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being christian



I know a couple of these black kids who wear " christioan crosses, and yet steal and rob people. I find that very amusing, how can you follow god, and do such horrific things. I'm not perfec,t far from it, but beating up people and stealing from them just because they are smaller than you, makes me sick.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Jesus was all about peace, love and sharing.......3 things we don't see much of from the likes of supposed christians like dubya and harper.


New member
Sep 10, 2002
I know a couple of these black kids who wear " christioan crosses, and yet steal and rob people. I find that very amusing, how can you follow god, and do such horrific things. I'm not perfec,t far from it, but beating up people and stealing from them just because they are smaller than you, makes me sick.
I think what you mean to say is that it's a shame that people wear the symbols of a faith when they don't adhere to the beliefs. Like priests who wear crosses and abuse kids. A cross like other religious symbols is just jewelry for some people and nothing to do with the actual religion.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
If you really believe that in S&G there are not even 10 people to be found that are decent
As posted before you ignore the forest for the trees. Do you really think that S&G is a literally true story or rather allegory?

your real problem is that you take the view of a small minority of christians, the idea that the bible is infallible in word, and ascribe it to the larger group. Another dishonest tactic. Or perhaps you are just so uneducated on Christianity that you don't know that the vast majority of Christians and denominations don't take the bible as infallible.
It does however apply to some, never said that particular point applied to all.
You certainly implied it.

The Church decided to make Jesus a Deity, but they also wanted Monotheism, so they fabricated the whole Holy Trinity garbage.
Talk about taking a complex theological development which took centuries, and treating it as both simplistic and false. Perhaps a look at Wikipedia let alone books on the topic might be of help.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Jesus was all about peace, love and sharing.......3 things we don't see much of from the likes of supposed christians.
Ah, so you are one of those who believe that only pacifistic denominations: e.g. Anabaptists, Friends, Mennonites, Moravians are "true" Christians. Sorry to tell you the argument has been made before.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Imagine a guy like Jesus today. He would be a liberal for sure and all the fundamentalist whack job GOP types in the USA would want to crucify him again. (Seriously)


Apr 24, 2005
Too many prior posts to read them all.

Being Christian means risk being killed in Egypt.
Being Christian means seeing your numbers in Iraq reduced from 800,000 in 2001 to 150,000 to-day.
Being Christian means your population in Bethlehem has been reduced from 80% to 20%.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
says the guy on an escort review board
This is NO problem really.
Did you forget Jesus used to pal around with that whore Mary Magdalene one of Jesus' most celebrated disciples! Some say Jesus married her and they had children....:eyebrows:


Active member
Feb 28, 2005
Kind of a sad effort, but at least you take the traditional christian bashing approach of primarily discussing the OT. Funny that, people attack Christians by focusing on the OT.
Of course, the concept of your immortal soul going to hell wasn't introduced until the NT. Hell is a Jesus-only thing. Bad as the OT is, at least it didn't teach children, if they and the people they love don't believe when they pray to god, that they'll burn in hell --- in the name of a loving god. What could an atheist do that is worse than that?


I think what you mean to say is that it's a shame that people wear the symbols of a faith when they don't adhere to the beliefs. Like priests who wear crosses and abuse kids. A cross like other religious symbols is just jewelry for some people and nothing to do with the actual religion.
Well said, thank you. I agree 100%


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Being Christian means seeing your numbers in Iraq reduced from 800,000 in 2001 to 150,000 to-day.

I guess collateral damage like this is just a small price to pay for the salvation
of the country by the self-proclaimed Christian leader of the liberators. Being a Christian
President of the U.S. means it is fine to bomb a sovereign country with the approval of God.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
It is kind of sad and desparate that you keep up with this but refuse to answer the question if you have read the bible. You clearly havn't or you wouldn't be quoting wikipedia for your source. It appears you are just another uneducated consumer who won't take the time or effort to understand the subject he is talking about. Ignorance is your shield I see. But, once more into the breech...

The NT takes its authority from the OT, and it is supposed to be the same god.
Yup, but Christians, strangely enough are followers of Christ who came and did away with much of the OT law, he represents a revolutionary new approach to interaction with the divine.

"Yahweh causes a series of ten plagues to strike Egypt, but whenever Pharaoh begins to relent God causes him to harden his heart."
You might want to fix that Wikipedia article. As well as the various other places I've seen this mentioned. But let us assume all that you said is true, that still justifies the butchering of some peasant's first born kid. Hairy smelly hippies bitch about collateral damage in war, but one would figure that an all powerful being would be able to go after Pharaoh without collateral damage of killing those who have absolutely no say in the running of the country. Interesting how you skipped commentary on this part.
I asked if you had read Exodus and you give me wikipedia. No surprise, you are just another lazy child. But let's look at know from the bible?

15 But when Pharaoh saw that there was respite, he hardened his heart, and hearkened not unto them; as the LORD had said.

32 And Pharaoh hardened his heart at this time also, neither would he let the people go.

Now, go back and read Exodus, and then read some good material about how Hebrew uses passive and active verbs and the permissive and then come back and we can discuss it properly. But don't hold yourself out as having a good knowledge of the bible based on a wiki summary.

One would think an all powerful being would be able to forgive the sins of humanity without resorting to torture and murder. Tell you what, if you have a kid, don't forgive me. Really that is pretty sad on your part.
Again you mischaracterize the Jesus story entirely. But that is not surprising considering you have not read the bible and have been dishonest in your parallels elsewhere. God in the NT does not torture or kill anyone, humans do. God makes a great sacrifice to cleanse the sins of all humans, to give them a chance. I know the idea of sacrifice does not sit will in the selfish mind, but it is a story of giving. Kind of a much bigger version of a soldier throwing himself on a grenade to save his comrades, but I expect you would mock that soldier as well. Now take a moment, and think about how this fits in with the issue of free will...

I am sure street hos believe their pimps love them also. I would think that demonstrating the power of faith could be done without putting Job through all that. Never mind that the actual story is god trying to prove a point to satan, which is more important than any conclusions people may want to draw from a fictional story.
Of course you remain at the lowest common denominator and are now trying to explain to use the psychology of violent pimps. I expect you know as much about that as you do the bible. And you come to the bizarre conclusion that the literal meaning of the story is more important than the message. I guess you read technical manuals and not literature where allegory, metaphor and other tools deliver the real message. I bet you think the Wizard of Oz is really about a tin guy and a lion...are you really this ignorant?

Also, military commanders send their troops to suffer and die as part of winning the cause. Do you rant about them as well?

Really? That makes it OK. Hey dude, kill your son. Ah Psych! Ha ha. What, I didn't have you go through with it, why are you so pissed.
Actually as far as I can tell, having actually read the book, Abraham was not pissed. I guess God picked the right man for the job.

And why don't you tell us about the how the bible was edited since you want to criticize the editor. I am sure you have a good handle on that.

Keep in mind that you have just justified the slaughter of entire cities, the slaughter of the first born of a dictators nation, unnesseary torture, and brutally horrible practical jokes. You don't actually deny any of it. Bravo. <Sarcastic clapping>
Yup, the message of the OT is if you don't follow the law you or if you enslave the chosen people you are in serious shit.

On the torture issue, God did not torture anyone. Someone got crucified, something the Romans really did. Should be not talk about crucifixion or the Spanish Inquisition because it is torture? The NT is actually pretty anti-torture. But you are just too dishonest to admit that.

I'd still pitch for 2: Has read it and just turned off their mind., but can't dismiss 3: Has read it and is just dumb as fuck.
The evidence is right in your face, you quibble mostly incorrectly with some points missing the bigger picture. You just don't want to see it.[/QU
Pitch for whatever you like, but you have not even had the courtesy or intellectual honesty to read what you critique and then you resort to dishonesty to attack the subject. You may not like my opinion but at least I am not dishonest in my approach and know what I am talking about.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Being Christian means that your parents were/are Christians. Just like most other faiths.
Technically, no. Being Christian usually means believing that Jesus was the son of god etc.

While there is a high correlation between parents and children's religion, there are plenty of converts who are not from Christian backgrounds.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
If you can't tell the difference between a war film and a snuff film, you got bigger problems.
Actually I can tell the difference between a film about history and a snuff film. It is you who pathetically tried to compare the two. It was sad, dishonest and clearly desparate.

Do you feel the same way about Spartacus? Or the Last Temptation of Christ?

Crucifixions happened, but I guess you want us to pretend they didn't.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Of course, the concept of your immortal soul going to hell wasn't introduced until the NT. Hell is a Jesus-only thing. Bad as the OT is, at least it didn't teach children, if they and the people they love don't believe when they pray to god, that they'll burn in hell --- in the name of a loving god. What could an atheist do that is worse than that?
I don't accuse athiests of doing anything wrong over all. They are perfectly free to believe or disbelieve what they want. You don't catch me running around starting threads suggesting that atheism is bad and should be brought to an end.

The idea of hell being a problem is part of a certain modern sentiment. That everything is love and everything is going to be okay, and that it is okay to do anything at all as long as you feel good.

Hell is punishment for bad deeds. The idea of punishment for bad deeps is a central part of an orderly society. Now I don't have any kids but I understand that the having them understand there are negative consequences for breaking rules is pretty normal.


New member
Oct 28, 2006
Weren't the commandments and 7 sins written by God at the hand of Moses? I believe there's a lot more to Christianity than that.
Ya, don't forget the crusades and other mass murders in the name of christ! The best part is all the christians killing christians in the name of christ. Humans are cool !
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