If we're at war, where are the prisoner of war camps? What I'd like—since you asked—is that we either fight a war, or catch criminals and bring them to justice. We're making it up as we go along and killing whoever we have a hate on for today. Just like the so-called bad guys.
There's a reason why AQ gained adherents and the outright hypocrisy of the west is at the base of it. You may believe killing OBL as we did was just and justifiable, but do the folks to whom his message goes out to believe that it was anything more than vengeance and honour-killing?
They already have that in their culture, and they do it better. But our guys are learning.
And thanks for pointing out the Pledge is just empty rhetoric, and nothing of import.
And if this is such a great and good tactic, why hasn't it already been used against Quadaffi? What makes him special?
The POW camps are in A-stan and run by the government of A-stan. Did you think all the prisoners were in GB? Don't you read about the break outs?
My understanding is that AQ is not doing well at all because they have caused the death of so many muslims.
Are you saying we should not have taken out OBL? Let him sit comfortably?
I don't believe that we can convince OBL's followers we are right. If there was a trial it would not matter.
It's funny you blame the west for the growth of AQ, but that is not my understanding. My understanding is that the first target of AQ was Saudi.
Perhaps we should have just dropped leaflets on Germany instead of bombing.
There is an enemy dedicated to killing us we are at war with. Many of them are fanatical and will not change their minds. They need to be defeated in the traditional way. Taking out their symbolic leader was a great step forward. Naysayers like you will never be happy, but the west has not been hypocritical at all.
The reason, I suspect, that the col has not been taken out is because the actions we are allowed to take in Libya are limited. And to be frank I think right now he is hard target to get.
Are you advocating we should whack the Col. the same way? Or just complaining?