The One Spa

New CRTC ruling handcuffs smaller internet service providers.


Active member
Jul 11, 2003
i have no problem with for what you use.
wheather you like bell rogers telus etc they have invested heavily in their networks and they are pretty good compared with some other countries

New member
Oct 5, 2010
i have no problem with for what you use.
wheather you like bell rogers telus etc they have invested heavily in their networks and they are pretty good compared with some other countries
Are you kidding? Canada gets hosed on internet access and cell phone usage compared to most other countries. I'd love to see comm companies from other countries set up shop here in Kanuckistan and put Bell out of business.

Any time consumers are getting hosed, there's a better than average chance Bell is involved somehow.


Active member
Jul 11, 2003
Are you kidding? Canada gets hosed on internet access and cell phone usage compared to most other countries. I'd love to see comm companies from other countries set up shop here in Kanuckistan and put Bell out of business.

Any time consumers are getting hosed, there's a better than average chance Bell is involved somehow.
i too would like to see comm companies from other countries set up shop in canada and then we would have real compertition and lower prices- unfortunatly not too many companies will be willing to spend the money to set up a network over such a large area with so few people ........


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2003
Sure, we would have real competition in Toronto and no service in the rest of the country (hyperbole).

However, it's a serious issue because the CRTC is figuring out what regulations to impose on the big players to ensure service in Canadian hinterlands, something no one cares about except those who live there and the Canadian government who is responsible for some level of minimum service as public policy.


Active member
Sep 1, 2001
absolutely nothing will happen to these monopolies. they'll continue to bend us over and fuck us from behind. We can't do anything about it.
I was with Acanac (a Bell reseller) for a year, when their rates went up I decided to try Mobilicity. Mobilicity isn't for everyone as the coverage is still a bit limited but I can set up the data stick as my home network and though it's no where near as fast as Rogers I am satisfied with the speed and I expect it to improve as more clients sign up and they continue to expand.

The best part is they will not be affected by this ruling as they are not a reseller, I'm not sure who they buy their wholesale internet from but if it's one of the big Canadian companies they can alway shop around if the prices go up. The reason their coverage is so limited right now is they are building their own wireless network. I'm sure it'll be slow going but I figure I'll stick it out with them for a little longer because I like when David stands up to Goliath, and I really like the $40 unlimited downloads with no contract. ;)


Jul 31, 2008
i have no problem with for what you use.
wheather you like bell rogers telus etc they have invested heavily in their networks and they are pretty good compared with some other countries
Canada and the US are among the worst served for Internet and cell phone service. The US is slightly better, and Canada slightly worse. But studies have shown Canada seriously lags behind other countries in all of these categories. We can thank the CRTC for that, they're an organization bought and paid for by the telecomm companies of which they are supposed to be the regulators, yet most of their execs come from these companies.


Active member
Jan 17, 2004
Harper has pretty much told the CRTC to back off or it will be disbanded.

While Harper is present, don't expect much regulation from the CRTC. This represents a significant problem, because Bell and Rogers are awful internet providers. I pay money to other companies to not have to deal with them. It also places unfair constraints on the Internet market in Canada, as both Bell and Rogers are affiliated with entertainment companies. It is in their best economic interest to discourage video and phone over the internet.


Sep 18, 2007
i have no problem with for what you use.
wheather you like bell rogers telus etc they have invested heavily in their networks and they are pretty good compared with some other countries
The problem is they are already paying. Bell just managed to con the CRTC into a double dip. Those resellers not only have to pay something like $20 a month per customer but also pay all the backhaul bandwidth costs already. Each reseller buys dedicated links from Bell to cover the bandwidth their customers use. This comes out to thousands a month per link.

Bell managed to convince Col. Klink at the CRTC that these dedicated links that they *sell* on contract with minimun usage rates are clogging the tubes for their poor retail customers. Now, even though they were selling the throughput to these resellers, the CRTC is allowing them to charge again for what the customers use. Their own retail customers can buy "insurance" blocks of usage for cheaper.

Remember to thank the government for letting Bell double dip once again....

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
Since some of you have been complaining about services.....I got an email from Telus this week, that if I want to continue to receive a paper bill, they will start charging an additonal $2/mnth. :(


Active member
Jul 11, 2003
Further GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT - THE CITIZENS OF CANADA funded the the building of the network. Take a look at the amount of money that was given to BELL and ROGERS and TELUS - further do you think that our ridiculous landline rates are just for profit?

The CRTC should be turfed, its useles.[/QUOTE]

if you want to get your facts straight our landline rates are pretty england and most of europe ALL calls even local are paid per minute ....but i do agree our cell rates are outrageous in england people use there cell more than a land line it is far cheaper


Active member
Jul 11, 2003
further more weather you love or hate the crtc (i am in the hate ) without them there would end up being only one provider ( bell telus rogers take your pick someone would end up being the one and only big chease.....


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
I'm not sure that's true, doggee. I am sure that the CRTC spends a good deal of time and thought trying to protect established Canadian players, which amounts to limiting competition. Trouble is thay also have a mandate to see that we consumers are served properly and to some extent that demands competition. And so because of them, there is only one cable TV/internet provider in each market, while—also because of them—there's any number of choices on the Bell wires to buy your phone or WWW from. I'd be happier with an agency that had one job; to make sure we Canadians had good, available, affordable communications reaching every part of the country. Let some one else worry about who's making profits.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
This will kill Netflix in Canada
That is the real objective.

Bell/Rogers/Cogeco/Telus want to protect their content businesses
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