If you had the opportunity or ability, would you leave the GTA for good?

If I had the opportunity or ability, I would leave the GTA for good.

  • Strongly agree

    Votes: 33 45.8%
  • Agree

    Votes: 12 16.7%
  • Neither agree nor disagree

    Votes: 5 6.9%
  • Disagree

    Votes: 6 8.3%
  • Strongly disagree

    Votes: 12 16.7%
  • Not applicable (I already live outside of the GTA)

    Votes: 4 5.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Samurai Joey

Active member
Sep 29, 2004
This poll is for those of you who live in Toronto and the surrounding areas. Specifically, if you had the opportunity or ability (say, with an amazing a job offer, for example), would you consider leaving the GTA for good? And if not, why not?


Jun 6, 2009
This poll is for those of you who live in Toronto and the surrounding areas. Specifically, if you had the opportunity or ability (say, with an amazing a job offer, for example), would you consider leaving the GTA for good? And if not, why not?

As for the question considering TO has over 40/50% of the country's head offices in Canada are in TO, this is where I do business. i can generally pick up the phone a get through to the boss in short order. As I'm cutting back now and planning to cut out in about three years, it's kind of a moot point.
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Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
Well, that's the whole point, isn't it?

To diversify your life and experience this world in its entirety as much as possible. This is the third major urban/metropolitan centre I've lived in and enjoyed it very much but in the same way that life is distributed via stages, eras and chapters, it's time to move on to another set of colours, flavours and styles. I should be doing so in under two years.

Besides, Toronto is a great place to live but a lousy place to visit.

Samurai Joey

Active member
Sep 29, 2004
Well, that's the whole point, isn't it?

To diversify your life and experience this world in its entirety as much as possible. This is the third major urban/metropolitan centre I've lived in and enjoyed it very much but in the same way that life is distributed via stages, eras and chapters, it's time to move on to another set of colours, flavours and styles. I should be doing so in under two years.

Besides, Toronto is a great place to live but a lousy place to visit.
Conversely, I'm sure there many cities that are great places to visit, but lousy places to live.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I grew up in Hamilton but came to T.O. for work when I finished school. I was born and raised to despise Toronto, Torontonians, and especially the Toronto Argonaughts.

But a funny thing happened once I started working here.....

I realized that people were pretty good here. That not everyone was rich and voted Tory, that Toronto had a lot going for it. Now, I wouldn't live anywhere else. I live in the High Park area, and I'm quite happy here. I make full use of this city - theatre, TSO, concerts, restaurants, markets, stores, neighbourhoods, hiking, beaches, downtown - you name it. I could never ever see myself moving back to Hamilton. (Though I still can't bring myself to cheer for the Argos, sorry.)

As to moving somewhere else - not in Canada. I've been all over this great big land and I've seen quite a bit. Nothing comes close to Toronto.

In the States? San Francisco would be an acceptable place to live (it reminds me of a smaller Toronto without the vegetation). Chicago reminds me a lot of Toronto, only it (Chicago) is more run down and too much crime. NYC - fantastic place, don't really want to live there.

Europe - I would love to live in London as it blows ANY city in North America to smithereens (including NYC), but it's HUGELY expensive. You would need to be making SERIOUS dough to live in Londontown.

I don't really feel like living in a place where I don't speak the language fluently. (Sure, you can learn, and I do speak French - but only enough to stumble by.)


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006
I know a few people who have including family and friends who have done so and never regretted nor looked back.

My brother maintained his salary and benefits,got taxed less and had shorter air commutes to customer sites by moving to the US.

My sister also received schooling opportunities and job opportunities she would not have had if she stayed here by moving to the US.

In both cases the warmer weather was welcome.

A friend moved to Alberta because of a better job opportunity plus his wife who works in retail experienced a smooth transfer to a branch in Alberta.

All depends on your current situation and your aspirations and whether they are achievable in the GTA or more easily facilitated elsewhere.


Active member
Aug 19, 2001
Nothing against Toronto. It's a good city and has been good to me, but having seen a good chunk of the world, I know I'd be happier elsewhere. Family and work keep me here. Hope to retire by the sea somewhere.


Active member
Aug 30, 2001
That's a question I've asked myself more than once.

416/905 have better schools, doctors, and hospitals than the rest of the province. I expect I would be dead by now if I'd had to rely on my hometown doctor and hospital for care. I think Toronto highschool kids have a leg up on the rest of the province if they're going on to university and the professions. However, when I imagine Toronto schools, I also remember what they did to Jordan Manners. It seems like a terrible place to have to grow up, even if it is at the leading edge of Kanadian Kule, with all the best drugs and clubs.

For access to goods and services, it's great. However, it also means having to rub shoulders with rude, obnoxious assholes every day. I'll let someone else talk about the drivers. As rude as Montreal, but with less skill and more rage and danger.

Real estate is out of site. I don't know how anyone could swing it alone without a serious income. Rents are punitive, too. Single adults with low-income jobs have to settle for poor housing.

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
Specifically, if you had the opportunity or ability (say, with an amazing a job offer, for example), would you consider leaving the GTA for good? And if not, why not?
Toronto never was the world class that Torontonians fantasize about. And Torontonins have developed a mean self centered unfriendly holier than thou attitude that's starting to piss me off.

Samurai Joey

Active member
Sep 29, 2004
Toronto never was the world class that Torontonians fantasize about. And Torontonins have developed a mean self centered unfriendly holier than thou attitude that's starting to piss me off.
I'm curious -- do you actually live in Toronto? And if you do, is the opinion you expressed above the reason you would want to leave the GTA for good?


Nov 20, 2010
I hate the weather here... too cold in the winter, too hot in the summer, and it's all wind and rain in spring and autumn.
It is my theory that constantly varying weather makes Torontonians so moody.
Weather hot or cold, wet or dry, at least if the weather is consistent and does not vary too much from day to day, season to season, people can adapt to it and be happier.


Jun 6, 2009
Toronto never was the world class that Torontonians fantasize about. And Torontonins have developed a mean self centered unfriendly holier than thou attitude that's starting to piss me off.
That would appear to be simply your opinion, but you offer nothing to back it up. As offered i an earlier post of mine was the most recent study/poll that suggested exactly the opposite. I have a number of fiends and acquaintances from other countries and continent who are amazed at what TO has to offer when they visit. Tell usl why you feel this way or do we just mark it down as a vent/rant based on very little.

Should you come back with I'm just one of the holier than thou folks, people who know me know where my heart lies and it isn't in TO. i've stated that in previous posts and earlier in the thread.


Jun 6, 2009
I hate the weather here... too cold in the winter, too hot in the summer, and it's all wind and rain in spring and autumn.
It is my theory that constantly varying weather makes Torontonians so moody.
Weather hot or cold, wet or dry, at least if the weather is consistent and does not vary too much from day to day, season to season, people can adapt to it and be happier.
Actually there are a number of major Canadian cities which are colder and hotter than TO, so you observations are weak or you're just a whiner. What's real reason you don't like TO.


New member
Jun 4, 2007
This poll is for those of you who live in Toronto and the surrounding areas. Specifically, if you had the opportunity or ability (say, with an amazing a job offer, for example), would you consider leaving the GTA for good? And if not, why not?
certainly. hope to be gone by the end of next year. been here for 15 years and that's enough for me. Toronto does have it's good points, but it will soon be time to go back east to the motherland.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I'm happy with Toronto. Would like more vacation time to travel elsewhere but every time I do I'm happy to get back to the diversity of T-dot.


Jun 6, 2009
Where is hotter than here? Toronto sure has the gross-est feeling heat in the summer, sticky and nasty and the city stinks even more than usual. I've not experienced this in any other Canadian city, let alone a city in any 1st world nation.

Of the major cities such as Winnipeg Ottawa Montreal and Toronto come in at average high of 26/26/27/27 for July. If you can tell the difference of 1°c, you're a better man than I. In the winter the average high come in at Winnipeg Ottawa Montreal and Toronto come in at -23/-15/-14/-10. The ranges of the four other cities exceed that of TO.

There are periods in July that the temperatures are hotter in the Territories than Toronto in July.


Nov 20, 2010
Of the major cities such as Winnipeg Ottawa Montreal and Toronto come in at average high of 26/26/27/27 for July. If you can tell the difference of 1°c, you're a better man than I. In the winter the average high come in at Winnipeg Ottawa Montreal and Toronto come in at -23/-15/-14/-10. The ranges of the four other cities exceed that of TO.

There are periods in July that the temperatures are hotter in the Territories than Toronto in July.
I never said Toronto is the worst, certainly there are worse canadian cities than Toronto. Canada in general has bad climate. But Vancouver is better climate than Toronto, so are many many cities around the world. Temperature is not the only factor. constant blowing of wind is another thing that gets me. I've been to many colder places, but did not feel as cold as Toronto because it was surrounded by mountains so the wind is not as strong. Every spring and autumn, when it is not cold enough to wear scarf, my lips tend to crack. This did not happen to me when I was in England or Asia.


Jun 6, 2009
I hate the weather here... too cold in the winter, too hot in the summer, and it's all wind and rain in spring and autumn.
It is my theory that constantly varying weather makes Torontonians so moody.
Weather hot or cold, wet or dry, at least if the weather is consistent and does not vary too much from day to day, season to season, people can adapt to it and be happier.
I never said Toronto is the worst, certainly there are worse canadian cities than Toronto. Canada in general has bad climate. But Vancouver is better climate than Toronto, so are many many cities around the world.
No actually you right, you're words could be interpreted as that, but it really isn't worse than a number of other major cities in canada. So where would you think the weather is better. if you're thinking Vancouver, you're welcome to all the rain and wet wet snow, 47 inches/yr of which 25% falls in Dec.. That is a lot compared to Toronto and 30.5 inches/yr and tops at 3.0" in July.

The smaller cities with the most 'comfortable' climate tend to be in the BC interior, With the BC interior claiming 7 of the 14 top cities in Canada, Victoria being the Best. but most people know that. i'd also call it pretty , comfy, friendly, but oh so old and snoozy


Love Goddess
Interesting thread. I answered negatively, meaning I don't think I'll be moving from TO anytime soon. Yes the weather can be unpleasant, but frankly I've grown up in a temperate climate similar to here, and I think I'd get sick of constant summer. It crossed my mind in the past to move to NYC (more exciting!) and San Diego ('perfect' weather, peaceful, ocean) but come to think of it, TO has the best of everything. NYC was a Little too crazy (but great to visit), San D. too quiet after all.

I love the vibrant cultural scene over here, as well as the many ethnic & community festivals. Not to mention cuisine from all over the world.

**The Only thing we need is longer alcohol serving hours to foster a decent nightlife, and that would make this city even better.** I've written to my city councillor about this, and will pester him until he does something about this! Mr Ford too!

Having grown up in a mono-culture in Eastern Europe, I just can't fathom living in another non-ethnically diverse city. I simply LOVE the mix of cultures over here -- it's so rich and amazing. I can't think of too many cities in the world that have this great a diversity of cultures & people. And we all manage to work together and get along.

And btw, I find Torontonians over all very polite. GTA drivers are actually very courteous compared to many other world city drivers. If you're walking on the street or taking public transit and bump into someone, notice how everybody says 'Sorry.' In some European cities, you'll get elbowed in the belly for a seat on the bus! And no 'sorry''s there!

Yes, we pay high taxes, which is a bummer, but there are ways to minimize the impact of those as we all know.

Overall, TO is a Great city, and I am proud and happy to live here.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts