So what's with all this squirting?

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
Dr Gragenberg was wrong in calling it a spot as it is tube shaped. It is the urethral sponge which surrounds the urethral canal. The Skenes gland inside the sponge creates female ejaculate

The erectile tissue of urethral sponge is composed of capillaries that transport blood whose wall is one cell thick. The Skenes gland has hair like tentacles, also one cell thick walls, enmeshed in the erectile tissue that run throughout the tube.

This means serum, which is the water in our blood, can enter the gland and mix with the glandular secretions and become amirta.

There are openings between the the gland and the urethral canal that allows the female to squirt this fluid throughout the canal as well as two other openings at the end of the urethral canal.

Because this fluid is serum and the process of diffusion is instantaneous, huge amounts of amirta can be squirted over an extended period. The more fluid a female drinks beforehand the greater the squirt.

This process is somewhat similar to how a female produces milk.

Female erectile tissue is similar to males in that they are capillaries that trap blood to become enlarged. The difference is that the female capillaries do not always empty after orgasm, and they do not all empty at once like the male's, which is why females can have continual orgasms without a rest phase.

Amirta has been known of for thousands of years and has been called The nectar of the Gods by medicine and religious leaders.


New member
Sep 6, 2007
under the sheets
Says you... Hee hee...

Yep I did say that
Sure! Her & I have a nice little giggle about your attempts to have "sext"... It really is an art form ya know... (if don't properly... I mean.)
And I get a good laugh outta you trying to get her to send you her sexy pics...LOL


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2009
Personally I don't really care WHAT it is, all I know is that it's one of the best things I know how to do!
TOTALLY agree with you..I couldn't care where it comes from or what it is!!'s sexy, sensual, erotic and I love it!!!
It's clear and totally odorless = it doesn't stain my sheets or towels or smell nasty like pee would and the fluid is also more or less tasteless (well it tastes like pussy...mmm).

I know is that it's one of the best things I know how to do!
I concur!

(Anyone else notice fuji is strangely absent from this thread now...)

Come on fuji... time to man up and admit you were wrong.


Oct 1, 2007
You guys seem awfully certain of your different positions, considering the actual scientists studying the phenomenon are unable to agree.

The fact is, the actual verdict is still out. The number of published studies are miniscule. Anecdotal evidence, of the “I’ve tasted mine, and it isn’t pee,” or, “I’ve seen and tasted my partner’s ejaculate, and I know it isn’t pee,” don’t count for much. And the number of women actually scientifically “tested” to date, remains at only a few dozen. Most of the hard data favors fuji's position, with one anomalous case that seems to support the other side.

Me, I don’t care, one way or another.

But I can tell you guys one thing… I’ve personally seen more squirting in the civilian population in the last five years than in the previous 20 years combined.

I’ve been in the swing lifestyle with different partners for pretty much all of that time, so trust me, I’ve banged an absolutely shocking number of civilians over those 25 years, and have seen a staggering, even horrifying, number of civilian women being banged by other people.

Talk to people who’ve hosted parties over the years, or who’ve been stripping the beds at Ozone, M4, or Wicked Club on Sunday mornings lately, if you don’t believe my observation is accurate.

So what’s with all this squirting...lately? Why does squirting suddenly seem to be so ubiquitous nowadays, that you can’t pass by a bed in the playrooms at Ozone without a full hazmat suit and an umbrella?

The reasons are various: I surmise that a lot of women who were previously afraid to be intimate because of fears of orgasm induced incontinence, are now feeling free, and even empowered, to let everything go, and have better orgasms, and damn the bed and what the neighbors think. And that’s a good thing.

Sex education continues to expand in the popular conciousness at an almost exponential rate the last few years. While the Kama Sutra is hundreds of years old, “foreplay” as a popular term was coined only a few decades ago. Acts of cuninlingus can be seen depicted on Roman pottery, but was for all practical intents and purposes, only “discovered” in the west sometime in the 70’s with the popularization of books like “The joy of Sex” and “The Sensuous Man.” Your parents may have been into the 69 position, but the odds are good that your grandparents never heard of it.

Read those books. I did as a kid. They’re laughable now, but they were pretty much all my generation had as far as real, how-to, sex education went - pre-internet - unless we spent extensive amounts of time in foreign ports, or traveling through exotic lands. Now a kid can go to the local library, and learn about Tantric licking techniques, and if he’s paying attention, can walk out a pretty skillful lover a few hours later.

Most civilian chicks still agree, however, that most men are incompetent lovers. It seems that most couldn’t find a clitoris with a road map and a flashlight, but a growing percentage of guys are reading the books, watching the videos and starting to “get it.” Women are demanding more, and getting that too. All good things.

So, an ever increasing number of guys are developing better technical skill-sets and figuring out how to give better orgasms, and a growing number of women are becoming less inhibited, and more body aware, and going to classes and taking orgasm courses and shit, and actually having better, deeper orgasms, and the former taboo about leaving a wet spot has now a turned into the “splotch of honor.”

And if it all does just turn out to be mainly just stress induced incontinence, who gives a damn? I feel that whether I manage to make a woman come so hard she actually ejaculates, or just comes so hard she pisses the bed a little - who cares - as long as everybody comes and feels good about it the next day?


New member
Jul 2, 2009
I'm a squirter myself and no it is not urine. I'm sure it is possible to have a tiny amount of urine in there since it is coming from the same but I always make sure to go to the bathroom before doing this and this just proves that it's not urine. it has always been clear. Most of the time I squirt is when I'm masturbating alone and I have squirted so much that I have hit myself in the face. When I'm with someone else and they're into this, I can do it on command but only with sex toys and certain times of the month are better than others. It definitely is a great sight to see. I view squirting as a gift since I haven't always been able to do it. I think it's because I've hit my sexual peak in recent years.


Jan 17, 2003
It's not urine. It comes from within the vagina, and it is a woman's bodies way of lubricating for childbirth. Every woman is capable of squirting, You just have to stimulate the right area.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
If it doesn't smell like piss, taste like piss, feel like piss ( its slightly slippery) it ain't piss. Never met someone who has actually experienced it who still thinks it is. I feel sorry for you guys that haven't seen it. It's awesome.

Porn squirting could be anything though. Hell if they fake cum shots with milk they are capable of doing anything.


Oct 1, 2007
Wow are you ever a cynic but hey I'm getting kind of use to your contrarian banter. The following is the only link I found but it seems to match more with the experience of some of the woman on this board whom I tend to believe more than I would believe you. (actually I wouldn't trust you for advice on how to walk across the street). While this issue has been debated, there is a medical explanation that does go beyond just simple urination. I'll even bet that your the kind of dude that believes firmly that this subject is just another feminist attempt at being able to do something a man can.:rolleyes:

Such emotional opinions based on such a paucity of data! I’m tempted to say nothing, as I’m all for wet spots, and the lack of hard evidence that is helping to encourage them.

However, this last mention of the feminist perspective on the data, exhibits such an amusing cluelessness, that I have to say something. The modern feminist agenda is pretty unhappy about the “female prostate” label, wanting to have nothing to do with anything that compares them to males, especially the notion that their prostates may be smaller, or vestigial, or even vaguely related. If you ever feel like a swift kick in the nuts, from someone other than an SP specializing in such things, go mention to a feminist the exciting conclusion reached by Beltzer in 1981 “that it is theoretically plausible,” (that some of her orgasmic ejaculatory excretions) “may be from a embryologic homologue to the male prostate!”

Enjoy yourself.

The problem with Wikipedia, we must be continually remind ourselves is that it is written by us, actual Terbites in some cases, and is continually evolving. The Female Prostate article alluded to was written by someone who actually believes in the female prostate, and while it provides some references, I doubt it will be around in its present form for very long.

Since KF mentioned he could only find one reference, I invite him to go to the Wikipedia article on Female Ejaculation, and check out the ‘Nature of the Fluid’ section/paragraph. But please, check the references. Summaries are available online. There are only four, by the way.

The first one by by Addiego and colleagues reported in 1981 was of only one, single, solitary person.
While the study convinced a lot of people that female ejaculation exists and that it comes from the female prostate, the study, however, has been negatively peer reviewed with the criticism of no control for volume differences in the ejaculation fluid samples and the urine samples. And that the samples showed higher levels of PAP(prostatic enzyme) three orders of magnitude lower (1000 times lower) than seen in male prostatic fluid.

The next study by Goldburg, Whipple, et al was of eleven women (only six of whom were ejaculators) and examination of the ejaculate of the six failed to detect elevated levels of PAP and the substance appeared similar in biochemical properties to urine. This studies methodology is considered in peer review to have been “rigorous” and the result did not support the author’s previous contentions in the area. In other words, it sounds like they expected a different outcome.

The next study by Belzer and Whipple, 1984, found seven subjects to examine, and their study contradicted the previous one. The samples seemed to differ from urine, with one woman's sample well within the normal male ejaculate range for TIAP (used to be PAP) (15,000 units vs. 2.4-155 for the other samples).

This study, unfortunately, is completely fucked up, as the authors did not actually supervise the collection of samples and cannot say how they were actually obtained. Peer criticism further extends to finding no sense of controlling for bias in the study at all.
Wikipedia contributor of that section doesn’t mention this, merely states in comparing the two studies, (one rigorously scientific, and the other flawed and sloppy) by “suggesting that results depend critically on the methods used.”

This statement is pure Wikipedia. It is not untrue - just not helpful, confusing, and suggestive of bias.

I love Wikipedia. I just know she’s a lying bitch that you have to watch like a hawk. This kind of thing is why you’re not allowed to stand up in a serious discussion, a science convention for example and say, “Well according to Wikipedia….”

So to continue with the next study, the 1985 study by Alzte, et al, the largest study of all, found the ejaculate of all 27 sample subjects to be “chemically indistinguishable from urine.”

Then hooray! in 2007, Wimpissinger, Stifter, Grin and Stackl, studied two women with the findings that the fluid was biochemically different from voided urine samples and showing all the parameters found in prostate plasma.

This study is too new to access unless I try an institutional connection rather than my internet.

That’s it. So far. And you guys are screaming at each other, and name calling?

If we eliminate the 2010 studies conducted by tboy, et al here of the University of Terb, of taste test comparisons with unspecified control samples of previously tasted urine, and consider them anecdotal, and, if we’re agnostic on the subject we call the Belzer and Whpipple 1984 study inconclusive, what we have left is a rather dismal range of data to base these highly-exercised conclusions upon.

We start with a handful of squirters scientifically, biochemically analyzed to date, (only 43) with the majority (33) just pissing the bed. This leaves only three with some PSA which is significant, and 6 from a highly discreditable study showing positives one with such high PAP levels, it would seem likely to have contained some actual man goo mixed in.

Still, we do have three women out of 36 that seem to show that something is definitely going on, beyond, or more than, them just them just pissing the bed.
Urine is often clear, odorless and tasteless when its fresh, and the body is healthy and well hydrated. I can suggest a simple test for our junior home scientists - and that would be to capture a sample, and check for an ammonia smell a few days later compared to a sample of urine taken at around the same time.

But do you really want to know?

My advice is just keep saying, “Go Squirters!” and just keep putting down the quilt pads, keep Scotch Guarding the mattress, keep some extra sheets handy, and just keep going at it.


Jan 31, 2005
Looks like robinto just kicked KF's ass.

Robin, ignore kingfisher's personal insults, he is rude and narrow minded and does not know how to debate properly or politely. He has his beliefs and they will not be changed. When you provide evidence and facts that contradict what he thinks he will switch to insulting you. Other than demonstrating to everyone on the board what sort of person he is, it won't be a productive conversation.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
I think that female ejaculation of lubricating fluid and not urine is possible. However for squirtting fanatics, particularly those who are paying for the service, they are usually receiving urine., very diluted urine. The SP simple takes in an excessive of fluids, usually water and just empties their bladder on command with the accompanying fake orgasm. Another variation of the golden shower, although in a real golden shower the urine is not so diluted. It is as simple as that and that is what they are being paid to do! In my limited personal experience I have had only two woman who squirt small amounts of slightly viscous fluid on orgasm, some others who produced a steady flow which can soak the bed too. and it was not urine. Only once have I had a woman squirt like in a porn video, and she apologized and seemingly admitting it was loss of bladder control in cowgirl. It is impossible for men to urinate with a full erection, and during ejaculation the sperm is protected from urine, which if this was not the case would be incompatible with conception. Woman also in most causes do not urinate on orgasm, again to protect the sperm from urine and to facilitate conception. Maybe in cases of infertility, it could be that a disorder is present which allows urine, either female or male to mix with the sperm or the egg? Nature knows best IMHO


Oct 1, 2007
so deal with it fool.

So deal with it fool.

Oh dear me.

Fair enough. Just please don’t disrespect my momma, now, yo? Okay?

KF You don’t read very well, so I shouldn’t be surprised that you don’t think very well either. You also can’t remember what you yourself just wrote, so I can’t expect you to remember what I wrote in my first post, so I’ll just try and make this real quick, and then let you spin-out into conspiracy-theory heaven to your hearts delight.

I didn’t say that I thought that the issue of the female prostate will fad (sic) away, merely that the Wikipedia article you just cited will morph and change, and if I may actually quote myself, “it will (not) be around in its present form for very long.” Possibly no sooner than five minutes from now. That is the nature of Wikipedia articles, especially shabbily put together ones with some inappropriate references.

But seriously, no one doubts the existence of the glands, just their widespread characterization as an embryologic homologue to the male prostate. The Wikipedia article says, “SOME PEOPLE believe that the Skene's glands are the source of female ejaculation” then references a science paper from an author who agrees that most people don't. Beverly Whipple one of the authors of the discredited study I mentioned calls the Skene’s glands the female prostate. She used to be Nurse Beverly, the author of a 1980’s pop-Sci paperback book on the G-spot, by the way. She is also the probable author of that Wikipage. Do you know who DOESN'T call the Skene’s glands the Female Prostate? Your doctor. My doctor. Cycleguy’s wife’s gynecologist, and the gynees’ of the two women squirters who posted here. Or the head of the Ontario College of Surgeons. Acceptance of a FP is not mainstream orthodoxy. It’s a thirty year old theory that hasn’t held up too well in studies, with few studies done, and inconclusive and contradictory results, often indicative of bad science or fraud. It’s a minority view, based on the science to date, so YOU deal with THAT you unconscionable, pompous balloon head.

You said, and I quote directly, “As you can see the (sic) no were (sic) does it say that any of the secretions contain urine.” I beg your pardon? The four studies I took the trouble to summarize for you were all cited in the references you gave, and in the main linked article. What the hell is wrong with you?

Am I “ignoring the experience that many woman in this thread are telling me, just because I am a big, smart man?” Heh? Do I reject the deeply felt feelings of the women who have posted here saying they “know” the fluid they have ejaculated or have tasted is not piss, but rather cum in copious quantities? Not necessarily, but 90% of the women tested thus far have been squirting piss in 100% of the cases actually tested.

They’re welcome to test my ammonia theory at home if they like, and contact the scientists doing ongoing research if they feel like it afterward. However, there is a risk (a 90% chance according to the current data) that they might be unhappy with the results, so I say, “Why bother?”

Cycleguy, my estimable fellow, and Ladies, if you think that you might be dismayed to find out that what’s really been squirting is really just 100% piss, or possibly partly piss mixed with PSA, vaginal lubrication, cum, Skene's fluid, or goddamn pixie dust for it matters, then I would advise against attempting the experiment. Far better to let well off alone, and believe that what's been shooting at you in shooting copious quantities is clear sweet nectar from a gland that produces a teaspoon or so of fluid at best, and the rest coming from a source yet to be discovered or identified. Maybe it is. The odds are just stacked against it.

KP, my young gangsta-Padawon-abee, if you had the wit to understand my first post, and my second, you’d see that I’m agnostic on the subject, and while the verdict is still out, the three actual PAP squirters scientifically validated biochemically thus far, means “something is or may be going on,” as I said earlier, but much more research needs to be done.

Ask your guidance councilor to explain the scientific method to you. Briefly, the goal is to posit a question, formulate and test the hypothesis, and observe and document results. Then retest, and see if you can repeat the results. Then other people try it, and if they can repeat it. You guys are way too excited at this stage of the process, which is still essentially in the hypothesis stage.

Consequently, any assertion of FACT on this matter must be at this time be treated as false. As NOT FACT in other words.

The smart people on this forum understand that. Too bad for you. I’m sure that all you can see is the word false, and I can imagine that you’re starting to hyperventilate. Sorry. But you clearly don’t even understand simple English let alone the scientific stuff, and method.

KP, you say that you are too lazy and uninterested to follow up sources for me. You say that in a prideful way without realizing is that lazy and uninterested are the two main characteristics of people who are stupid.

The assertions being made here are very contentious and controversial. Skene’s glands as you say, have been nicknamed the female prostate by SOME researchers. Skenes glands are more prominent in some women and not identifiable in others. The gland is so tiny, that in an Italian study of 14 women, it couldn’t even be detected in 5 of them.

My closing statement which was echoed in sentiment in my previous post, and reveals my feeling that acceptance of squirting is a good thing, and has resulted in many women losing their dread fear of leaving a wet spot on the bed, (from piss or come or whatever) and this is a net benefit to everybody. In the private areas of the clubs, I’m hearting people say, “Oooohhh a gusher!” Instead of “Eeeewww, a gusher!”

That’s a fine thing, because now that same woman isn’t holding back anymore, and is really coming, with a kind of money shot proof of it, if you care about such things. But if it is really just pee in almost every case, as Fuji said, fresh pee is actually sterile, and perfectly harmless.

But I have no doubt that you still don’t get it. It looks as though you might be a little dumber than I had originally surmised, so I apologize for not being clearer, or cleverer, or using simpler terms, or something. But I somehow suspect that your inability to understand abstract concepts has less to do with my ability to communicate ideas, as much as the fact that you are big stupid head.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
So deal with it fool.

Oh dear me.

Fair enough. Just please don’t disrespect my momma, now, yo? Okay?

KF You don’t read very well, so I shouldn’t be surprised that you don’t think very well either. You also can’t remember what you yourself just wrote, so I can’t expect you to remember what I wrote in my first post, so I’ll just try and make this real quick, and then let you spin-out into conspiracy-theory heaven to your hearts delight.

I didn’t say that I thought that the issue of the female prostate will fad (sic) away, merely that the Wikipedia article you just cited will morph and change, and if I may actually quote myself, “it will (not) be around in its present form for very long.” Possibly no sooner than five minutes from now. That is the nature of Wikipedia articles, especially shabbily put together ones with some inappropriate references.

But seriously, no one doubts the existence of the glands, just their widespread characterization as an embryologic homologue to the male prostate. The Wikipedia article says, “SOME PEOPLE believe that the Skene's glands are the source of female ejaculation” then references a science paper from an author who agrees that most people don't. Beverly Whipple one of the authors of the discredited study I mentioned calls the Skene’s glands the female prostate. She used to be Nurse Beverly, the author of a 1980’s pop-Sci paperback book on the G-spot, by the way. She is also the probable author of that Wikipage. Do you know who DOESN'T call the Skene’s glands the Female Prostate? Your doctor. My doctor. Cycleguy’s wife’s gynecologist, and the gynees’ of the two women squirters who posted here. Or the head of the Ontario College of Surgeons. Acceptance of a FP is not mainstream orthodoxy. It’s a thirty year old theory that hasn’t held up too well in studies, with few studies done, and inconclusive and contradictory results, often indicative of bad science or fraud. It’s a minority view, based on the science to date, so YOU deal with THAT you unconscionable, pompous balloon head.

You said, and I quote directly, “As you can see the (sic) no were (sic) does it say that any of the secretions contain urine.” I beg your pardon? The four studies I took the trouble to summarize for you were all cited in the references you gave, and in the main linked article. What the hell is wrong with you?

Am I “ignoring the experience that many woman in this thread are telling me, just because I am a big, smart man?” Heh? Do I reject the deeply felt feelings of the women who have posted here saying they “know” the fluid they have ejaculated or have tasted is not piss, but rather cum in copious quantities? Not necessarily, but 90% of the women tested thus far have been squirting piss in 100% of the cases actually tested.

They’re welcome to test my ammonia theory at home if they like, and contact the scientists doing ongoing research if they feel like it afterward. However, there is a risk (a 90% chance according to the current data) that they might be unhappy with the results, so I say, “Why bother?”

Cycleguy, my estimable fellow, and Ladies, if you think that you might be dismayed to find out that what’s really been squirting is really just 100% piss, or possibly partly piss mixed with PSA, vaginal lubrication, cum, Skene's fluid, or goddamn pixie dust for it matters, then I would advise against attempting the experiment. Far better to let well off alone, and believe that what's been shooting at you in shooting copious quantities is clear sweet nectar from a gland that produces a teaspoon or so of fluid at best, and the rest coming from a source yet to be discovered or identified. Maybe it is. The odds are just stacked against it.

KP, my young gangsta-Padawon-abee, if you had the wit to understand my first post, and my second, you’d see that I’m agnostic on the subject, and while the verdict is still out, the three actual PAP squirters scientifically validated biochemically thus far, means “something is or may be going on,” as I said earlier, but much more research needs to be done.

Ask your guidance councilor to explain the scientific method to you. Briefly, the goal is to posit a question, formulate and test the hypothesis, and observe and document results. Then retest, and see if you can repeat the results. Then other people try it, and if they can repeat it. You guys are way too excited at this stage of the process, which is still essentially in the hypothesis stage.

Consequently, any assertion of FACT on this matter must be at this time be treated as false. As NOT FACT in other words.

The smart people on this forum understand that. Too bad for you. I’m sure that all you can see is the word false, and I can imagine that you’re starting to hyperventilate. Sorry. But you clearly don’t even understand simple English let alone the scientific stuff, and method.

KP, you say that you are too lazy and uninterested to follow up sources for me. You say that in a prideful way without realizing is that lazy and uninterested are the two main characteristics of people who are stupid.

The assertions being made here are very contentious and controversial. Skene’s glands as you say, have been nicknamed the female prostate by SOME researchers. Skenes glands are more prominent in some women and not identifiable in others. The gland is so tiny, that in an Italian study of 14 women, it couldn’t even be detected in 5 of them.

My closing statement which was echoed in sentiment in my previous post, and reveals my feeling that acceptance of squirting is a good thing, and has resulted in many women losing their dread fear of leaving a wet spot on the bed, (from piss or come or whatever) and this is a net benefit to everybody. In the private areas of the clubs, I’m hearting people say, “Oooohhh a gusher!” Instead of “Eeeewww, a gusher!”

That’s a fine thing, because now that same woman isn’t holding back anymore, and is really coming, with a kind of money shot proof of it, if you care about such things. But if it is really just pee in almost every case, as Fuji said, fresh pee is actually sterile, and perfectly harmless.

But I have no doubt that you still don’t get it. It looks as though you might be a little dumber than I had originally surmised, so I apologize for not being clearer, or cleverer, or using simpler terms, or something. But I somehow suspect that your inability to understand abstract concepts has less to do with my ability to communicate ideas, as much as the fact that you are big stupid head.
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