Douche Bag professions.


Active member
Jan 20, 2006
dentists do have a range to charge within, and that range is also dictated by the insurer, such that some choose to cover only in the dental fee guide of either the current year and some plans charge based on the guide of prior years.

as for the Vet argument, I heard most of the Vets were poor, and walk the streets aimlessly, mostly unemployed since coming home from Vietnam. :)


Sep 12, 2007
funeral homes/directors..will soak you when you are at your worst.

I own 60 acres out in the country..i think i could make a killing by opening a pet cemetary..nice plot with a view..maintenance of plot..great gravestones and associated para-memora-phernalia at our seasonal special rates.....i could...but...nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I had a roommate in college whose family was in the business.

1000% profit on $10 (for the funeral home) cremation urns.
Convincing families to pay for a special coffin for a cremation that will get burned up in the oven anyway, and making a 500% profit on that coffin.
Pickup from the hospital? $100, minimum. Pickup from the home? $200. Pickup from a field/whatever? $500.

That said, it's just one of those costs of living and dying. It's also why you should buy your funeral before you die, if you have a family you care about and don't want to go into debt when you die. I don't care if I have a fancy casket or urn or whatever. Basic, simple, and have my loved ones live a good life after I'm gone.

Scooter Brown

Sep 8, 2009
1) Human resources
2) Lawyers
3) Bean counters


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
If you don't see a difference between a male coach grabbing asses of female students and a basketball coach hugging his players then I must put you on ignore. Ciao!
Blackrock is definitely syllogistically challenged, but he he tries hard..and his Google cut and paste jobs are pretty good. Sadly there's not a great deal of independent rational thought alive in this poor dude..waddya expect from a fella who worships don cherry?


Jun 6, 2009
I hope your insurer is properly grateful
I suspect he charges them the same, so no worries.

I use to have a vet for the dogs that use to put both annual needles in one shot and only charge me for one and not two. It all depends on the doctor.


Jun 6, 2009

I had a roommate in college whose family was in the business.

1000% profit on $10 (for the funeral home) cremation urns.
Convincing families to pay for a special coffin for a cremation that will get burned up in the oven anyway, and making a 500% profit on that coffin.

Pickup from the hospital? $100, minimum. Pickup from the home? $200. Pickup from a field/whatever? $500.

That said, it's just one of those costs of living and dying. It's also why you should buy your funeral before you die, if you have a family you care about and don't want to go into debt when you die. I don't care if I have a fancy casket or urn or whatever. Basic, simple, and have my loved ones live a good life after I'm gone.
Who would pay that kind of mark up? if you're stupid enough to accept it then you deserve it. Fark, go to a retail china or pewter store, even an antique store and get better vessels for better price.

As for the other charges, that for you to deal with the costs. They charge it because people will pay.


New member
So. I casually date a veterinarian. Melissa. Nice girl. Brunette, fake tits, brazilian wax job. Prada purse,Jimmy Choo shoes,Mercedes SUV.

Anyways, after half a bottle of red wine last night she professes how she overcharges her clients at her vet clinic. Especially women. "women will pay whatever I quote them to care for their pet". A friend of mine recently spent 10,000 dollars on surgery for her dog. The thought of losing her dog would have killed her, and she had no problem racking up her credit card for whatever amount necessary. My female friend told me the aforementioned surgery could have been done for less then half that price Fuck her, she's paying for dinners every once in a while from now on.
My revised top 3 Douche bag professions are now
1) Vet
3) Tow truck driver.
.... wow ~ that's appalling :(

That said, I disagree that all vets are upcharging. I spent thousands trying to save my dying cat last year ~ he ended up passing away alone overningt while he was in the hospital. I was of course crushed ~ but the lack of genuine sympathy I sensed from the vet just left a sour taste in my mouth...It just felt that they cared less about my cat than they cared for the final payment. (Then they lost his ashes for a few days lol ~ wow...)
I found a new vet and soon found out that my other cat is diabetic.
I now have to take him in for checkups very regularly, purchase supplies, etc. I'm sometimes amazed at how little they charge me. My vet even gives me advice and analyzes his glucose readings for me weekly via e-mail.

N9ot all veterinarians are shady - you just have to find the right one. Feel-free to pm me if you're looking for a great one. (she's located at Yonge and Wellsley)

night ride

Active member
Jul 23, 2009
I've dealt with lots of Vets and it took me a while, but I came to realize they are greedy MF's that don't have any real responsibility. ("I'm sorry we fucked up on Fido's surgery. Go ahead sue us for the $100 bucks you paid for him. They collude with others in the general area to keep prices high, thus depriving some pets from getting the care they need. Sleezy fuckers.


Jun 6, 2009
I've dealt with lots of Vets and it took me a while, but I came to realize they are greedy MF's that don't have any real responsibility. ("I'm sorry we fucked up on Fido's surgery. Go ahead sue us for the $100 bucks you paid for him. They collude with others in the general area to keep prices high, thus depriving some pets from getting the care they need. Sleezy fuckers.
They must be really bad at colluding as I was easily able to find mine, who seem to buck the trend and give a damn. I guess that's why he was big whig at the Metro Zoo and in the Department of Agriculture CEF. He actually had a heart and a brain.


Active member
Aug 30, 2001
Professionally, vets are in the same league as a family doctor, except that the humble MD only knows about one species of animal, while a vet has to be an expert on every kind of animal anatomy. Their education is just as rigorous and they have high professional standards.
Some of them spend their careers keeping multimillion dollar racehorses on their feet, while others keep farmers' life savings from dropping dead in the field.
If it costs $3,000 to get a vet to put poor Rover back together after a car runs him over, imagine how much your kind and generous family doctor would charge OHIP to perform exactly the same procedures on your youngest child.


Jun 6, 2009
Professionally, vets are in the same league as a family doctor, except that the humble MD only knows about one species of animal, while a vet has to be an expert on every kind of animal anatomy. Their education is just as rigorous and they have high professional standards.
Some of them spend their careers keeping multimillion dollar racehorses on their feet, while others keep farmers' life savings from dropping dead in the field.
If it costs $3,000 to get a vet to put poor Rover back together after a car runs him over, imagine how much your kind and generous family doctor would charge OHIP to perform exactly the same procedures on your youngest child.
somebody gets it.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
I can't believe none of you mentioned CLUB BOUNCERS yet. They're the douchiest of em all. Another one: Club promoters.


New member
Sep 9, 2010
Professionally, vets are in the same league as a family doctor, except that the humble MD only knows about one species of animal, while a vet has to be an expert on every kind of animal anatomy. Their education is just as rigorous and they have high professional standards.
Some of them spend their careers keeping multimillion dollar racehorses on their feet, while others keep farmers' life savings from dropping dead in the field.
If it costs $3,000 to get a vet to put poor Rover back together after a car runs him over, imagine how much your kind and generous family doctor would charge OHIP to perform exactly the same procedures on your youngest child.
I have a hard time picturing my kind and generous family doctor doing surgery but hey if we are talking just stitches and bandages I'm betting the two wouldn't be far off each other.

The extra costs when performing surgery on humans are obviously the hospital, multiple nurses, extra doctors for anethesia etc. etc. Not to mention insurance. Most vets operate in their own offices with rudimentary equipment (compared to a hospital) and one assistant that probably gets paid far less than a surgical nurse. As far as what the actual doc nets I have no idea what an Ontario surgeon actually gets per operation but there is a fixed scale set up by OHIP. A quick guess would be that, with the possible exception of brain surgery it is less than the cited example of $3,000 for a half day operation.

If it were just a question of surgery there might be less complaints, its the upselling that causes most complaints. I had two women that worked for me that owned large dogs. One was excessively timid and the other was, to be kind, overprotective of his owner and had to be leashed around strangers. Both used the same vet in town who charged them a lot for what were otherwise healthy dogs. Special lotions and potions, vitamins, teeth cleaning etc etc.

He pursuaded both women that their dogs would benefit from" doggy psychiatry" at $100 a session. He was also the It took several sessions each for the women to realize that their dogs behaviour was unaffected by the "treatments". Poorer but wiser.

Sucker born every minute and he was astute at picking them out.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Professionally, vets are in the same league as a family doctor, except that the humble MD only knows about one species of animal, while a vet has to be an expert on every kind of animal anatomy. Their education is just as rigorous and they have high professional standards.
Some of them spend their careers keeping multimillion dollar racehorses on their feet, while others keep farmers' life savings from dropping dead in the field.
If it costs $3,000 to get a vet to put poor Rover back together after a car runs him over, imagine how much your kind and generous family doctor would charge OHIP to perform exactly the same procedures on your youngest child.
Not as much as you might think.


Oct 29, 2003
Douche bag professions : #1 Politicians
#2 Lawyers
#3 Financial Sector
#4 Pharmaceutical companies
#5 Landlords

Just to mention a few.


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
To me the National Benefit Authority wins the "Douchbag Profession" award hands down.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Toronto Escorts