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Is Rob Ford doing a good job?

Do you think Rob Ford is doing a good job?

  • Yes

    Votes: 99 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 155 61.0%

  • Total voters


New member
Aug 31, 2009
You know so far this thread shows Ford has a 40% approval rating, that's pretty high in politics. Interesting with all the negativity that the media has thrust upon him.
Well.. He won with 50% of the popular vote.. So, if you counted this poll as accurate, in just under a year he's lost 10%.

I think his term as mayor will be defined by two things

1) He promised a subway that he couldn't deliver on

2) He never found any gravy


New member
Aug 31, 2009
When I was in high school I read a book called Animal Farm.

In this book while under the yoke of one irresponsible farmer, the animals all believed the slogans of a couple of pigs and overthrew the the farmer. Overtime one of the two pigs completely abandoned all of the promises and became much worse than the original farmer, altering many of their original slogans slowly overtime so they suited his own selfish needs.

I think that this is a great comparison to what's going on now.

It's actually quite scary.


Sr. Member
Jun 19, 2002
The man is a complete idiot. He will break every "promise" he made, because he made them with a brains trust of his brother and a handful of Neanderthal idjits from Etobicoke. It will take 10 years years to undo the mess that this asshat is making.


New member
When I was in high school I read a book called Animal Farm.

In this book while under the yoke of one irresponsible farmer, the animals all believed the slogans of a couple of pigs and overthrew the the farmer. Overtime one of the two pigs completely abandoned all of the promises and became much worse than the original farmer, altering many of their original slogans slowly overtime so they suited his own selfish needs.

I think that this is a great comparison to what's going on now.

It's actually quite scary.
My OAC English Lit teacher would love you for drawing the comparison- I agree. I wonder if the guy who wants to close libraries even knows who George Orwell is...


Jan 16, 2004
Perhaps this question has already been asked/answered. From a numbers perspective, since 2003 (David Miller's first year if I remember correctly) the total budget has gone from 6.4 Billion to a 2010 budget of $8.9 Billion. Now I'm not going to get involved in the what should / shouldn't be cut debate because it's a different answer for each person depending on their needs and wants. But I do see an infrastructure that has deteriorated over the years and a maintenance backlog that has increased in both dollars and amount of time before a project is addressed.

I'm not a big Ford backer by definition, but I do wonder, if there is no 'fat to trim', where the heck is the extra $2.5 Billion dollars going?


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I'm really not sure what the critics want to be done? Continue deficit spending at the rate of half billion dollars a year? Just how will the incurred debt ever get paid back without either spending cuts or tax increases?

Serious questions.
I would like him to do what he was elected to do. Find the fat and cut it while leaving services alone. By fat, we were all told he meant OVERLY PAID EMPLOYEES WHO DO NOTHING ALL DAY.. Not close library branches because, in his opinion, not enough people visit them.

I don't think any of us ever told Ford we didn't want any of our tax dollars to buy some poor kids a present at Christmas (which by the way was usually clothing, and small worthless toy).

Why is the answer to the criticism of Rob Ford always "Oh, you must like to pay higher taxes!". No I fucking don't because I'm not retarded. I like my money as much as the next guy. However there is a right way and a wrong way to save people's money. The wrong way is to lie through your teeth about not cutting services, and then within your first year as mayor, attempt to slice close to $100,000,000 worth from the budget. It's incredulous.

And yes, there are those (myself included at times) who refer to him as "Fat Fuck" or "Mayor McCheese". But how many times have I read defenders of Rob Ford refer to opponents as "lefties", "pinkos", "commies", "hippies" etc.,. It doesn't make our concerns any less valid.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
the gravy train is running down his leg, but he can't find it because he hasn't seen below his waist in 20 years!


New member
I am of the belief that in order to consider our city, our province, or our Country progressive and caring, it is our responsibility to have services in place for children, for the less fortunate and the elderly. The arts, libraries, zoos, culture, transit, etc. are vital to society.

I'm willing to pay more taxes in order to ensure the things that I most value as a Torontonian and as a Canadian are not slashed.

I'm sure there's gravy to be found with careful exploration.... sprinting to find it and slashing services that Torontonians value or rely on is just the lazy way of pretending he found it. Why do I feel like he's been running around and making quick fast decisions without taking the time to do his job properly?


Jan 16, 2004
I am of the belief that in order to consider our city, our province, or our Country progressive and caring, it is our responsibility to have services in place for children, for the less fortunate and the elderly. The arts, libraries, zoos, culture, transit, etc. are vital to society.

I'm willing to pay more taxes in order to ensure the things that I most value as a Torontonian and as a Canadian are not slashed.

I'm sure there's gravy to be found with careful exploration.... sprinting to find it and slashing services that Torontonians value or rely on is just the lazy way of pretending he found it. Why do I feel like he's been running around and making quick fast decisions without taking the time to do his job properly?
I'm sure part of that has to do with the large $774 Million shortfall. Unlike the Feds or Province, a city is not allowed to generally run deficits. "We'll get around to this next year" is not an answer in this case. The clock is ticking. It's not an enviable position, but it is one that has to be dealt with in a timely fashion.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I'm sure part of that has to do with the large $774 Million shortfall. Unlike the Feds or Province, a city is not allowed to generally run deficits. "We'll get around to this next year" is not an answer in this case. The clock is ticking. It's not an enviable position, but it is one that has to be dealt with in a timely fashion.
Well. I tell you what my first move wouldn't be. It wouldn't be to cut taxes (vehicle registration tax), or to rule out increasing property taxes. Sure he campaigned on those promises, but (as I've been screaming 'til I'm blue in the face) he also campaigned on the promise of not cutting services..

I do realize that the vehicle registration tax would only have made up about $100 Million, but it would have been handy to have, don't you think?

Also, where is this $774 Million dollar shortfall coming from? I'm not doubting it's existence, but how it it possible to have a surplus one year of 500 million, followed by a deficit of $774 Million?


Mar 17, 2004
he's doing an awesome job too many government paid employees in toronto making too much and doing next to nothing.


New member
With all due respect you toilet splashing PHONEY <grin>,
lol - that is truly golden (and I deserve it :p)

that said... does increased tourisim not benefit the city then?

Tourism is a critical sector of Toronto's economy. In 2004, tourists in Toronto spent over $4 billion, generating $3.2 billion of tourism GDP, almost 60,000 tourism jobs and a total of $1.8 billion in tax revenues

The recommendations emerging from the PRTD Project support the policy directions for Toronto’s overall economic competitiveness and growth contained in the Agenda for Prosperity: A Prospectus for a Great City.

The following four pillars provide a framework for the Prosperity Agenda:

Pillar 1: Proactive Toronto: Positive Business Climate
Pillar 2: Global Toronto: Internationalization
Pillar 3: Creative Toronto: Productivity and Growth
Pillar 4: One Toronto: Economic Opportunity and Inclusion

The background report to the Agenda for Prosperity, Towards an Agenda for Prosperity: Toronto’s Place in the World, by Greg Clark , identified that a common feature of all world cities is the interplay among four functions: creative and cultural activities; finance and business services; power and influence; and tourism.

Greg Clark says, “…today’s tourist is tomorrow’s student, is next week’s inward investor, global strategist or senior diplomat; they are the same people in different roles.”

A strong tourism sector and an international profile as a tourist destination are key prerequisites to Toronto’s success as a global city – the second pillar of the Agenda for Prosperity. A strong tourism sector, in turn, supports One Toronto, the fourth pillar of the Agenda for Prosperity, by creating many job opportunities for first generation Canadians and young people. It is also synergistic with creative and cultural activities, as it creates additional markets for local artists and venues.


New member
Jan 23, 2004
Ford, the fat fuck, regards any service that he hasn't personally had any need for as a frill and so expendable. That they would attempt to close down city-subsidized day care spaces for the work poor in order to save a measley 24 million/year (out of a total expenditure of 9400 million) seales the deal for me. Why do people who have such an aversion to the role of government, whose basic purpose is to foster community and soften the blow of the stark verdicts of the market, always want to seek office and eviscerate everything good about it?

I voted for that tub of lard because I suspected that city government, like all organizations from time to time, needed a change agent who'd question its modes of delivering services. Slashing and burning core services was NOT part of that assignment.

I personally can't stand his plans for the port lands too. Enough ugly, stupid malls and white elephant barren expanses of lands bordering downtown (the CNE and Ontario place, anyone?). Why can't we have a well appointed, beautifully crafted mixed community featuring pedestrianized streets and squares, like they do in Rotterdam? In toronto, we need points of congregation where people can slow down from the hectic city pace of life, walk the dog and say hello to their neighbours...our very own upper west and east side manhattans.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
As for the $750m deficit versus a $500m surplus question. Lots of accounting adjustments, taking losses one year, claiming future income for another etc etc. All bullshit.

Yes, it's like the old joke, ask an Accountant, "what's 2 + 2"

Accountant - "whatever you want it to be"


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
These "issues" are irrelevant as the comments always refer to the guy as Mayor McCheese, Fat Fuck etc.

I'm really not sure what the critics want to be done? Continue deficit spending at the rate of half billion dollars a year? Just how will the incurred debt ever get paid back without either spending cuts or tax increases?

Serious questions.
True enough rubmeister...

I'd like to know what the Ford haters would do given city's budget deficit. As mentioned, you can't run a deficit so how do you do it without raising taxes or cutting spending? How about some ideas instead of childish name calling!!!

Serious question.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
True enough rubmeister...

I'd like to know what the name callers would do given city's budget deficit. As mentioned, you can't run a deficit so how do you do it without raising taxes or cutting spending? How about some ideas instead of childish name calling!!!

Serious question.
first we should cut the office of name calling.

second name calling should be done by the private sector. its really the most efficient at name calling

third. we take the 2011 property taxes and split it evenly between lottery tickets and the tables in vegas


Nov 20, 2006
I guess it depends which side of the fence you're sitting on.
Rob Ford is so fat that he sits on both sides of the fence.
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