St Patty Terb Party


New member
Sep 7, 2005
I just came back from another excellent party organized by Sheik. Thank you!

Also big thanks to Andy of Mirage, Mike of Entourage, and other agencies for bringing your girls and to all the ladies who came, it would be a sausage party without you beautiful ladies. :p

A pleasant surprise was seeing Taylor (ex Brooklyn). You look hot hot hot baby. You seem to be enjoying your "retired" life and I am very happy for you.

I met a few hotties and I have to see them very soon; in no particular order...Kayla of Mirage (I think it was her, the one with angel wings tattoos on her back), London of Entourage, Allegra of Entourage and Angela of GOE.

Also nice chat with datydude, we exchanged intelligence..hehe

Great nite to say the least


Just Horny
Aug 22, 2001
between the sheets
Yes I agree great night. A few comments , Brandi of Mirage, WOW!! Katie Pie of Hollywood, YES please! It was great seeing all the ladies. There was a hot Asian blonde lady but she was not in the industry she said, too bad. I like the Spearmint for parties the staff looked relaxed, the dejay kept on trying to get us to make noise but we were too busy making connections. Funny how all the guys were crowded around all the ladies, like bees to honey and yes there were some honnies there tonight. I know for myself the terb parites are usually followed up with me visiting the ladies at a later date but had I not seen them at a terb party I may not have considered them. So ladies advertising is good but showing up at a terb party is the best advertisements. Too bad none of the Sassy ladies showed up but the Sassy management was there. I was hoping Tila would have been there so I could have planned my week but she wasn't so I'll visit others now.
Thanks again sheik for organizing this party its the best form of networking this industry has.


Sep 28, 2007
can't get over taylor/brooklyn. congrats to her. I never had the desire to see her as brooklyn but now.... I'll just have to take that desire elsewhere cuz she ain't even eligible!


Lucky lil Monkey...
Nov 18, 2009
Out being curious
I like that it was at the spearmint! airport works for

Glad to meet a bunch of the name a few...too bad i didn't get to meet was also very nice to see amber of GOE who I had a visit with earlier today (gonna write the review after this post) who is an absolute wildcat! Also, good to meet mike (entourage) and andy (mirage) both very straight up cool guys...

too bad livia of mirage was sick...i would've really liked to meet her

i went up and met every girl i wanted to..except one......probably the most petite one there...not sure if she was an escort or worker..short blonde and very petite...wearing a black dress...i think she was selling tickets...anyone?

thanks to sheik and all others who helped out for organizing...maybe next time i'll actually get to meet him and thank him in person


Mar 28, 2008
I went up and met every girl i wanted to..except one......probably the most petite one there...not sure if she was an escort or worker..short blonde and very petite...wearing a black dress...i think she was selling tickets...anyone?
I think that was Jade of Muse.

I was hoping to see Latika, but a pleasent surprise was meeting Britney of Mirage - such a sweetheart.

Thanks again to S
heik for organizing but will wonder what's gonna happen after reading his letter with the rafle tickets purchase.


Mar 23, 2006
Does anyone know who the tall blonde in the hot low cut jeans was? she was HOT. Was a pleasure to Katiepie there she is such a woman sweet girl love to take her home to mama (lol)
Met a new girl there countryrose ind. have to toftt on this one sweeeeet. Nice part however I think alot of people knew each other like a close knit club wished people were a bit more friendly and not made it feell like it was just a gathering of old friends. Hats off to Entourage for having there ladies with a name tag on "Entourage" must admit you have the hottest girls out there.
All in all great time Rhino knows how to rock good DJ and nice dancers classy place. Lets all loosen up for the next Terb party can't wait.
Hats off to Muse massage girls now thats the type of women I want massaging me lol. very hot ladies and a good job on selling those raffle tickets even though i didn't win a prize .
May 22, 2008
st. patty party was pretty good. it wasnt as large of a scale as the christmas party but i don't wanna take anything away from the st patty party. it was still really good. met a lot of people, drank and had a hell of a time. met quite a few people. allegra @ entourage stood out for me a lot. other than that. looking forward to terb christmas! lol....9 months away...


Lucky lil Monkey...
Nov 18, 2009
Out being curious
Does anyone know who the tall blonde in the hot low cut jeans was? she was HOT. Was a pleasure to Katiepie there she is such a woman sweet girl love to take her home to mama (lol)
Met a new girl there countryrose ind. have to toftt on this one sweeeeet. Nice part however I think alot of people knew each other like a close knit club wished people were a bit more friendly and not made it feell like it was just a gathering of old friends. Hats off to Entourage for having there ladies with a name tag on "Entourage" must admit you have the hottest girls out there.
All in all great time Rhino knows how to rock good DJ and nice dancers classy place. Lets all loosen up for the next Terb party can't wait.
Hats off to Muse massage girls now thats the type of women I want massaging me lol. very hot ladies and a good job on selling those raffle tickets even though i didn't win a prize .
the tall blonde in the low cut jeans was crystal

Viggo Rasmussen

New member
Feb 5, 2010
It took awhile for the party to warm up, I arrived at 9 and it was still frosty. Name tags would have helped broken the ice. It seemed like a full club, I was surprised by the good turnout considering the party didn't have a high profile on here.

The arrival of Mirage woman certainly helped, you could see every head turn when they made their entrance.
Pandora, a very attractive dancer from the Rhino was very welcoming and liked to chat - she was curious about what terb was all about.

I chatted with several playful Entourage beauties, met with some gorgeous Muse people - I can see why they are so popular. I met with Molly, Gen and Deme of the independent harlots, it was inspiring to see Gen's legendary fist - soon to be cast and showcased for the world to admire. Deme is one woman you want at any party, she really warmed up the place for me. Molly was in the green spirit and we were lucky to have her among us. Wish I talked to Flora and Tgirl Nikki who I recognized from their photos.

There were a few others I was shy to approach but I'm glad I said hi to Katie Pie, Crystal B and Maxine.
I enjoyed seeing Carmen K's stage show, she was friendly to talk to afterwards as well.

Thank you Rhino!
May 22, 2008
It took awhile for the party to warm up, I arrived at 9 and it was still frosty. Name tags would have helped broken the ice. It seemed like a full club, I was surprised by the good turnout considering the party didn't have a high profile on here.

The arrival of Mirage woman certainly helped, you could see every head turn when they made their entrance.
Pandora, a very attractive dancer from the Rhino was very welcoming and liked to chat - she was curious about what terb was all about.

I chatted with several playful Entourage beauties, met with some gorgeous Muse people - I can see why they are so popular. I met with Molly, Gen and Deme of the independent harlots, it was inspiring to see Gen's legendary fist - soon to be cast and showcased for the world to admire. Deme is one woman you want at any party, she really warmed up the place for me. Molly was in the green spirit and we were lucky to have her among us. Wish I talked to Flora and Tgirl Nikki who I recognized from their photos.

There were a few others I was shy to approach but I'm glad I said hi to Katie Pie, Crystal B and Maxine.
I enjoyed seeing Carmen K's stage show, she was friendly to talk to afterwards as well.

Thank you Rhino!
when did mirage show up? didnt see them. i bolted around 12:30 since i had work this morning.

Viggo Rasmussen

New member
Feb 5, 2010
when did mirage show up? didnt see them. i bolted around 12:30 since i had work this morning.
Just after 9, maybe 9:30. They even got the DJ announcement!
I left about the same time as you.
It's easier to chat with people who are standing, seated in a group is less approachable. That's why I had more encounters with Entourage women than Mirage but they were all friendly and gorgeous.

Never Compromised

Hiding from Screw Worm
Feb 1, 2006
Great to see Muffin Muncher, sorry we did not chat more. Thanks to the gentleman that invited me for a shot of tequila, it certainly added a glow to the night. It was nice chatting with Ruby Tuesday for the first time. It is always a delight to meet indy girls that are new to the business. Steph is always wonderful to chat with, and I was disappointed that she only brought one red hot woman with her. Who was that masked man in the Mustang, and why did he kiss another guy? The Muse ladies were so delightful to chat with, and that redhead... mmmmm. I have forgotten the name of the Entourage lady with the sleeve, but she was very nice to chat with. Too bad the URL for Entourage is 404. It was delightful to meet the masked Aubree Hunter, I have no doubt you will find the success you deserve.

Andy, what can I say? Thanks for bringing a wonderful assortment of ladies, the drinks, putting up a 2 hour duo as a prize and the food. Taylor, all the best, I'm happy for you.

And finally Britney. I have to admit, you certainly made my night. It is not often that someone asks me to slap her ass in a bar, then complains that I did not do it hard enough! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and letting me get to know you a little.
May 22, 2008
Just after 9, maybe 9:30. They even got the DJ announcement!
I left about the same time as you.
It's easier to chat with people who are standing, seated in a group is less approachable. That's why I had more encounters with Entourage women than Mirage but they were all friendly and gorgeous. mirage showed @ 9 ish? didn't see them at all.


Jul 25, 2004
It took awhile for the party to warm up, I arrived at 9 and it was still frosty. Name tags would have helped broken the ice.
Christmas I was one of the few wearing name tags - seems many would prefer to stay anonymous. I was there about the same time and was quickly grabbed by one of the dancers who was very friendly. I was disappointed when I offered to take a few dances that there was a cover charge - I would think that for the volume of business coming in they would try nickel & diming us. [Judging from my last visit some months ago - I hope Rino picks up Sheik's airfare for his trip to LV or a make a donation to his charity as the business brought in by the Terb party was major over regular attendance]

The Rino is a classy place but I enjoyed myself much more at the Christmas party at MI - there simply was more energy there [IMHO]. Guess it is my short attention span but by 11 PM - I was a little bored and moved on.

I do appreciate these are hard to set up - thanks Sheik. Rino - if you are reading this - nice club but drop the VIP cover because there are just too many great alternatives around you to draw the regulars [again IMHO]
May 22, 2008

there was more energy at the christmas party purely cause of the numbers. the christmas party had a lot of more people and more than doubled the amount of agencies and indys and so on. there were probably double the terbies @ the christmas party. but really, the spearmint was a way better club and their stage shows were definitely better than the ones @ the christmas party.


Puttin' in Face Time
Oct 8, 2003
I had a good time as well, thanks as always to Sheik.

I didn't stay that late but I was very glad to hang out and chat with:

Maxine - looking sexy and eyeing all the girls to see which ones are bi - hey save some for the boys!

the Mirage hotties like Brandi, Kayla, Lola, and the ever ravishing and yet smug-in-her-own-juiciness Dawn :), and of course Andy and Josie, you guys MAKE these parties ---

Kareena who is just such a hot and sweet dish I want to just cut us up together and wok-fry us ---

the rest of the entourage from Entourage... London! Sonya! Allegra! Mackenzie! there's still a bulge in my pants!... (total crush on these girls!) ---

Toya Starr, very sexy, glad I met you on the way out. Samantha from GSpot, also nice to chat, however briefly.

of course a few gents who come out to these parties like dreamblade, Godiva (Godiva -- I can never remember your buddy's handle), Doug, always good to see you guys.

I knew there were quite a few people who I would have liked to meet and who I didn't (where the hell were you Deme? Faye?)... see you at Xmas?
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