled with perfect 10s, then yes, okay the short guy will have a distinct disadvantage and has a much higher percentage than the tall guy in terms of going home alone. However, if, as the shorter guy, you're expecting to meet the occasional girl that can make you happy and that you can have a fulfilling relationship with, then no, I don't believe you're fucked. Behind the curve, yes, fucked, hopeless, no, not by a long shot


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Spudd don't take advice from evil he's not a reliable source.......

Evil you need counselling to
1) deal with the bullying issuee
2) deal with the jealousy issue of taller male friends of the girl
3) obsessing over iois..... who makes a list
4) thinkning a nose job is necessary
5) deal with your issue of your ethnicity and how it impacts dating
6) thinking that bars/clubs are the only place to meet women
7) if you can get blushing and dialation then what is the problem
you are right it's hard to understand your position but not because on paper you are so different but because your way of thinking is so far from the norm..... some serious self loathing.

Don't listen to partyman..... he has given up all hope you don't necessarily need to give up.

Spudd is a 5 ft asian I'm sure he can find asian women who are plus or minus 3 inches from that.



Jul 2, 2010
I would say that if short guys are expecting to get laid every weekend by a different supermodel, then yes they are fucked. If they're expecting strictly physical relationships with perfect 10s every time they hit on one, then yes they are fucked. If they're expecting 100% shallow one-night stands, then yes. If you put a good-looking 6'2 guy, with an equally good-looking 5'2 guy, assume they make the same income, even give the 5'2 guy an extra 25k a year in income, and assume they are roughly equivalent in game, in intelligence, in conversational ability, and then let loose in a club filled with perfect 10s, then yes, okay the short guy will have a distinct disadvantage and has a much higher percentage than the tall guy in terms of going home alone. However, if, as the shorter guy, you're expecting to meet the occasional girl that can make you happy and that you can have a fulfilling relationship with, then no, I don't believe you're fucked. Behind the curve, yes, fucked, hopeless, no, not by a long shot
That's all good and well. Basically all you are saying is height is a trait that females use to evaluate, amongst other traits. So having bad trait A reduces your chances xx%, or perhaps xx% for short term mating and yy% for long term mating etc etc.

My questioning is directed at short guys, to see if they have neurosis like I do. Short as in 5'4 or less.

The basic premise Im working to see is 'would I be this neurotic if I was born in this culture?' as Im an anomaly culturally as well. So Id like to question guys born here as well. In particular if they are interested in taller girls.


Jul 2, 2010
Evil you need counselling to
1) deal with the bullying issuee
2) deal with the jealousy issue of taller male friends of the girl
3) obsessing over iois..... who makes a list
4) thinkning a nose job is necessary
5) deal with your issue of your ethnicity and how it impacts dating
6) thinking that bars/clubs are the only place to meet women
7) if you can get blushing and dialation then what is the problem
you are right it's hard to understand your position but not because on paper you are so different but because your way of thinking is so far from the norm..... some serious self loathing.

Don't listen to partyman..... he has given up all hope you don't necessarily need to give up.

Spudd is a 5 ft asian I'm sure he can find asian women who are plus or minus 3 inches from that.
Not interested in asian girls.

As for counselling, Im actually doing some stuff like that, apart from diet and exercise. Im not doing 'nothing at all and whining'. Im doing some stuff AND whining.
Though its possible that Ill come to the conclusion the game isnt worth it...


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
That's all good and well. Basically all you are saying is height is a trait that females use to evaluate, amongst other traits. So having bad trait A reduces your chances xx%, or perhaps xx% for short term mating and yy% for long term mating etc etc.

My questioning is directed at short guys, to see if they have neurosis like I do. Short as in 5'4 or less.

The basic premise Im working to see is 'would I be this neurotic if I was born in this culture?' as Im an anomaly culturally as well. So Id like to question guys born here as well. In particular if they are interested in taller girls.
I'm 5'6" asian and typically date thin white women who are my height or taller I've never had a problem with height. I was always the shortest boy in the class but when teased or attempted bullying I would just point out their flaws. And I grew up in a small town of all whites. I was worried that girls wouldn't date an asian but once I had success once it wasn't a problem anymore.

irony is that I typically look for shorter women but somehow end up with equal to taller.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Not interested in asian girls.

As for counselling, Im actually doing some stuff like that, apart from diet and exercise. Im not doing 'nothing at all and whining'. Im doing some stuff AND whining.
Though its possible that Ill come to the conclusion the game isnt worth it...
The asian recommendation was for spudd.

Are you looking for white women? or other ethnicities?


Jul 2, 2010
I'm 5'6" asian and typically date thin white women who are my height or taller I've never had a problem with height. I was always the shortest boy in the class but when teased or attempted bullying I would just point out their flaws. And I grew up in a small town of all whites. I was worried that girls wouldn't date an asian but once I had success once it wasn't a problem anymore.
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Jul 2, 2010
irony is that I typically look for shorter women but somehow end up with equal to taller.
Thats ironic, as I have no interest in shorter women. I figure being alone is preferable to being with a woman who doesn't interest me. Of the few short guys Ive talked to (very few) about stuff like this - they *prefer* shorter women.
I never understood this on a gut level. My explanation for my preference for tall women is that would lead to genetically tall children who would not face issues related to height and thus my subconscious 'preference'.

Unfortunately, they terrify me!
I could easily approach and talk to a short girl because, well... I have no interest in her.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Thats ironic, as I have no interest in shorter women. I figure being alone is preferable to being with a woman who doesn't interest me. Of the few short guys Ive talked to (very few) about stuff like this - they *prefer* shorter women.
I never understood this on a gut level. My explanation for my preference for tall women is that would lead to genetically tall children who would not face issues related to height and thus my subconscious 'preference'.

Unfortunately, they terrify me!
I could easily approach and talk to a short girl because, well... I have no interest in her.
Okay you need to drop the wish list of white, taller, etc. When looking for someone you are going to spend a lot of time with sharing interests, values, goals, sense of humour, political leanings, religious/spiritual beliefs are more important. Not saying she can't be pretty but for aguy having trouble dating maybe you need to open up the criteria a bit.


Active member
Dec 1, 2005
Dating has been steadily given up on since 2006 after a girl I really liked went with another guy and I rebounded on another nice girl but it fizzled. Since then, I haven't really attracted anyone really nice into my life and at some point just gave up.

My theory is my father was a twin. My Uncle took all of the alpha male sperm genes, while my dad inherited a beta imbalance. This beta-sperm imbalance carried over to me so I have this beta-male vibe. Women see this beta-male sperm vibe and are repulsed by it. My Uncle's son is a quiet guy but he had no issues with women and is currently married with children. A genetic imbalance in my grandmother's womb.

Substitutions for a woman seem to have effectively numbed the problem. Having a fleshlight masturbator which the vagina is modled after a real woman. Looking at images from time to time have effectively numbed down the incentive to look for a woman when employed since I can manage my own sexuality without any woman and simply have no physical need for one as long as this system is in place. My attitude is better no woman than the wrong one. Sexuality can be managed.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Also what you think you want may not be the same as what actually works.

I always thought I wanted the wild party girl but the relationship that lasted the longest was with a very conservative woman..... and I don't regret it.

Maybe at your stage you should open up to as many opportunities as possible maybe what you want in theory turns out to be wrong.


Jul 2, 2010
Okay you need to drop the wish list of white, taller, etc. When looking for someone you are going to spend a lot of time with sharing interests, values, goals, sense of humour, political leanings, religious/spiritual beliefs are more important. Not saying she can't be pretty but for aguy having trouble dating maybe you need to open up the criteria a bit.
My attitude is better no woman than the wrong one. Sexuality can be managed.
Agreed with VirginJohn
Perhaps I could use a shorter girl who wants me romantically, just to get practice out of her... its just unethical. ~Sigh~


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Dating has been steadily given up on since 2006 after a girl I really liked went with another guy and I rebounded on another nice girl but it fizzled. Since then, I haven't really attracted anyone really nice into my life and at some point just gave up.

My theory is my father was a twin. My Uncle took all of the alpha male sperm genes, while my dad inherited a beta imbalance. This beta-sperm imbalance carried over to me so I have this beta-male vibe. Women see this beta-male sperm vibe and are repulsed by it. My Uncle's son is a quiet guy but he had no issues with women and is currently married with children. A genetic imbalance in my grandmother's womb.

Substitutions for a woman seem to have effectively numbed the problem. Having a fleshlight masturbator which the vagina is modled after a real woman. Looking at images from time to time have effectively numbed down the incentive to look for a woman when employed since I can manage my own sexuality without any woman and simply have no physical need for one as long as this system is in place. My attitude is better no woman than the wrong one. Sexuality can be managed.
Were they fraternal or identical twins? If identical then your theory is garbage genetically they are the same.... so perhaps it's nurture not nature.

If it's fraternal tough to say because your grandmother had two eggs fertilized by different sperm..... difficult to say whether both recieved the "alpha" genes that you speak of if that even exists.


Active member
Dec 1, 2005
They are fraternal not identical twins.

My dad has traits that are like polar oppoite to my uncle. My uncle, talks, acts, and behaves like an alpha-male out of control. He calls the shots. Married a white woman, divorced her, lives by himself, takes advantage of women for sex, bascially is in charge of his life. My dad on the other had, behaves like a beta male, he could not marry a white woman and had to marry a black woman because whites didn't want him. (Not to sound racist, but in the 70's, it was prejudicial - I'm making a point that for a white man to marry a black woman due to lack of options with white woman means basically any black woman back then would want you). My Uncle took advantage of him, and my dad always lets him do that. The family disrespected my dad, stole his money, his properties, and my dad still sucks up and sees them.

Without going further into this, my dad and my uncle are too different being faternal twins and I'm pulling a genetic card on this one.

If you subscribe to the selfish gene theroy, then it is appearant that my genes have simply been weeded out. Masturbation using a fleshlight to waste sperm is blamed on the collective rejection by woman so I really shouldn't feel guilty about that sin, after all, it is natural response to rejection of the beta-male sperm by women. I should feel free to look at pics and masturbate....but I feel guilty when I do that still.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Agreed with VirginJohn
Perhaps I could use a shorter girl who wants me romantically, just to get practice out of her... its just unethical. ~Sigh~
You missed the point maybe you might love a shorter girl for her other traits.


Jul 2, 2010
You missed the point maybe you might love a shorter girl for her other traits.
This is one of the cultural difference I need to overcome.
For someone who is truly muslim, there is no dating because you dont fuck and chuck women if it doesnt work out. Its a question of honour (Islam isnt just all about 'Honour killings'). I am still amazed at this culture where people are fucking for a few months and then go their separate ways - sometimes without animosity. Im truly out of touch with these times.

Ah well... Que sera, sera.
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