Yonge-Dundas smackdown Toronto or Riiyadh?


Mar 17, 2003
Toronto Sun Aug.3 2011

What constitutes a physical assault in Toronto these days?

This would appear to be straightforward. If, for example, one individual punches another, surely that’s assault. Especially if the punch in question was witnessed. And photographed.

But as I learned firsthand on Sunday, a fist in the face doesn’t necessarily constitute assault in our increasingly culturally sensitive Toronto.

The details: I was at Yonge-Dundas Square with my nine-year-old son. We ate pizza. We drank bubble tea. And I used my new Canon camera to take photos of this neon shrine.

Suddenly, a woman wearing a hijab ran toward me. She was part of a group that included two women wearing full face-covering burkas. She was screaming: “We are Muslim! You do not take pictures of us!” (Odd. I can’t find the “no photos” rule in the Qur’an.)

I informed the lady I was in a public square in a democracy. I can actually take pictures of whomever I please.

And then: Ka-pow! Her fist collided with my face. Worse, she almost knocked my new camera from my hands.

My son and I were then surrounded by a mob of about 20 people, many of whom were speaking Arabic. One kept demanding I surrender my camera to him.

It was surreal. Was I in Toronto — or Riyadh?

I spotted a group of bicycle-mounted police officers. I burst through the mob with my son and made a beeline towards them. I told a Toronto Police officer what had happened and I wanted to press assault charges.

Better yet, a man and a woman came forward as eyewitnesses.

The 50-something couple, originally from Syria, told the police they had observed the entire affair and my allegations were true. The couple said they understood Arabic and knew what the mob was saying.

Spidey Senses

Alas, my Spidey Senses started to tingle when I overheard the questions being asked of the witnesses. “Was it a closed-fist punch or an open hand? Was it the front or the back of the hand?”

Huh? Physical contact had been made. Why did severity matter?

After the officer took my statement, he went over to the offending woman. Another constable was inexplicably miffed I was (legally) taking photos in the first place. The irony: Just above our heads a Toronto Police Service sphere was videotaping the activities.

The officer interrogated the woman. She was still hysterical. Good. The constable would encounter firsthand what I had been forced to deal with earlier.

The cop walked back to me. No charges would be laid, he said, because he believed the woman’s story — namely, she was merely trying to knock the camera out of my hands.

Got that? Apparently, attempted property damage is OK. If a face gets in the way of a would-be vandalizing fist... hey, accidents happen.

The Syrian eyewitnesses were speechless. I continued to plead my case.

Toronto Police cruisers are emblazoned with the slogan, “To serve and protect”. But increasingly, the unofficial slogan seems closer to, “F.I.D.O.” (“Forget It; Drive On.”)

The fact we have Islamists living amongst us who despise western values isn’t news. But surely you can’t just sock someone in the mouth.

Well, apparently you can — as long as the intent of the aggressor was merely to inflict property damage.

World’s upside-down. Just thought you should know.

-Menzies is a freelance writer in Toronto


Jan 31, 2005
The OP (of the article) can take the case to a Justice of the Peace and proceed on his own. The police should have noted down identities, etc.


Mar 5, 2005
That's pretty astonishing, you can't deal with these people like other ordinary Canadians. You really have to act differently when you're in contact with these folk. Less paper work for the cop I suppose.


Active member
Oct 28, 2007
i want to know if you dressed up looking like Cobra ninja Viper why the fuck do u care if you are being photographed



New member
Dec 27, 2004
Pepper spray :biggrin1:

The trick to good street photography though is not to let them know you are taking it.

Seriously though, Toronto police hate photographers, esp after all the recent photos of police abuse. They would prefer no one took photos of anything, so I can't see them jumping to your side in all this.


New member
Dec 23, 2005
Just for fun and to confuse the hell out of her.

When she stated “We are Muslim! You do not take pictures of us!”

This is the proper reply

HEY ! !

I'm not a lumberjack, or a fur trader, and I don't live in an igloo or eat blubber, or own a dog sled, and I don't know Jimmy, Sally or Suzy from Canada, although I'm certain they're really, really nice.

I have a Prime Minister, not a President. I speak English and French, not American, and I pronounce it 'about', not 'a boot'.

I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack. I believe in peacekeeping, not policing; diversity, not assimilation; and that the beaver is a truly proud and noble animal.

A tuque is a hat, a chesterfield is a couch, and it is pronounced zed: not zee – zed!!

Canada is the second largest land mass! The first nation of hockey! And the best part of North America!


I have a feeling this story about the square is just that, a story,
Just for fun and to confuse the hell out of her.

When she stated “We are Muslim! You do not take pictures of us!”

This is the proper reply

HEY ! !

I'm not a lumberjack, or a fur trader, and I don't live in an igloo or eat blubber, or own a dog sled, and I don't know Jimmy, Sally or Suzy from Canada, although I'm certain they're really, really nice.

I have a Prime Minister, not a President. I speak English and French, not American, and I pronounce it 'about', not 'a boot'.

I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack. I believe in peacekeeping, not policing; diversity, not assimilation; and that the beaver is a truly proud and noble animal.

A tuque is a hat, a chesterfield is a couch, and it is pronounced zed: not zee – zed!!

Canada is the second largest land mass! The first nation of hockey! And the best part of North America!


I have a feeling this story about the square is just that, a story,
Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Classic!


Vagina Plumber
Feb 15, 2011
In her vagina
You should have ran with your son screaming "BODY BOMB"

next time remember cops stationary on bikes are on their doughnuts and coffee break, the last think they want is to pull their pen and notebook out because their coffee going to get cold


New member
Oct 27, 2006
I was riding on ttc about month ago, 3 young woman covered in there hijab, full face burkas get on.
I guy who looks middle eastern, was smiling at them. One of the girls asks him to take a picture, it will last longer. The guy says please don't flatter yourselves your not that hot looking, the bus was packed, there was long silence. Then there was loud laughter, then these women quietly got off the next stop.


May 21, 2003
It doesn't matter who or why. When someone attacks you, fight back. Don't rely on the cops...they're useless. Pepper spray is a good idea but you might be more likely to get booked by cops (any lawyers on terb would be helpful at this point).


New member
Dec 27, 2004
It doesn't matter who or why. When someone attacks you, fight back. Don't rely on the cops...they're useless. Pepper spray is a good idea but you might be more likely to get booked by cops (any lawyers on terb would be helpful at this point).
It is unlawful in Canada to sell, advertise or possess (law enforcement personnel excluded) anything for personal protection against human attack. This includes mace & peper spray. Confusion about this is common because Canadian and American laws are different. Canada believes it is in the social good to allow oneself to be attacked without having the tools to defend oneself. Some U.S. states (such as Florida) do not share this view. In Florida they sell designer accessory versions of mace with rhinestones set into the pink canister lol.

It is legal in Canada to buy bear spray, for protection against bears. This is a less potent type of pepper spray from what you can buy to defend against people in Florida. The bear versions are fogger type sprays and not precision delivery sprays. While it is legal to have (and to buy) bear spray in Canada, if one uses it against a human one can be charged with assault with a weapon. If one carries the real deal (mace, anti-human pepper spray) one can be charged just for possession even if one doesn't use it on someone.

That said, 20 years ago a friend of mine knew a Toronto cop who used to give his g/f mace to carry around - he bought it in Buffalo for her. That said, it is illegal to carry mace and human type pepper spray in a purse or pocket in Ontario. Not so for bear spray, though police might wonder why one would need bear spray in downtown Toronto if ones intent was to only use it for the legal purpose...

Personally Tasers are better, IMO. Windy day won't be of concern. Of course these are illegal in Canada as well, but not in Floroda.

- Taser devices are not considered firearms by the United States government. They can be legally carried (concealed or open) without a permit in 43 states.

- Canadian police forces treat Tasers as prohibited weapons.

In the U.S. it is legal to advertise products to be used in self defense against people. One example from an online retailer:

This 1 1/2 lb. hot pepper spray shoots a large cloud of pepper spray. This hot pepper spray unit has a pistol grip top and safety lock that is designed for police and other law enforcement agencies for crowd control.

This is the model Dirty Harry would carry if he carried pepper spray.

The hot pepper spray with pistol grip unit is also available for civilian use! It can be placed behind the counter of a retail store to deter robbery, near the front door of a home to thwart home invasions or for use on multiple attackers. Contains UV Dye to help in the identification when apprehended. Sprays the hot pepper up to 35 ft. and contains approximately 75 bursts.

This pepper spray contains 17% pepper in two million Scoville Heat Units. The potency of this spray enables it to bring down even the most aggressive assailants. The cannister measures 9 inches (includes pistol grip) x 2 1/2 inches x 2 1/2 inches.

This pepper spray product CANNOT be shipped to NY, MA, MI or WI. If you are ordering from one of these states please provide a different shipping address.

This hot pepper spray unit is the best to use against multiple attackers. Great for the home, store, car, RV or camping!


May 21, 2003
Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six. If I had my presence of mind (in most of these cases you get an adrelin dump so it's hard to predict a reaction) I'd just restrain the woman...when hubby moved in I'd clock him. The other guys would either stay out of it or beat me up. If they beat me up they'd get arrested, hopefully be deported (yeah right!) and I'd be a national hero. If not I'd be arrested but let go. By the way, why are we so afraid of these people? It's the religion of peace!


Active member
Oct 19, 2002
would be nice if the various chiefs of police across the country would take control of and responsibility for their staff. if this story is true, an internal investigation should be launched. we know it won't be.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
if you did to a cop what she did to you, you'd have the book thrown at you and a few broken bones......so who are they serving and protecting?


Nov 20, 2010
OP, why don't you just tell the truth: that you did not mean to take pictures of them, only that tehy were in the line of your shots, and walk away instead of picking a fight with bunch of arabs?

don't hate arab women, instead of making a war, make love to them. My lastest conquest is actually a young muslim girl, she is white and so cute.
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