When it was pointed out this involves a contrary relationship, to the effect both cannont be true, leaving his claim false or banal, Fuji just tried to say the logical error was mine.
There is no contrary relationship. In order to pretend that there was a contrary relationship you had to mis-state my claims. When they are stated properly there is no contrary relationship. The proper statement:
1- People have an incentive to increase the unfairness present in sexual relationships
2- Sexual relationships are inherently unfair
Statement 2 is simply observed fact. Statement 1 arises from contemplating evolutionary pressures, and could be proposed as the cause of 2.
Fuji tried to reason from cheating happens to cheating is good.
No, I did not do that. That is a misrepresentation of what I said. I see a pattern here now--you continually attempt to misrepresent my views, because that's the only way you can argue against them.
I made two claims here, separate claims:
1. Any moral code that specifically restricts sexual behavior is a bad moral code
2. Maximizing the number of sexual partners you have connects human desire with action and is life affirming
Claim #1 serves only to shut down any moral code that asserts cheating is wrong.
Claim #2 independently provides reasons why cheating is good.
Fuji tried to establish that power dynamics are all there is to sexual relationships by presuming power dynamics are all there is to sexual relationships and concluding that power dynamics are all there is to sexual relationships.
NOWHERE did I argue that power dynamics are all there is to sexual relationships. I have only asserted that power dynamics exist in all sexual relationships. I have not said that there is nothing more to sexual relationships!
Sw1tch I appreciate that you are actually trying to tackle the issues, many posts are not--but can you make an effort to do so without misrepresenting my views? It's somewhat boring to point out to someone that they are misrepresenting you. Now sometimes that happens by accident, maybe you misread something, maybe my statements weren't clear. But now that I've given you a hopefully clear understanding of what my position is I'd appreciate your responding to MY position, rather than some distorted, misrepresented, straw man version of it.