Ahh stepping on your gravytrain I see. Govt is not always more efficient, but large pension plans mostly do better then individuals. If you want a good example of govt efficiency, look at health care. Compare Canada to the US, what is more cost efficient? To some extent pensions are a similar issue. All the individual plans chew up too much administration and waste. Before you go bitching about lack of govt efficiency, please point to me a private offering that will out perform CPP in with the same level of security?
No gravy train here: I'm happy to pull my own freight and take care of my family on my own. Me thinks it's the socialists who want the gravy train of income redistribution so have a look in the mirror.
I hardly think the health care system is an example of efficiency: we are getting close to a crisis here but no politician will talk about this or the hard choices that are going to have to be made soon enough. Oh and don't forget the post office while you are touting goverment efficiencies [or the LCBO].
It is an outdated myth that the Canadian medical system is so wonderful [even though all the Americans I meet talk about this when they find out you are from Canada]. I have seen several studies that debunk this old wives tale with a numerical analysis of Canada's ranking in healthcare provision vis a vis cost effectiveness. Government will never be an efficient provider given the inherent bureacracy that is needed. All it does is create more bloodsucking government union employees that requires higher taxes and leave less money to go towards other needed areas [like healthcare].
I would take my chances with picking my own investments and as far as safety, look out your window at any one of the banks. I would trust them to hold my investments more than some goverment agency subject to political control and manipulation. Banks are accountable to their shareholders and the law while politicians can break promises and shuffle funds around if they so choose. Private enterprise has a long term view while politicians idea of long term is four years at most.
Just investing in the stock market with a diversified portfolio will do better than CPP if you manage your allocations appropriately for your age [as opposed to being perpetually in a defensive posture in your CPP investment mix that you have no say over].
Stop looking for the goverment to do more for you and to take money from others to go to the less successful. You should stand on your own two feet and take care of yourself. Help should be available for the truly needy, not the unionized and unmotivated.