How many SP's actually save money?


New member
Nov 27, 2006
Maybe they're just tricking you guys saying they are broke?
Haha...that's the first thing I knew from the get go before starting this hobby ;)

BTW, I am surprised you haven't mentioned they use tricks like they say they love you, even though not enough to give you true contact info, or claim being single moms, i.e. having kids to feed at home to get more tips from the hobbyists.


Gold Member
Jan 7, 2002

There is always a goal in saving money in life... Some are for retirement and most are for family or next generation so to speak.

For some that are single, greed = money.. They are not satisfy with their way of life and will try to make more to compensate for their happiness... Some ended up borrowing... Getting equity out of their home.. At the end of the day, they are acting as a slave for money.

For those with family... Young ones... Elderly parents that they have to look after will try to save and build their estate. I.e. They gotta think about "what will happen to my family if I die today"? If a sp is in such situation... I don't think they will live a lavish lifestyle and would try to save every penny they earn.

I think a life insurance would definitely make sense to ease these type of worries and will be a good form of estate creation. However, they would have to disclose their true occupation and might ended up with a higher premium based on the high risk nature of the job.


New member
Jul 4, 2007
i personally save a handsome sum of money each month from my job however i work hard and i know i cant do this forever! so i make the most i can then retire happily!


Gold Member
Jan 7, 2002
I wondered how inflation would affect the sp rates? It seems like the rate have been keeping quite steady if not going higher.

I think the hh incall rates for agency were 120 few years back and recently 140, and some charges 160.. I think it is growing at a faster rate than money!!


Mar 6, 2007
The Hammer
Well if you seen my portfolio of real estate and some Gics, Bonds, a mutual getting me shit right now. Cash and some other things not really assets sport car, truck boat jewelry.

Long and short probably why dating for me in personal life is hard now. My net 2 or 3 times theirs. at 30 yrs of age i am on track to be able to what ever I please at 40 45.

Sadly though being in biz 10 yrs now and knowing many girls not too many come close to what I have.


New member
Nov 27, 2006
Well if you seen my portfolio of real estate and some Gics, Bonds, a mutual getting me shit right now. Cash and some other things not really assets sport car, truck boat jewelry.
Sounds prudent since this job nature is similar to Equities when it comes to volatility, security and risks. Always better to have super sized cash flows or liquid capital ready for rainy days.

WRT "mutual", I suspect you are talking about actively managed mutual funds. If that's the case, stay away, redeem everything asap so long there's no DSC fees and invest the proceeds over time in index funds or ETFs based on your risk profile.

The MER and trailer fees on actively managed mutual funds are slowly eating away the performance and that's assume the fund manager pick the right stocks, something that is not certain.

Long and short probably why dating for me in personal life is hard now. My net 2 or 3 times theirs. at 30 yrs of age i am on track to be able to what ever I please at 40 45. addition to subtly showing your net worth here when you explain why you remain single, is it possible that being a pro for so long makes you trust no men?

Sadly though being in biz 10 yrs now and knowing many girls not too many come close to what I have.
Well Duh!
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Apr 24, 2005
Long and short probably why dating for me in personal life is hard now.
Boyfriends (and girlfriends) come and go but your net worth is your own. I have a friend who has the same "problem" as you. He inherited money in his 30's when his dad passed. He then bought his aunt's house for a song when she went to the nursing home. Human life being what it is, his next inheritances will be from his grandmother and mother. He refused to let his former girlfirend who didn't work to move into his house.


Apr 24, 2005
Sadly though being in biz 10 yrs now and knowing many girls not too many come close to what I have.
Too many boyfriends, fast cars, alcohol, weed, bad investment advice, etc. Reminds me of the story of Maple Leaf hockey great Harvey "Busher" Jackson. In retirement, it was rumoured that he was seen outside Maple Leaf Garden begging for spare change.


Apr 24, 2005
I would say that it is completely possible to save 100-200k a year for the average girl.
Maybe theyre just tricking you guys saying they are broke?
I just knew it. Our Lisa of Toronto (and sometimes Jamaica) is pulling our legs pleading poverty.

Old Irish proverb: "Never trust an escort pleading poverty."


Active member
Jan 31, 2005
Would you save money, if you knew you can walk into a SC and make money for wearing your underwear.!!! I understand the job is hard, but we have all seen girls make quick money in a ridiculous amount of time. I go to a club, not one of the popular ones and I am amazed at what I see. Average girls making money dancing for some old geezer, then an hour goes by and they come out of the back room.
My point is, we are ALL thinking like men - with some rational.
Put yourself in there position, men fill up a club to see naked girls. I am sure alot of these young girls think that they will find a rich boyfriend at a certain point, I mean lately alot of girls seeming to be "interviewing" me.


New member
May 5, 2010
San Jose, CA
my wife is a dancer. when I met her she made over $160k/yr... since I have become a 'provider' for her, she only works 2-3 nights per week and I have no idea what she makes... I think about $200/night. quite a decrease, but she's nearing the ending of her career and I expect she'll move onto something different in about a year or two. Perhaps escorting, but probably something mainstream. She has some business acumen. She owns two rental properties (mortgage free) and has about $70k cash saved up. So, I'm guessing a networth of around $900k. I think her personal net worth is pretty even with my own ($750k)... maybe hers is slightly more, but I'm more of a spender/high earner... she's a saver. I have debt. She hates debt and has none currently.

I'm most certain that every scenario is different.

Now, my fav dancer at Landing Strip definitely has a different story to tell. She makes $1k/night and is about 22yrs. old in her first year of dancing. a fresh face and not much expenses or cares in the world. She let's her mother save all of her money for her. I think it's in exchange for her to take care of her mom in old age. If this girl stays along this path, I think she'll retire a multi-millionaire by 30.


Active member
Jan 31, 2005
@ Splooge - did u say your partner might go into escorting.??? How do you feel about that?


Dec 25, 2006
A friend of mine in SoCal owns a strip club and has been in the business for the better part of almost 15 years. A couple of years ago I asked him that after seeing thousands upon thousands of girls go through his club, how many did he meet that actually saved their money and retired financially independent.

His answer, and I quote, "2".


Apr 20, 2010
Any transaction over $5k is guaranteed to raise suspicion. Any pattern of transactions under $5k that look like they are intentionally trying to avoid the $5k reporting limit will certainly raise eyebrows.

From a savings point of view what is more likely to raise suspicion is a large balance. Eventually the CRA will notice. Maybe not for several years, but they can audit you back several years into the past (5-10 depending), and if they audit you for one year, odds are thy will look back several previous years.

I would recommend that an SP declare at least a large portion of her income and put it in the bank. First, the business isn't illegal, and the CRA isn't going to come and lecture you on your lifestyle, and they'll keep the record secret. Second, you could just list it as "self employment income" and put down "entertainer" or something, you don't have to be specific, and CRA won't really care either, so long as you report it.

You could then save maybe half the money you reported in a proper investment account or something. You also would be able to write off all sorts of business expenses--if you rent a place to entertain clients, or your car, clothes you buy for the job, money you spend advertising, paying drivers, food while you are working, etc., you can write that all off, so taxes are going to be lower than you think.

This industry is *legal* in Canada, and there are generous deductions available for small business owners, which is what all you SP's really are, so taxes are not really the big problem you think they are. Get an accountant who is open minded and file something. Maybe not 100% of your income, but enough that you can have real savings in the bank.

Kacy, this is a lot easier than you think, you have nothing to be ashamed of about your job, and you have a great opportunity to save a lot of money if you do this right. It won't take you long to get it set up, and you'll be able to breathe freely wrt CRA, etc.
A smart cookie


Apr 20, 2010
One of the guys in my company grosses over $1million a year but is always broke. Why? He has to keep up appearances. Big house. A trophy spendthrift wife. 3 big cars. 4 kids attending U.S. universities, each with their own car. Plus, he spends over $100,000 a year on his mistress (condo, car, fur coats, etc.).

I started a thread about how SP's got their start in this business about a year or so ago. One SP said she was homeless so decided to get into this business to make money. Paid off all her debts. Then with the help of a nice client bought an agency which is now one of the largest in the GTA. If you can find that thread, you will also find out who is this lady.

BTW I think almost everybody is broke. I put some items up for sale on CL. 98% of the enqueries came from people who had no money but lots of time to call people like me trying to sell some stuff for money.
Totally agree with your points. You can be broke in any situation. I know at least 2 of my colleagues (as SPs in the other side) who work in this business for paying off their student loan. If you have a chance to work in the medical service, you will know some their stories.

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Apr 24, 2005
His answer, and I quote, "2".
I don't think the answer would be that different in the civilian world. Even celebrities who made big bucks end up broke. Corey Heim died broke. Spencer Pratt is broke and living off his credit cards. Greece is broke. Spain is broke. Sorry, I digress. As I mentioned previously, I placed an ad in CL to sell some items and 99% of the people who called had no money.


Apr 20, 2010
I sure hope they do. I have met a number of young women who have impressed me not only with their beauty but with their intelligence. I really do hope that they see this as an opportunity to pay for school or whatever and that it is a step along the way rather than the destination or career. Who knows whether they are telling me the truth but most seem to be in school or taking courses or whatever. Then again i believe them when they tell me that I look young and that i am great looking.
Good for you, man. Those pretty ladies seem crash on
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Dec 25, 2006
I don't think the answer would be that different in the civilian world. Even celebrities who made big bucks end up broke. Corey Heim died broke. Spencer Pratt is broke and living off his credit cards. Greece is broke. Spain is broke. Sorry, I digress. As I mentioned previously, I placed an ad in CL to sell some items and 99% of the people who called had no money.
I think the difference is, the average person doesn't have the salary to save $100-200K/year after tax and living expenses (as per Emm's estimate earlier in this thread), which when you back out taxes and living expenses, would be like earning a $200-400K salary. We're talking a Senior to Executive VP level salary at a Fortune 500 company.
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