Markham Home Invasion Murder


Active member
Feb 24, 2008
Russell Peters said it best "Everyone is racist". If i moved to China or to the middle east, you don't think I will experience racism? Give me a break, everyone prefers their own kind. Here in Canada we are racist but nothing compared to other countries. Go live in the United States and compare that to Canada.

Major Major

New member
Dec 15, 2002
man.... and when I heard about this incident in its beginning stages... While I felt for the family I was thinking "please let the perpetrators not be black".... not really in the mood to deal with any witch hunts


Just less active
Oct 14, 2002

"Toke" (ganja much?) says he doesn't fit into any of the stereotypes (ganja much?) and then responds to my claim that the "black community" is adversely influenced by threats and intimidation.... THEN "toke" obliquely challenges me as a "coward" to "come outside" .

If I lived by the same "rules" that your community does, I would absolutely LOVE "come outside" and straighten things out with the same -but higher quality and better aim- (wtf is with those goofball gangsters with holding their pistols sideways!?!) methods you personally advocate.

And I am NOT saying ALL black people (or for that matter ALL Jamaicans) are criminals. Almost all are NOT criminals, and are really decent fun people just trying to live a happy life like everyone else. But there ARE characteristic problems unique to each culture. You never hear of a gang of Jewish kids doing home invasions. Few black Bernie Madoffs either.
Your reading skills lack. First off, 'Toke' is not a reference to weed, I've never smoked it (shocking, isn't it?). The 'threat' that you refer to was coward in the sense of, 'Stop being afraid of the world outside you living room, come out and experience it;' alla 'Come on in, the water's fine'. Guess that you took it the wrong way, coming from a black guy and all. It's funny because most of the people who know black/Jamaican culture (alway to be said in the same breath), never actually experience it beside 'the black guy at work in the next cubicle brought me jerk chicken.'

P.S. Ganja? You're dating yourself. Nobody uses that term anymore.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2007
I would never be accused a racist if I said that most convicted child molesters are white.

I would never be accused a racist if I said that most convicted drunk drivers were white.

I would never be accused a racist if I said that most convicted grow house operators were Asians.

I would never be accused a racist I I said that most prostitutes are either Caucasians or Asians (Terb is the evidance).

I would never be accused a racist if I said that most convicted terrorists were from Middle East.

But why would I be accused a racist everytime I said that most convicted robbers and drug dealers were blacks ?

Why is racism always the first defence whenever a black man is accused of any wrong doing ?

Why do I never hear black people say anything bad about bad black people when the evidance is overwhelming ?

Is there a black person in this planet that believes OJ was guilty ?

What does "most drunks are white" or "most child molesters are white" have to do with the topic when we are talking about home invasions and robberies ? Those are separate issues and have nothing to do with what we're talking about here nor should it be used as shields to hide behind.

Major Major

New member
Dec 15, 2002
'Stop being afraid of the world outside you living room, come out and experience it;' alla 'Come on in, the water's fine'. Guess that you took it the wrong way, coming from a black guy and all. It's funny because most of the people who know black/Jamaican culture (alway to be said in the same breath), never actually experience it beside 'the black guy at work in the next cubicle brought me jerk chicken.'

You have all these people who seem to be an expert on black people but they really dont know any....sorry but watching COPs doesnt count and neither does the black guy at work. I'm black and I know very few of "all these black people" they speak of (could count em on one hand). Similarly, people who arent black but really do know many black people dont have these experiences either....

Makes you wonder

Major Major

New member
Dec 15, 2002
I would never be accused a racist if I said that most convicted child molesters are white.

I would never be accused a racist if I said that most convicted drunk drivers were white.

I would never be accused a racist if I said that most convicted grow house operators were Asians.

I would never be accused a racist I I said that most prostitutes are either Caucasians or Asians (Terb is the evidance).

I would never be accused a racist if I said that most convicted terrorists were from Middle East.

But why would I be accused a racist everytime I said that most convicted robbers and drug dealers were blacks ?
Because for some reason when other groups commit crimes they are seen as independent instances..but when a black person commits a crime it becomes a commentary on an entire group of people....because you'll have people like lynx saying that "black people are holding the city hostage" and whynot saying that "if you see a group of black people they are up to no good".... THATS why

PS... and you'd be wrong about Middle Eastern people....they have picked up the same stigma unfortunately.

Why is racism always the first defence whenever a black man is accused of any wrong doing ?
Because it indeed happens so much (covertly so of course you would never know unless you are the recipient of it) that its hard to tell what isnt and what is. I can admit that its wrong to call that right away but theres your answer.

Why do I never hear black people say anything bad about bad black people when the evidance is overwhelming ?
??? I dont know what parallel universe you live in but here in my universe they do speak out about it.

Is there a black person in this planet that believes OJ was guilty ?
guilty of what charge? be more specific please

What does "most drunks are white" or "most child molesters are white" have to do with the topic when we are talking about home invasions and robberies ? Those are separate issues and have nothing to do with what we're talking about here nor should it be used as shields to hide behind.
Go read the thread and take note of the spin that some here tried to play....those comments were a reaction to the "direction" some tried to take this thread in


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
Blacks will always tell you that the most racist people they encounter are asians.
Yup, asians are racist. But guess what, they work hard, have higher IQ and basically have a better culture than everyone else. That's the difference.


Just less active
Oct 14, 2002
Yup, asians are racist. But guess what, they work hard, have higher IQ and basically have a better culture than everyone else. That's the difference.
The comment was 'alright' until the last five words. I know white people who work their tails off. Same for black, yellow, brown, and every other 'type of person' on the planet. The difference in my perspective is that I attribute the hard work to the person, so that lazy asians/whites/blacks/etc. don't take credit for the labours of hard-working asians/whites/blacks/etc.

All most people want is to be judged by what they do, not what someone else does. What would we say about Germans in light of Hitler?


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2007
OK this is really beginning to piss me off.

As soon as a black person does something wrong it becomes a convenient commentary on an entire group of people.

Well whynot888...Lets examine the reciprocal.

I have alot of asian friends and I can tell you that that group has more than its fair share of criminals...and the things I've witnessed in this group (for some reason they trust me) is appalling!! Grow ops, drug trafficking, arms dealing, swarmings, counterfiet money, counterfeit credit cards, boot legging, "collections", killings; yes whynot your precious asian people do this the asian guy they found a few months ago, hacked into pieces floating in a barrel in lake ontario. But no, us blacks did that too right? Give me a fucking break. BUT I have to give asians credit though...from what I've seen they make outstanding criminals because they have the amazing ability to fly way under the radar consistently. I know for a fact that just because you see a well off asian doesnt mean those riches were all earned legitimately....theres a good chance theres some shadiness in there and your best off to just not ask any questions lest you get indirectly involved.

Yeah you forgot about that stuff right? :rolleyes:

So your wife must be one of those asians that give me and my friends a holier than though dirty look when we are out minding our own business....yeah that scarey group of finance professionals, lawyers and engineers.

fuck you man....
don't hate me, hate your brothers!


Active member
Jan 16, 2004
I have alot of asian friends and I can tell you that that group has more than its fair share of criminals...and the things I've witnessed in this group (for some reason they trust me) is appalling!! Grow ops, drug trafficking, arms dealing, swarmings, counterfiet money, counterfeit credit cards, boot legging, "collections", killings;

So you have a lot of asians FRIENDS that are CRIMINALS, and you didn't report them to the police? Are you part of them?


New member
Jan 18, 2009
Yup, asians are racist. But guess what, they work hard, have higher IQ and basically have a better culture than everyone else. That's the difference.
If that's true, why aren't you rushing to emigrate to China, Phillipines, Vietnam or Korea?


Jan 31, 2005
You have all these people who seem to be an expert on black people but they really dont know any...
We should probably say "Jamaican" rather than "black" when talking about the fact that a certain ethnic group has a violent crime rate much higher than all other ethnic groups. Non-Jamaican blacks are not nearly as likely to commit acts of violence.

It's also worthwhile noting that Jamaica is a country that is famous for having one of the highest murder rates anywhere in the world.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
This thread is useless and should be locked.

People say things on line they would never say to your face. Makes you wonder.

Major Major

New member
Dec 15, 2002
Yup, I took it the wrong way.

Seeing as I have spent a significant amount of time out of my living room (actually my mom's basement!) it never occurred to me. Having just in the last year spent time in Haiti (as a volunteer pilot flying supplies in from the DR and setting up field hospitals) the DR, Antigua, Panama, Barbados (all in towns-NO resorts at all) , Morocco, a half dozen cities in the US including Washington DC, Raleigh/Durham NC, Chicago, Tampa, Miami, Kansas City, Erie and Pittsburgh PA, and in Canada Montreal, Winnipeg, and Surrey / Vancouver BC... not to mention Frankfurt Germany, Palma de Mallorca and Barcelona Spain, I hope you can understand why I would already consider one who "gets out" in the world.

So seeing as I was talking about the very real problem in the black community of not "snitching" and the role of intimidation and calling people cowards for not being "stand up" and challenging those who oppose or "disrespect" them to "step outside", I hope you can now see why a reasonable person might misunderstand your friendly invitation. Maybe it was the part of calling me a "coward" that threw me off your friendly invitation to enhance my life?
You may get out but it doesnt look like you let much in at all...

Thats funny because i understood what Toke meant. I guess we all interpret according to our predisposed beliefs.

Look pal, you mistake me for being a black hater. I'm not. I hate any fuckers who make their way in life by hurting others. You might be better off looking for solutions within your community rather than trying to whitewash or forcefully intimidate others into thinking that WE are the problem when we are scared of a group of young black kids wearing hoodies. They dress that way specifically to give the impression that they ARE bad ass! It works!
No Rub... they dress that way because thats what kids do. They dress according to the scene/music culture they are attracted to; whether it is rap, country, death name it. White kids do it too...and so do Asian kids. I see it all the time. Now granted SOME of these kids may be bad asses; and if thats the case then lets focus on those ones regardless of race or colour. But any of these Kids in Hoodies that I've had interaction with have been nothing less than polite and some even call me sir (believe it or not)

The black on black crime doesn't affect me one little bit here in Toronto because I NEVER go where it occurs. I'd like to say that I don't give a fuck because nobody is going to shoot my white ass. BUt i DO care because there are good and decent people and even not so good people that should not have to live under the threat of danger from little black motherfucker bastards who fuck up the communities with their guns and drugs. The black on black crime in black neighbourhoods is YOUR problem. And if those communities took the ONE step of RATTING OUT, SNITCHING on the fuckwad little bastards who are killing your friends and families, then that would disarm and take away one of the tools they have to intimidate and ruin your own communities.

If you want to argue with me over little detail shit and ignore the FACT that Jamaican violence IS a problem (yes I've been to Jamaica three times... always in a private guarded private compound but travelled extensively through the country and cities) then you are as much to blame for the violence as the one's giving your people a bad rep.
Look man dont pee on my head and tell me its raining.... dont tell me you care and then say its YOUR (as in the black people's) problem. Look man nobody expects you to solve the problem's of the black community or any other community; if you dont care you dont care. But i would say that your attitude is indeed part of the problem.

You dont see me saying... "that crazy Col. killing and raping those white girls...thats too bad...but is a white problem so fuck it". What kind of an attitude is that?


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
The comment was 'alright' until the last five words. I know white people who work their tails off. Same for black, yellow, brown, and every other 'type of person' on the planet.
If I said something like, tigers are stronger than hyenas, it would be a reasonable statement.
Generally speaking, most tigers can kick most hyenas' asses. But some hyenas can kill some tigers.

If that's true, why aren't you rushing to emigrate to China, Phillipines, Vietnam or Korea?
Because I'm not asian.

People say things on line they would never say to your face. Makes you wonder.
Well if that makes you wonder then I hate to think what deep thinking means to you.
Of course people say whatever shit they want to say here. It's anonymous.


Just less active
Oct 14, 2002
My apologies for misreading that word. The first thing that comes to mind with the word "toke" is to inhale the smoke of cannabis plant (weed) products. I tried to edumacate myself on the other meanings of it, but even my good friend Google could not enlighten me to another meaning of the word "toke".

Care to share the genesis of your handle "Toke"?
No, I will not share the genesis of my handle. Discretion anyone? It's an online handle for Christ sakes. So with you line of thinking: rubmeister100 is the 'master of rubbing'; fuji is a mountain, river, town, or former WWF manager; 5hummer is/owns 5 hummers or provides them; Answer is The Answer; AboveandBeyond is just that; Captain Canuck is some Canadian superhero; Meat Manager must own/works in store that sells meat; MPASquared is multiple MPAs; golfproo456 is obviously on the PGA tour; Bobzilla is a hybrid of an oversized lizard and a guy named Bob; and Musketeer is either one of the three or answers to an big mouse in white gloves.

I'll have to take your expert opinion on that as drugs are simply not part of my life, even peripherally. They were when I had a shitty life and it was my escape, but for many years now I find the reality of a good life is better! But you were smart enough to get the idea of what I was trying to communicate... so mission accomplished!
Huh? You start off 'holier than thou', then continue with what you used to do after insinuating that if I do, there is something wrong with me. Mission accomplished, hypocrite.

Seeing as I have spent a significant amount of time out of my living room (actually my mom's basement!) it never occurred to me. Having just in the last year spent time in Haiti (as a volunteer pilot flying supplies in from the DR and setting up field hospitals) the DR, Antigua, Panama, Barbados (all in towns-NO resorts at all) , Morocco, a half dozen cities in the US including Washington DC, Raleigh/Durham NC, Chicago, Tampa, Miami, Kansas City, Erie and Pittsburgh PA, and in Canada Montreal, Winnipeg, and Surrey / Vancouver BC... not to mention Frankfurt Germany, Palma de Mallorca and Barcelona Spain, I hope you can understand why I would already consider one who "gets out" in the world.
This was sounding alright aside from the fact that you obviously did what you did for altruistic reasons. But then....

Nah, I experience it a little better since I fuck your women! Both here and in Jamaica! They might not like Pigs, but they sure like the other white meat! Jerk chicken is good but Blackened Jerk Titties is wayyyyy better! Man, your women got some niiiiiice titties. But that fucking goat shit and oxtail and salt fish is downright NASTY.
Someone needs their meds to prevent unprovoked outburst such as this. BTW, Toke isn't Jamaican.

Look pal, you mistake me for being a black hater. I'm not. I hate any fuckers who make their way in life by hurting others. You might be better off looking for solutions within your community rather than trying to whitewash or forcefully intimidate others into thinking that WE are the problem when we are scared of a group of young black kids wearing hoodies. They dress that way specifically to give the impression that they ARE bad ass! It works!
The above rant leaves little to be mistaken.

The black on black crime doesn't affect me one little bit here in Toronto because I NEVER go where it occurs. I'd like to say that I don't give a fuck because nobody is going to shoot my white ass. BUt i DO care because there are good and decent people and even not so good people that should not have to live under the threat of danger from little black motherfucker bastards who fuck up the communities with their guns and drugs. The black on black crime in black neighbourhoods is YOUR problem. And if those communities took the ONE step of RATTING OUT, SNITCHING on the fuckwad little bastards who are killing your friends and families, then that would disarm and take away one of the tools they have to intimidate and ruin your own communities.
The problem with all your statements is that they are filled with ethnicity based context. Therefore, I can't take you seriously.

If you want to argue with me over little detail shit and ignore the FACT that Jamaican violence IS a problem (yes I've been to Jamaica three times... always in a private guarded private compound but travelled extensively through the country and cities) then you are as much to blame for the violence as the one's giving your people a bad rep.
Three whole times!? Ladies and gentlemen, we have an expert on all that is 'wrong' with Jamaica. I thought he had only been there twice, but THREE!?


Just less active
Oct 14, 2002
If I said something like, tigers are stronger than hyenas, it would be a reasonable statement.
Generally speaking, most tigers can kick most hyenas' asses. But some hyenas can kill some tigers.

Darwin strikes again. So you are trying to tell me that the obvious inherent differences between a tiger and a hyena, are similarly found between Asians, whites, and blacks. Your reasoning lacks.
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