A phenomenal read/Blog

Mizz Martinez

New member
Sep 3, 2010
Surrey BC
Thank you, I am happy that you have enjoyed it. :)
LOL, you're too funny, Larissa has long retired and has moved on with her life, she will continue to write.


New member
Jul 6, 2008
I disagree. I found it quite interesting. She pretty much cuts out all the bullshit. A different POV.
However, I do wonder how bad her crack problem was really since she was able to kick it so easily. And she doesn't talk about getting tested even though she provided (or provides) BBFS. And who the fuck does this?!? http://leavingthesextrade.blogspot.com/2010/09/clients.html
And the title of the blog is somewhat deceiving since it doesn't look like she's really going to ever (totally) leave the sex business.

Mizz Martinez

New member
Sep 3, 2010
Surrey BC
I disagree. I found it quite interesting. She pretty much cuts out all the bullshit. A different POV.
However, I do wonder how bad her crack problem was really since she was able to kick it so easily. And she doesn't talk about getting tested even though she provided (or provides) BBFS. And who the fuck does this?!? http://leavingthesextrade.blogspot.com/2010/09/clients.html
And the title of the blog is somewhat deceiving since it doesn't look like she's really going to ever (totally) leave the sex business.
She is not finished with writing her story. Every day she writes more and more. My suggestion just read and look for new posts. She is no longer an addict and is now living in Greece, where she is doing much better. The more she writes the more you will see that this "broken girl" is no longer "broken"


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2003
I'm curious...is she a uniquely troubled woman or does she represent the views of most SP's?

I understand why so many women don't last long as SP's because it can be grueling and lonely even while you're making good money. But she genuinely seems to dislike men intensely.


New member
Jul 6, 2008
She is not finished with writing her story. Every day she writes more and more. My suggestion just read and look for new posts. She is no longer an addict and is now living in Greece, where she is doing much better. The more she writes the more you will see that this "broken girl" is no longer "broken"
But is she still escorting in Greece?

Mizz Martinez

New member
Sep 3, 2010
Surrey BC
No, she has been out of the industry for a year, she is studying in Greece.

I can say that as I have read her story I have had many moments, moments of laughter, tears, fear, I love how she writes with simplicity.

Mizz Martinez

New member
Sep 3, 2010
Surrey BC
I'm curious...is she a uniquely troubled woman or does she represent the views of most SP's?

I understand why so many women don't last long as SP's because it can be grueling and lonely even while you're making good money. But she genuinely seems to dislike men intensely.
No it's not the views of all Sps sweetie, it's her experience, her point of view, she even states in the beginning some may not like it and some will. This industry is a world of secrecy, some of us ladies have to hide what we do, from our children, our families, friends, school if we attend one, you pooners sometimes have to hide things from your wives, GFs, co-workers, ect. She admits that she hates men, but keep reading, she has much more to say.


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2001
i found it fascinating. I still wonder how close these views represent those of the average sex trade worker. I'll bet pretty close.
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Jan 4, 2005
I got a headache after reading her writing. Just a sentence. Stops. Another short sentence. Stops. Repeats the same thing over. Stops. Goes on forever. Stops.


New member
Nov 7, 2009
k/w area
I'm finding it a fascinating read as well. I just read about the rape, and found myself having to re-read it to make sure what I was reading was correct. At the end of the day, I guess the question to ask is if the risks are worth the so-called "rewards". Of course, I'm only looking at it from the pooner end of things.

Mizz Martinez

New member
Sep 3, 2010
Surrey BC
I got a headache after reading her writing. Just a sentence. Stops. Another short sentence. Stops. Repeats the same thing over. Stops. Goes on forever. Stops.
If you actually read it, it makes sense, you have to remember that she quit at a young age. She has an impediment, she talks about it as you read further into the her story.

I'm finding it a fascinating read as well. I just read about the rape, and found myself having to re-read it to make sure what I was reading was correct. At the end of the day, I guess the question to ask is if the risks are worth the so-called "rewards". Of course, I'm only looking at it from the pooner end of things.
There are risks in everything. Us ladies take a large risk, you pooners take a large, this industry is full of risks, hence the reason that majority of us approach with caution. When I read about her rape, I became angry, scared, sad. That's a horrible thing to have happen, whether young or old.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
I have read each of her posts and although it is fascinating and sounds legit, I am jaded enough to wonder whether it is true. For all we know it could be a guy writing the blog, or just a bored housewife. Who knows. I wish I were more open and accepting, but its the internet, and its the sex trade. I will keep reading but I wonder if its all bullshit. Sad but true.

Mizz Martinez

New member
Sep 3, 2010
Surrey BC
I have read each of her posts and although it is fascinating and sounds legit, I am jaded enough to wonder whether it is true. For all we know it could be a guy writing the blog, or just a bored housewife. Who knows. I wish I were more open and accepting, but its the internet, and its the sex trade. I will keep reading but I wonder if its all bullshit. Sad but true.
It's true, whether we like it or not it is true. She posted it on another board, along with some other things, someone had the same thoughts as you, maybe it's a guy, but it isn't. One can only be as open and as accepting as one wants to be. This is the sex trade, and what has happened to her has happened to many others. It is reality, whether we like it or not.


New member
Jul 6, 2008
I have read each of her posts and although it is fascinating and sounds legit, I am jaded enough to wonder whether it is true. For all we know it could be a guy writing the blog, or just a bored housewife. Who knows. I wish I were more open and accepting, but its the internet, and its the sex trade. I will keep reading but I wonder if its all bullshit. Sad but true.
There's too much SP lingo to be a housewife (unless she surfs sites like TERB). It could be a pooner. But I'm getting a sense that it's written from a woman's POV. So maybe blissful? JK.
BTW I didn't know that SP = Sexual Professional; I always thought it meant service provider.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
It's true, whether we like it or not it is true. She posted it on another board, along with some other things, someone had the same thoughts as you, maybe it's a guy, but it isn't. One can only be as open and as accepting as one wants to be. This is the sex trade, and what has happened to her has happened to many others. It is reality, whether we like it or not.
Do you know for sure? Do you know Larissa? I am not trying to be a hard-ass, and the stories seem entirely believable and are, frankly, the type of experiences and sentiments and emotions one would expect a woman in this industry to go through. But apart from the seeming believability of it all, how are you so certain that this particular blogger is who she claims to be? Thanks.


New member
Mar 23, 2007
There's too much SP lingo to be a housewife (unless she surfs sites like TERB). It could be a pooner. But I'm getting a sense that it's written from a woman's POV. So maybe bliss? JK.
BTW I didn't know that SP = Sexual Professional; I always thought it meant service provider.
I don't venture over this way much. Is Veena still around ;-). Larissa is indeed a real women and what's she's blogging is what was her reality. I'm dated her for approximately 9 months and she did live with me for some time. I wasn't privy to all the details of her life but had a general idea. I know more about her recent past and less about her life in Toronto. Much of that is a mystery and will probably remain that way eternally. Her English is admittedly poor but some of it is an impediment she has getting the thoughts from her brain to paper. It's something she had since being a child and I would surmise probably one of the causes of her frustration when going to school. She was reticent to blog because of her bad English but I told her do it & post the raw & blunt truth.

As I read this blog I see many sides to her. I wasn't aware of all of them to be honest...some surprise or disappoint me. But I hear her loud and clear and what point she is making. Her ramblings seem to take no sides either. There are good pooners & bad pooners. There are good SP's & bad SP's. We used to sit and talk about this industry when she lived with me. She would tell me it has a way of distorting reality...akin to the Stockholm Syndrome pooner style. She did believe that regulars did cherish her and desire her. The sex trade is incredibly complex and there are many "levels" of pooners & relationships they have with SP's. Her writing smashes down the stereotypes yet also reinforces them all in the same sentence. This is a secretive industry, from the women working in it to the pooners that pay up...and each woman has a different experience. Obviously some are better and my thoughts would be that providers that entered the industry at an older age might have a better control/grasp on their lives. A lost young woman is easy prey for this trade. The lure of easy money and I suppose for some that sense of power and control. Both are intoxicating & both can be incredibly destructive.

It's rarely mentioned on these sex forums but exiting this trade is pure hell. Society sees these chicks as drug addicts & losers. They have limited options and the longer they are in the busines the tougher it gets. It's tough being 40 changing careers, it's tougher when your resume says "SP" on it. The introduction of Larissa into my life has completely altered how I see these women. I considered myself one of those "understanding types" who had an open mind. Larissa showed me that the reality was I was exactly the opposite of that. I had predetermined ideas about this trade. Almost all of them were wrong. I now count SP's in my circle of friends and I'm not longer embarrassed to say I'd get invovled with one. Yep, there are some real train wrecks out there (and who hasn't been there) but there are some women that astonish me with their character & intelligence.


New member
May 31, 2009
4 x 6 Dorm Room
Reading this blog frustrates me a little bit; she goes off to categorize all men monsters– that they all revolve around desire and using her as a doll. While on the other hand tries to point it off that women shouldn’t be treated with disrespect. Yet the majority of instances that she talks about men, it’s in a demeaning sense.

It’s a two way street from a client perspectives as well. Why should he bend over backwards for her when she only perceives him as a walking bill?

"I can tell already. He is stupid. He is stupid around women. He's the dog to the bone. I can order the most expensive. He will pay. I can just fuck him. It's easy payment and he will pay. I eat and drink. It's good. I don't get this so much. I am poor now. Mr Limp is there. He asks do I need a taxi. I say it's so close. I can walk. And him? He doesn't do anything. He just tells me you have a good night. I think hello. Are you there Mr Limp

Limp goes off. I watch it. I think are you stupid. You can't know this game buddy? It's no game. I walk home. It's close. I wonder what is wrong with me. Limp won't stop? He is older. I am younger. He should be looking."

And when a man actually treats her well, she's thinks something is wrong with him, or he's stupid? Women like this don't deserve respect from men, it's simple as that.


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
I think that anything an old whore like this says, or sais, has to be taken as mostly bullshit. Imagine how many guys she's fucked over or robbed in her day.
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