Car accident advice?


New member
Jun 15, 2003
I got into an accident in Markham. Guy ahead of me stopped suddenly I hit him from behind. Of course I'm at fault. I got charged with careless driving - 6 points. Everybody not injured but my insurance is going to go thru the roof .

I'm going to set a court date and hope the victim/witness or policeman doesn't show up and plead it down to 3 points on a lesser charge.

Hiring Paralegal or Ex copper worth it?

Thoughts fellow pooners? Thank you in advance.


Aug 6, 2006
I got into an accident in Markham. Guy ahead of me stopped suddenly I hit him from behind. Of course I'm at fault. I got charged with careless driving - 6 points. Everybody not injured but my insurance is going to go thru the roof .

I'm going to set a court date and hope the victim/witness or policeman doesn't show up and plead it down to 3 points on a lesser charge.

Hiring Paralegal or Ex copper worth it?

Thoughts fellow pooners? Thank you in advance.
If English isn't your first language, then request an interpreter.
Request disclosure.

These guys are good, read:

Boss Nass

Well-known member
Jun 7, 2002
Hopefully with my face in a pussy
Go to 'First Attendance'. You will be required to speak one-on-one to a newbie prosecutor who will listen to your side and perhaps allow you to plead to 'failing to turn to the right to avoid a collision', less points. Then you go into a court within a few minutes and get it cleared up. Buddy did that when he smacked someone from behind while reaching for his asthma inhaler, the cop advised him on what to do and the prosecutor listened to his side of the story. Tip #1 - if your story is a bullshit excuse practise it well and be prepared for any questions. Tip #2 - be more careful in future. It isn't hard to NOT hit the car in front, just be more attentive and keep a good following distance.
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Dougal Short

Exposed Member
May 20, 2009
Seems odd that you were charged with "careless" and not just "failing to stop", which is a much lesser charge. Having been rear-ended a few times, the cop always asks how long I had been stopped, and if my foot was resting on the brakes (lighting the brake lights I guess...) I asked about this once and the cop told me it would determine if the guy was charged with failing to stop or careless. The last time I was hit, it was by a straight truck. I was at a red light and could see him coming, and texting... looking at his phone. I told the cop this and I am pretty certain the guy was charged with careless. There was almost $4K damage to my Tahoe.

At any rate, I suspect that you can plead this down to the "failing to stop" unless there was some egregious action on your part.

And like Boss Nass said, watch the road dude. It ain't that hard to avoid driving into a stationary object.

night ride

Active member
Jul 23, 2009
Go to 'First Attendance'. You will be required to speak one-on-one to a newbie prosecutor who will listen to your side and perhaps allow you to plead to 'failing to turn to the right to avoid a collision', less points. Then you go into a court within a few minutes and get it cleared up. Buddy did that when he smacked someone from behind while reaching for his asthma inhaler, the cop advised him on what to do and the prosecutor listened to his side of the story. Tip #1 - if you're story is a bullshit excuse practise it well and be prepared for any questions. Tip #2 - be more careful in future. It isn't hard to NOT hit the car in front, just be more attentive and keep a good following distance.
Good advice. I'd add that careless driving is one of those charges that is open to interpretation and there is less guarantee the prosecution will win. I don't think you need to pay Points to go in and plea it down to something agreeable to both sides. Sure you'll still have a ticket which is not good, but careless driving is a major black mark. You're lucky it wasn't some kid who crossed in front of you when you took your eyes off the road. Be more careful on the road.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
You want two numbers to help make your decision: 1) what you'll pay in extra insurance 2) what you'll pay for Pointts or X-Copper etc. That tells you something about the risk you're assuming w/ a DIY approach. I doubt your insurance contact will 'discuss a hypothetical' w/ you but any decent paralegal will have a first conference where you can try for a read on your chances and get facts on their fees.

Bottom line for you is you were following too close for the attention you were paying. So you're looking for a reduction of penalty unless there's a Tooth Fairy sitting-in for the TrafficTicket Fairy that day.


Mar 30, 2004
Go to 'First Attendance'. You will be required to speak one-on-one to a newbie prosecutor who will listen to your side and perhaps allow you to plead to 'failing to turn to the right to avoid a collision', less points. Then you go into a court within a few minutes and get it cleared up. Buddy did that when he smacked someone from behind while reaching for his asthma inhaler, the cop advised him on what to do and the prosecutor listened to his side of the story. Tip #1 - if you're story is a bullshit excuse practise it well and be prepared for any questions. Tip #2 - be more careful in future. It isn't hard to NOT hit the car in front, just be more attentive and keep a good following distance.
Same comment as Boss Nass. My friend was driving and rear ended the car in front at an intersection. It happened when the light turned green, the car in front moved forward and then suddenly stopped and we tapped it. Even though there was no damage the cop gave a careless driving ticket. Anyhow, the case was taken to court where the charge was reduced to "failure to avoid an accident". He paid for a paralegal but it saved him money in the long run. Also just be humble and apologetic and don't give BS excuses because it's always the rear car's fault and you're supposed to maintain a safe distance.


New member
Jun 12, 2010
I got into an accident in Markham. Guy ahead of me stopped suddenly I hit him from behind. Of course I'm at fault. I got charged with careless driving - 6 points. Everybody not injured but my insurance is going to go thru the roof .

I'm going to set a court date and hope the victim/witness or policeman doesn't show up and plead it down to 3 points on a lesser charge.

Hiring Paralegal or Ex copper worth it?

Thoughts fellow pooners? Thank you in advance.
You already know you're hosed on the at fault portion of the accident, but I would strongly suggest you fight the careless charge (as you already intend to, and you should stand a very good chance of getting it lessened). "Careless driving" is considered a major ticket, and as it stands WILL cause you problems if it remains on your record should you want to change insurance companies.

Generally speaking insurance companies have a combination of things that can disqualify you from regular insurance... for example; 2 tickets is okay, 3 will disqualify you. 1 major and nothing else might be okay, but 1 major and an at fault accident will disqualify you. 1 cancellation for non-payment, 1 at fault, and 1 ticket and you're screwed... ect

It can get more complicated than that as you draw other drivers (like a spouse) and vehicles into the picture, but generally speaking you're going to do a lot better on your rates and ability to shop around if you just have the 1 at fault and are able to get the major "carless" charged dropped down to something like "following too closely" which would be a minor.

The ticket will remain on your insurance 3 years from the day you paid it, and the accident for 6 years from your next renewal, but will steadily get better with each year as you'll gain back another "star" rating. If this is all you have your current insurance company will probably still keep you.

If you have other stuff on your driving record I would recommend talking to a broker about Kingsway insurance as opposed to being forced into the Facilty high risk market. Kingsway used to offer 6 month policies, so if another charge is due to fall off shortly, taking a shorter policy can sometimes help as the picture will be better in 6 months.

Seems odd that you were charged with "careless" and not just "failing to stop", which is a much lesser charge.
Having worked in auto claims for a number of years I started noticing a trend a few years ago of officers charging people with "careless" instead of lesser charges like "following too closely" or "failing to stop". One day I happened to get a claim that belonged to a police officer so I asked him about that, and he's what he said;

Basically its harder to prove one of the other charges. How do you prove someone was following too closely and that's what lead to the accident. How do you prove he failed to stop... maybe the other guy backed up? Basically "Careless" serves as a blanket charge because its easier to prove... an accident happened so you must have been careless. This is all done of course with the the expectation that you will fight the charge and accept a lesser one by admitting to it.

Seems kinda like a big waste on the system if you ask me...

Assuming you are took care of the repairs outta your pocket...
I would say that if you open your door into another guys door then that's one thing to go out of pocket on, but an accident like this its not a good idea.

For one thing a proper bumper repair will run you about $1600, provided there's not hidden damage, and you'd be suprised how often that is the case with how modern cars are designed to crumple in accidents. On top of this you'll also have a rental car to contend with for the other guy. You can can then double the figure because you no doubt have damage of your own.

Say you have deep pockets and that's not a problem... here's where it can all fall apart;

1) A police report was filed for the accident.
Some insurance companies, I know State Farm for sure does it, "fish" for accidents. They do this to help head off potential bodily injury claims. Basically once the police department enters the field officers accident report it gets sent off to the insurance company (not all insurance companies do this as it costs them a tonne of money to opt into). Basically this is ethical to them because the policy clearly states that you MUST report all accidents to them within a prescrbed period of time.

2) Someone gets in the other guys ear a year from now and he decides to get a lawyer....
The minute he talks to his insurance company your insurance company knows it because they have to verify and send a report to your company. Even if he's not claiming for damages and just his accident benefits you're pulled into this, so you get dinged anyway. Plus, because more than a year has passed you're barred from being able to recoup the money you went out of pocket on for your own repairs (the money for his isn't claimable).

3) Nothing happens, but the other guy is one of those people who for some reason thinks he should tell his broker or insurance company about he accident anyway... just to be safe. Basically neither insurance company spends a dime and you're still screwed.

So end result in a case like this is that there's a good chance you're out of pocket and screwed on your rates... (to say nothing of the charge).


New member
Jun 15, 2003
Thanking so much for all the advice guys. I sincerely appreciate the time and effort for the replies. I luv the poon brotherhood! Sucks to me but rightfully painful lesson learned and grrateful no one was injured (knock on wood). Supernatural thanks for the comprehensive debrief. Your knowledge is deep!


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
excopper got me off on a careless charge. their fee is half of what the fine is. i got off 100%. i would say they are worth the money.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
The guy ahead of you stopped suddenly? If he'll back you up on that you can probably get a lesser charge. I'm just wondering why it was that he stopped suddenly. Someone crossing the road? Some moron cut him off? Were you tailgating and he wanted revenge? He won't admit to that last one, but anything else and he'll probably help you out.

My neighbour got charged with careless driving when he was looking for something in his coat in the passenger seat and didn't realize the guy in front of him had stopped for a red light. To avoid a collision he swerved into the empty left turn lane and slid into the intersection where a few drivers had to take evasive action. No collision or damage at all. There was an unmarked cruiser sitting across the intersection though. He fought it in court and got some lesser charge with 3 points. Can't remember what it was.


Apr 11, 2002
As an insurance guy, always fight "careless driving" and school zone violations. You're in for a world of hurt otherwise due to the surcharges that attach so pay a paralegal $500

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
I'm not sure of the circumstances but a 'careless driving' charge for rear ending seems a bit extreme. I would fight it for sure, you should be able to plea down the charge.


Active member
Apr 20, 2005
T Dot
I think careless means your insurance automatically doubles just like drinkin and driving. Good luck bro


New member
Jul 14, 2009
I discovered today that my loaner car has an active cruise control, i.e. it reduces speed if sensors indicate a slower car ahead, and it goes back to the programmed speed when the road is free (or even if you change lane to a free one).
I don't need to pay attention anymore :)


Dirty (Not So) Old Man
Jun 13, 2009
North of GTA
I cannot believe that so many of you are giving advice on how to help this guy out!
Remember that it is idiot drivers like him that cause our own rates to keep going up and up. I have been driving for over 25 years with a clean record except for a couple of speeding tickets way back when I was a kid but due to other careless drivers on the road I can no longer afford insurance in the city.
I moved north of the GTA where insurance rates are considerably lower, although the amount of traffic is next to none.

I feel for a guy who might be unlucky or the victim of another driver's poor judgement but this guy is being charged with careless driving. There is surely more to the story than just rearending a guy who suddenly stopped.
Was he on the phone while typing in an address on his GPS? Maybe looking at the cute chicks walking by? Or just daydreaming thinking about his next session at the MP. Whatever the case, face the music and accept the points. If it causes your insurance to go up higher than you can afford, good for you. Maybe a couple of years taking the TTC might make a person think about paying attention to the road when they are behind the wheel.
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