Homeless "People"

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New member
Jul 13, 2009
There are literally a hundred thousand things that homeless people who can function can do to get food, shelter, and clothing. There is welfare, food banks, homeless shelters, and by god why dont they fucking take a shower in some public bathroom, go to a local grocery store in china town or somewhere and offer to work for like $5.00 an hour cash under table? go work as a carny at the carnival, go clean the shit out of toilets. That beats begging for money any day.
I think I would rather beg!


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
Save up the change one Would give to the homeless... wait until it's enough to but a downright OD toxic amount of drugs then give it to the most degenerate junkie you can find... Hopefully he buys more than he can handle & the money will actually do some good....
Wouldn't it be quicker to set them on fire? :rolls eyes:


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
once a month i go to the bank and i get 20$ changed into rolls of pennies, then i drive around downtown late at night and do a drive by throw as hard as i can at the homeless i see. i have made giving to the homeless fun.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
as usual some of the Terb slimeballs have slithered from under their rocks..pieces of dirt like Mexi and the new kid on the block Wallstreet.., an ironic handle seeing that he extolls the virtues of that Commie state China.., when pigs like the above two, actually offer up solutions to the homeless situation, instead of puerile and infantile suggestions..and in the case of mexi, criminal solutions, then i might take these trolls seriously..until then i will try to ignore these anal cankers, and hope the rest of humanity is not like alot of cretins on this board


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
thank you Chungkwang..post #21..an island in a sea of toxic waste


New member
Apr 1, 2005
Some things probably should be clarified. Surprisingly, a large percentage of homeless people in major cities which have a substantial cost of living actually could be productive members of society. They just can't afford the rent. I seem to remember reading a study about Calgary during its boom, and was horrified by the fact that 30% of the homeless in Calgary had jobs; they just couldn't come up with first and last month's rent. That being said, nobody would rent to you anyway if you had no permanent address. So the slope became very slippery once you lost your permanent residence. Even employment without a fixed address is hard.

As for cops taking care of the problem, you should try visiting Winnipeg. The cops used to take the troublemakers and drive them to the edge of town, and drop them off in the middle of winter. Until somebody died. Wasn't so funny anymore.

The chinese do a pretty good job in violating human rights. Go ask one of the 50,000 people who lost their homes when the government took them so they could build the Expo 2010 site.

Plan B is right; most of the homeless do have a mental illness. If they didn't, being homeless brings on mental illness. And then drug/alcohol addiction. Giving them money isn't a solution, but neither is kicking them while they're down. Until people recognize the shortcomings of all the solutions society has come up with, and push for something more comprehensive than a band-aid solution, it won't go away. By the way, ever notice how few asians (chinese, japanese, east indian, vietnamese, korean, etc.) are homeless? Their families would never let them fall that far. Something to think about...
Interesting point about the lack of homeless asians. I would extend it to include immigrants in general. it is mainly canadians, born and bred, that are homeless. Many are mentally screwed up as has been pointed out and any "solution" would involve large amounts of money. Quick - who wants to raise taxes or user fees to support the homeless?


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2003
as usual some of the Terb slimeballs have slithered from under their rocks..pieces of dirt like Mexi and the new kid on the block Wallstreet.., an ironic handle seeing that he extolls the virtues of that Commie state China.., when pigs like the above two, actually offer up solutions to the homeless situation, instead of puerile and infantile suggestions..and in the case of mexi, criminal solutions, then i might take these trolls seriously..until then i will try to ignore these anal cankers, and hope the rest of humanity is not like alot of cretins on this board
Wow, I was cranking myself up and this literary masterpiece was released.


New member
Jan 22, 2004
Sunnyvale Trailerpark
Well I used to give money to homeless/panhandlers...usually something like $10 a throw. But then I would often get comments like, "thanks alot buddy, I'm not gonna lie to you, this is going straight to the LCBO!" so now I don't give them anymore.


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
When I give, it their money how to spend it anyway they want. Just as if somebody gives you money they are not going to tell you how to spend it.
I am not homeless nor on drugs, but if I get a bunch of extra money it is bound to find it's way into the hands of an SP.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
A homeless guy once told me that only in Toronto could a homeless person get fat from all the food available at missions and soup kitchens etc. The real problem is mental illness. A high percentage of people on the street should be in an institution or should be on their medication which they never take. These people would be hard pressed to work 2 hours at a minimum wage job so job creation is not the solution. We gotta get these folks back on their meds, since they would pretty much have to kill somebody to be institutionalized.
Well put Plan B.

For the most part, the problem is it's hard to really hard know if someone is a lazy opportunist or if they are truly suffering from mental illness. It's got to be difficult for someone with mental issues to hold down a job so they inevitably turn to begging. I have no idea what the percentage of mentally ill vs. opportunists is, but I'm sure there's plenty who've discovered it's easier to hold out a cup for tax free $$$ then it is to get a real job.

I never give money to people who simply say "can you spare some change". I didn't work all day to hand over my hard earned money for nothing. On the other hand, if I see a guy in front of the LCBO or in the subway playing an instrument, I'll toss them some change. At least they're doing something! I also don't mind buying someone a slice if they're hungry once in a while. But as for the fit, well dressed teenage punks with the $150 Nike shoes hitting me up for change at the pay and display machines, piss off!


New member
Jul 28, 2010
To all of you who give to homeless, you are fools. Fools because you are just broadcasting a silent message that the trend will continue. Not only would I not give any money to a homeless person, I wouldn't even give them 1 cent. You heard me right. I am not for communism like the idiot a couple posts up said, I only liked how the china gov't dealt with homeless people, they literally broomed them aside.

There are no excuses for anyone to live in a country like canada and not be able to make enough money to pay for your rent, food and clothing. Go on welfare, go get a job in chinatown even if its working for $5.00 an hour cash. go work at a carnival, go clean out washrooms. theres millions of things, homeless are not considered people they are social parasites and it baffles me that canadian civilians actually give in to these parasites.

and its not about 'you not giving them $ isnt going to help cure their addiction', if no one ever gave homeless money they would never be doing it, or very few would not like how it is now, toronto every fucking shoppers drugmart has a homeless crackhead outside. every block has a homeless methhead. the point of not giving $ is you are discouraging them from begging and encouring them to seek other means such as getting a job. someone tell me why these people dont go on social assistance or welfare? there are homeless shelters in the downtown core all over the place, food banks.

People who give $ to homeless are scum imo. and lastly, how ignorant can civilized citizens of this country get? it is a coincidence that homeless parasites camp outside of LCBO's ? yet people still throw them money, how hard is it to put 2and2 together? why do you think they are outside of a liquor shop..


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010
It really ticks me off when im waiting for the light to turn red
Who the hell waits for the light to turn red ?

I just keep driving if the light is green (and usually when it's yellow).


I've seen your member
Oct 24, 2008
all over the GTA
To all of you who give to homeless, you are fools. Fools because you are just broadcasting a silent message that the trend will continue. Not only would I not give any money to a homeless person, I wouldn't even give them 1 cent. You heard me right. I am not for communism like the idiot a couple posts up said, I only liked how the china gov't dealt with homeless people, they literally broomed them aside.

There are no excuses for anyone to live in a country like canada and not be able to make enough money to pay for your rent, food and clothing. Go on welfare, go get a job in chinatown even if its working for $5.00 an hour cash. go work at a carnival, go clean out washrooms. theres millions of things, homeless are not considered people they are social parasites and it baffles me that canadian civilians actually give in to these parasites.

and its not about 'you not giving them $ isnt going to help cure their addiction', if no one ever gave homeless money they would never be doing it, or very few would not like how it is now, toronto every fucking shoppers drugmart has a homeless crackhead outside. every block has a homeless methhead. the point of not giving $ is you are discouraging them from begging and encouring them to seek other means such as getting a job. someone tell me why these people dont go on social assistance or welfare? there are homeless shelters in the downtown core all over the place, food banks.

People who give $ to homeless are scum imo. and lastly, how ignorant can civilized citizens of this country get? it is a coincidence that homeless parasites camp outside of LCBO's ? yet people still throw them money, how hard is it to put 2and2 together? why do you think they are outside of a liquor shop..
WOW.. you really are something else.. There are many many many reason a person ends up on the street.. some are lazy yes.. but some have no one . some are mentally ill.. we do not know the back story as to why they end up where they are .. and who do you really think you are to say and be so negative towards these people.. if you do not want to help them thats fine .. just walk away .. don't go kicking them while they are already down...


Active member
Aug 26, 2001
Wallstreet and themexi, two shining examples of human kindness and compassion.

P.S. here is a once homeless guy who turned his life around and I'll bet is worth more than both those two put together.



New member
Jul 28, 2010
WOW.. you really are something else.. There are many many many reason a person ends up on the street.. some are lazy yes.. but some have no one . some are mentally ill.. we do not know the back story as to why they end up where they are .. and who do you really think you are to say and be so negative towards these people.. if you do not want to help them thats fine .. just walk away .. don't go kicking them while they are already down...
Do you know how to read? I said I support giving $ to people with natural causes like retardation which includes the mentally ill, no legs, blind people, things like that.


I've seen your member
Oct 24, 2008
all over the GTA
Do you know how to read? I said I support giving $ to people with natural causes like retardation which includes the mentally ill, no legs, blind people, things like that.
oh yes I read your post..
very childish to say the least..
Like I said . You do not know the persons back story.. so really who are you to judge these people ?


New member
Jul 28, 2010
Like I said, I don't care about their stories. If they decided to smoke crack or start drinking alcohol it is their own problem. I can't stand them asking me for $ everywhere I go, its disgusting. I really, honestly don't care about their back stories. They can go to homeless shelters and get food, clothing, and shelter there instead of begging everywhere for money.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
OK Smallpeet, are you as rich as Bill Gates? Why not? You make an assumption that says there is no excuse for people to be homeless in Canada. Fine. I believe there is NO EXCUSE for everyone not to be as rich as Bill Gates.

So, are you as rich as Bill Gates? Of course not - you clearly don't have the intelligence (not to mention the compassion, human decency, and even the geeky looks). But perhaps you also didn't get the right breaks. Maybe you didn't have the same family structure that allowed him to pursue his hobby or business. Some people are forced to support infirm or sick parents, or take care of children. Sure, and some of them succeed as well and some don't. Some people cannot work so hard because they are born with congenital heart defects, etc...

What you've done Smallpeet is drawn a line in the sand and said "There's no excuse to go lower than this." Well, I'm just going to raise that line, and say that there's no reason that we all should not be as rich as Bill Gates. Now here's the kicker - for every excuse you provide for reasons why people can't be as rich as Bill Gates, I'm going to tell you it's horseshit, and that anyone can do it, regardless of luck, mental capability, family circumstance, illness or other circumstance. Let's not pay people middle-class wages, so that they're forced to get rich like Bill Gates.

You want to know why homeless people don't go on social assistance or welfare, or get food and shelter? Some are too destitute to even have, remember or apply for a SIN number. All of these programs require cheques to be mailed out which requires a bank account - and bank accounts require addresses and forms of identification to open-up, which many homeless people don't have. Chances are if you look homeless and smell homeless, that white-bread bank manager won't even allow you into the bank, let alone open up and account for you. Perhaps these people have credit problems and know that every penny that goes into their account goes out to someone else. As for food and shelters, there is such a chronic shortage of beds that there are street patrols that go out at night to hand-out food and blankets. Not every person gets a shelter.

Now are there some homeless people who can get through their circumstance, sure there are. Is there someone who will be the next Bill Gates? Sure there is - but the next time you ask yourself why someone still needs to be homeless, remember my voice asking you why you aren't Bill Gates, and also remember it asking why you aren't generally a more nice and considerate person.
Read the first 2 sentences of your post and put you on my ignore list. Wow that was quick. I know what you are going to start baffling about 'oh but mr wallstreet are you as rich as billy boy gates im just going to invert your theory of no excuse to be x poor vs no excuse to be rich as mr billy gates'.

I love that ignore button. Thanks to the mod who showed me it.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
And I agree with this too.
Blissful, there is no need for me to counter an argument as stupid and foolish as 4tees. His argument is based on homeless people not having ID and SIN cards? Go and fucking register for one then. Go take a shower in a public washroom and get some clean clothes from value village and walk into a bank like a real human and open a bank account if its needed. There are countless shelters they can go to rather then begging.

Comparing why humans have no excuse to be as rich as bill gates vs humans have no excuse to be homeless is ludacris. the likeliness of becoming a billionaire 50 times over are almost impossible. comparing that to the likeliness of someone becoming as poor to become homeless in a place like canada? There are dumb idiots who can still apply to welfare. Go clean a washroom, go work in china town, go work as a carny at carnivals. theres enough things to do.

wont be making any further replies to that fool's "argument".
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