Toyota with stuck gas pedal


Active member
Oct 9, 2002
I don't get it , these people with the toyota's with the problem accelerators.

why didn't they just put the car into neutral, or shut the ignition off, instead of just accelerating until they hit something.

The lady I saw on the news even had enough time to call someone. It wasn't like they were trying to stop at an intersection and it kept going which caused an accident. It seemed like the car just kept accelerating until they lost control of it.


New member
May 6, 2005
IMO... the Toyota problems are just a way of American Politics/Media to hurt their image and help out GM/Chrysler/Ford to gain back some lost market share.

I have never owned an American made car & still never intend too.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Yeah, I can't believe it either. Well, when you figure most people can't maintain a constant speed on the highway or keep a straight smooth course do you even have to ask?

My first car was a 1970 dodge dart and in the winter the throttle would stick. I can't tell you how many times I was sitting at a light on a snowy day with the back right wheel spinning lol.

Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
Also, if you stomp on the brakes, it should be able to stop the car, even if the gas pedal is completely floored.

Reminds me of the Audi "sudden acceleration" issue a few years back.

Audi took a lot bad plublicity over it and it turned out it was driver "mis-aplication" of the gas pedal.

It was also funny that the victims all seemed to seniors and women.

Apparently they were stomping on the gas, thinking it was the brake and then blamine the car.

Too bad for Audi, too bad for Toyota.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
The cars that have a push button starter "switch" need to be pushed in for 3 seconds to shut the motor off. How retard the governments and all their safety BS could allow the cars to be sold that way I have no idea!

People are dumbasses behind the wheel. We see it everyday, why if an emergency happens would they do any better, ha ha.

Sad part is one of the "dumasses" who did not put the car in neutral or shut the motor off was a California police officer who just tried to drive the car down the road when the engine went full throttle and the 3 other people in the car called 911 screaming they were going to die--sadly they all did.


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2005
What really gets me is that Congress has wasted tax payer dollars to sit down and have a discussion/hearing in regards to the matter. Toyota identified the problem and came up with a solution for it.
Do they not have enough to keep themselves busy with, like job creation, budget deficits, 2 wars, health care, etc...that they need to focus on Toyota. Seems like the US Government is looking for a way to push the POTUS' buy American agenda to a different level.
Toyota is still one of the best built automobile on the road today.

The US Gov. just want to show the public that they are doing something. If it was GM with the problem, they prblably would just shut up.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I don't know that the brakes would have the ability to overcome the momentum already created by the engine. Not only would they have to stop the car, they'd be fighting the engine too (if you have done a brake burn you'd know what I mean).

Easiest thing to do is drop it into first or low, let the engine over rev and either blow, or slow you down to half speed.
Throw it into neutral and let it blow, then apply the brakes and once in control turn off the key.
Turn off the key.

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
IMO... the Toyota problems are just a way of American Politics/Media to hurt their image and help out GM/Chrysler/Ford to gain back some lost market share.

I have never owned an American made car & still never intend too.
It would hurt the U.S. gov't rate of return on their investment.

I've never owned domestic, and never first Honda was Japanese, and all the rest have been made in Alliston. So yeah I buy Canadian built vehicles, they're just Japanese branded!!! :D


New member
Sep 22, 2004
Seems to me the US Government is in Buy America mode. Along the way they've conveniently forgot about ALL the recalls the American auto makers have had. Anyone remember the Pinto? There are recalls all the time for US cars. Toyota may be to blame for knowing the fix was "iffy" and for that they'll pay at the salesrooms.

The hearings are a show for the American public to buy American.


New member
Oct 28, 2006
Well, to be fair, there was a Congressional hearing with the Big Three for bailout money.

That was the time where the CEOs were criticized for flying in on private jets.


Active member
Jul 11, 2003
people panic plain and simple. even a police officer who should be able to think clearly did not put the car in neutral. it is easy being the armchair quarterback but when it actually happens to you will you be clear headed enough to put the car in neutral? i hope i would but as it has not happened to be i don't know how quick i would react


who said 'surrender'?
Aug 20, 2003
reading about some alternate movie endings, the townspeople finally killed the wolfman by giving him a new toyota.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
So what are you guys saying????

Everyone is lying and there is NO problem ????
kind of sounds like it eh?

COnsidering Toyota is running commercials during the Olympics that they've shut down production and is going full force to repair the problem vehicles, I'd say this is pretty fricken serious......

as for recalls on N/A vehicles.

I've owned numerous sizes, makes and types over the years and I've had:
North American: EGR valve replacement, power window button, headlight relay, and I think on my last F150, fuel flow sensor.

Never had one that was remotely dangerous in any way shape or form.

As for the pinto problem, remember cars back then weren't as sophisticated as they are now. I guess people forget all the thousands of people killed by the laminated glass in the windshield? The stuff coated with a plastic film would allow your head to go through the glass, then remove it after impact because the glass + film expanded to let your head out, then collapse back onto your neck pressing razor sharp shards of glass into your throat.

Or seat belts, or lack thereof.

All sorts of vehicles exploded or burnt from hard rear end collisions, it was just that pintos were widely reported. (I forget the stat at the time but they were actually only about 10% more likely to burn as opposed to other vehicles. This was actually caused by the location of a bolt on the rear diff cover...the very top one actually).

How about recently the roll over problem with Ford Explorers? Or the tire problem? (which was traced back to U N I O N employees at the tire plant sabotaging the tires during production).


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
people panic plain and simple. even a police officer who should be able to think clearly did not put the car in neutral. it is easy being the armchair quarterback but when it actually happens to you will you be clear headed enough to put the car in neutral? i hope i would but as it has not happened to be i don't know how quick i would react
That's what fire drills and lifeboat drills are about. Avoiding panic. That's why your driving instructor went over 'what to do if the gas pedal sticks or the brakes fail'. Mine did. 'Course cars were simpler then, but everyone knew such things happened now and then.

But if you're smart enough to know people panic, then you should be smart enough to run your own 'fire drills'. When was the last time you checked where the exits were before the lights went down at a theatre? Where's yourfirst aid kit? Could you tie a knot to save your life?

Have you tried the key thing on your own car?
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Dougal Short

Exposed Member
May 20, 2009
The lady I saw on the news even had enough time to call someone. It wasn't like they were trying to stop at an intersection and it kept going which caused an accident. It seemed like the car just kept accelerating until they lost control of it.
I read yestrday that she drove over 6 miles down the highway, essentially out of control. Amazing, but I think a lot of people have very little understanding of how a car actually works.

Do you remember a couple of years ago when gas prices were so high and there was published lists of things you could do to save gas. My favorite was the suggestion that you put the car in neutral and shut the engine off when you were going downhill. This was a great idea, unless of course you had any need to steer or use your brakes...
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