If you had to dispatch a family pet, how would you do it?

Knight Rider

New member
Aug 23, 2008
Hey guys, thanks for all the responses. I've decided to do the old "grab them by the back legs and smack them off a brick wall" method. It's fast, painless, and not very messy. Hey, $50 is $50!

(btw, it's a cat. This "unconditional love" thing is absurd when talking about them.)
Unbelievable! You really are a sick individual.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
Hey guys, thanks for all the responses. I've decided to do the old "grab them by the back legs and smack them off a brick wall" method. It's fast, painless, and not very messy. Hey, $50 is $50!

(btw, it's a cat. This "unconditional love" thing is absurd when talking about them.)
while you made me chuckle with your attempt at humour you should also take into account that people are more attached to their pets then they are to other people.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
I know that other than for the hobby, Ontario and Toronto can often be strange places. Still is there not some organization that helps with subsidized euthanasia for pets?


Jan 26, 2010
Hey guys, thanks for all the responses. I've decided to do the old "grab them by the back legs and smack them off a brick wall" method. It's fast, painless, and not very messy. Hey, $50 is $50!

(btw, it's a cat. This "unconditional love" thing is absurd when talking about them.)
Just wait until one of your parents or a loved one dies and you learn how much a funeral costs for a human.

"I'm sorry, Officer, but I had to throw them in the lake; do you realize how much a funeral costs?! Money is money!"


Jan 4, 2005
Hey guys, thanks for all the responses. I've decided to do the old "grab them by the back legs and smack them off a brick wall" method. It's fast, painless, and not very messy. Hey, $50 is $50!

(btw, it's a cat. This "unconditional love" thing is absurd when talking about them.)

Just sick. I hope you're just a pathetic troll. Because, if not, you need a lot of help.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Going to the vet is not always a stressful thing to an animal, it depends on said animals experiences with vet, the vet him/herself.
I've had dogs who trembled until they were sure that they were not going to the vet's office, and others from the same bloodlines as the first who loved to go to the vets, and thought like TERBites that wrestling with the girls (otherwise known as Veterinary Assistants) was absolutely the highlight of their month.

Even the one who was the most trembly, otherwise probably the most loving dog I've ever had, was not afraid when the vet came and gave him an overdose, and I sat there with him until he went to sleep.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
.... If you love your dog, you would be there to look him in the eye as he dies. He will be just as dead at the vet's, but will die by a stranger's hand, scared. ..
Having had to put down a pet, I did the vet thing and still sat there with her until it was over.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
He thinks I'm a vet deriving my income from euthanizing pets since I said that I might know about the experience since I've done it. He never thought that maybe I was a pet owner myself and had to take a dog to get put to sleep.

I think he might be tboy?

First he says to put a 1/2 liter of gas in a lawnmower and give it three hours, then a half hour to air out the garage. Then he calls me a twit as I keep mentioning his math such that he now attributes this timing to me!

He doesn't understand the physics of a half liter of gas run through a 20cc lawnmower engine and that net CO output, rather he thinks of PPM of a car, neglecting the point that a 2.0 ltr engine is 20x (?) as big a source. Then claims that CO is odorless etc but forgets the rest of the combustion byproducts of running a lawnmower indoors would make your eyes water and your throat burn etc

He spouts off on the veracity of his back of the napkin recipe without a bit of concern about the possibility that the lawn mower dose might only cause the pet the smae amount of brain damage he has suffered somewhere along the line.

Very sad.
It's not surpirising to see him post that. In the politics forum he was arguing that a pregnant Israeli woman and her family deserved to be shot because they lived in an illegal settlement.

Some men you just can't reach.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Hey guys, thanks for all the responses. I've decided to do the old "grab them by the back legs and smack them off a brick wall" method. It's fast, painless, and not very messy. Hey, $50 is $50!

(btw, it's a cat. This "unconditional love" thing is absurd when talking about them.)
If you think that is funny I've got news for you, it's not.

This whole thread really sickens me and is an eye opener to just how sub human people can be.

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
It always blows my mind how alot more people would stop when an animal is hit by a car...rather than when a human is..... Some would choose an animal over a human. That's pathetic.


New member
Nov 20, 2005
Hey guys, thanks for all the responses. I've decided to do the old "grab them by the back legs and smack them off a brick wall" method. It's fast, painless, and not very messy. Hey, $50 is $50!

(btw, it's a cat. This "unconditional love" thing is absurd when talking about them.)

What an ass. For the first time i wish LE was reading the forms. At least your cat will finally be free of you.

TGirl Nikki

New member
May 12, 2009
Bay & Bloor
It always blows my mind how alot more people would stop when an animal is hit by a car...rather than when a human is..... Some would choose an animal over a human. That`s pathetic.
No offense, but I`ve met some really poor excuses for human beings, and in a lot of cases, I`d happily choose a wonderful animal over a pathetic human.

Animals never mean you any harm, and as long as you treat them with respect, they`ll never, ever hurt you. People, on the other hand, can be pretty fucked up sometimes. So, if it`s a choice between a loving pet and a disgusting human, I`m not going to automatically save the human without thinking it over first. I think you can tell more about a person`s true nature by observing how they treat all animals, not just humans (who are, of course, also animals).

For the record, I`ve stopped for injured animals and humans alike...


...but that doesn`t mean I`ll always choose a human over an animal. Especially if the human is one of the all-too-common trolls that have taken over this thread (and the rest of the site).

Damn, my ignore button is getting a lot of use these days. :p


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
It's not surpirising to see him post that. In the politics forum he was arguing that a pregnant Israeli woman and her family deserved to be shot because they lived in an illegal settlement.

Some men you just can't reach.
I didn't say they deserved it, I said I had no sympathy for them... what is with you pro Isrealis, can you not speak the truth even once? Funny such a thing would offend you when you seem to constantly justify the killing of Pali civilians...


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
NO, you're WRONG!!!!

It is a horrible thing! They just know you are taking to the vet's to be killed!

Just put them in the garage with that nice soothing odorless lawnmower running for three hours... much more humane !

Would be something that T-Boy would think? No... NOT-TI-BOI
Yes and when the cat is dead you can use the mower to mulch the body to complete the natural cycle of life ....lol


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
If you think that is funny I've got news for you, it's not.

This whole thread really sickens me and is an eye opener to just how sub human people can be.
Man you live a sheltered life...you have no clue as to how vicous the human animal is...

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
It always blows my mind how alot more people would stop when an animal is hit by a car...rather than when a human is..... Some would choose an animal over a human. That's pathetic.
Somebody always as to chime in with this one.

Animals are seen as more defenceless than humans and thus garner more sympathy.

We are the ultimate predators and see each other as such.

Me I would stop for animal or human alike and would assist in any way I could.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
No offense, but I've met some really poor excuses for human beings, and in a lot of cases, I'd happily choose a wonderful animal over a pathetic human.

Animals never mean you any harm, and as long as you treat them with respect, they'll never, ever hurt you. People, on the other hand, can be pretty fucked up sometimes. So, if it's a choice between a loving pet and a disgusting human, I'm not going to automatically save the human without thinking it over first. I think you can tell more about a person's true nature by observing how they treat all animals, not just humans (who are, of course, also animals).

For the record, I've stopped for injured animals and humans alike...

...but that doesn't mean I'll always choose a human over an animal. Especially if the human is one of the all-too-common trolls that have taken over this thread (and the rest of the site).

There are lots of things in place to help humans - every conceivable social organization from police and fire through to social services to health care to family.

Animals have nothing.
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